use crate::request::client_builder; use activitypub_federation::config::{Data, FederationConfig}; use anyhow::anyhow; use lemmy_db_schema::{ source::secret::Secret, utils::{build_db_pool_for_tests, ActualDbPool, DbPool}, }; use lemmy_utils::{ rate_limit::RateLimitCell, settings::{structs::Settings, SETTINGS}, }; use reqwest::{Request, Response}; use reqwest_middleware::{ClientBuilder, ClientWithMiddleware, Middleware, Next}; use std::sync::Arc; use task_local_extensions::Extensions; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct LemmyContext { pool: ActualDbPool, client: Arc, secret: Arc, rate_limit_cell: RateLimitCell, } impl LemmyContext { pub fn create( pool: ActualDbPool, client: ClientWithMiddleware, secret: Secret, rate_limit_cell: RateLimitCell, ) -> LemmyContext { LemmyContext { pool, client: Arc::new(client), secret: Arc::new(secret), rate_limit_cell, } } pub fn pool(&self) -> DbPool<'_> { DbPool::Pool(&self.pool) } pub fn inner_pool(&self) -> &ActualDbPool { &self.pool } pub fn client(&self) -> &ClientWithMiddleware { &self.client } pub fn settings(&self) -> &'static Settings { &SETTINGS } pub fn secret(&self) -> &Secret { &self.secret } pub fn rate_limit_cell(&self) -> &RateLimitCell { &self.rate_limit_cell } /// Initialize a context for use in tests, optionally blocks network requests. /// /// Do not use this in production code. pub async fn init_test_context() -> Data { Self::build_test_context(true).await } /// Initialize a context for use in tests, with network requests allowed. /// TODO: get rid of this if possible. /// /// Do not use this in production code. pub async fn init_test_context_with_networking() -> Data { Self::build_test_context(false).await } async fn build_test_context(block_networking: bool) -> Data { // call this to run migrations let pool = build_db_pool_for_tests().await; let client = client_builder(&SETTINGS).build().expect("build client"); let mut client = ClientBuilder::new(client); if block_networking { client = client.with(BlockedMiddleware); } let client =; let secret = Secret { id: 0, jwt_secret: String::new(), }; let rate_limit_cell = RateLimitCell::with_test_config(); let context = LemmyContext::create(pool, client, secret, rate_limit_cell.clone()); let config = FederationConfig::builder() .domain(context.settings().hostname.clone()) .app_data(context) .build() .await .expect("build federation config"); config.to_request_data() } } struct BlockedMiddleware; /// A reqwest middleware which blocks all requests #[async_trait::async_trait] impl Middleware for BlockedMiddleware { async fn handle( &self, _req: Request, _extensions: &mut Extensions, _next: Next<'_>, ) -> reqwest_middleware::Result { Err(anyhow!("Network requests not allowed").into()) } }