extern crate diesel; use schema::{comment, comment_like}; use diesel::*; use diesel::result::Error; use {Crud, Likeable}; // WITH RECURSIVE MyTree AS ( // SELECT * FROM comment WHERE parent_id IS NULL // UNION ALL // SELECT m.* FROM comment AS m JOIN MyTree AS t ON m.parent_id = t.id // ) // SELECT * FROM MyTree; #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug)] #[table_name="comment"] pub struct Comment { pub id: i32, pub content: String, pub attributed_to: String, pub post_id: i32, pub parent_id: Option, pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime, pub updated: Option } #[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone, Copy)] #[table_name="comment"] pub struct CommentForm<'a> { pub content: &'a str, pub attributed_to: &'a str, pub post_id: &'a i32, pub parent_id: Option<&'a i32>, pub updated: Option<&'a chrono::NaiveDateTime> } #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Associations, PartialEq, Debug)] #[belongs_to(Comment)] #[table_name = "comment_like"] pub struct CommentLike { pub id: i32, pub comment_id: i32, pub fedi_user_id: String, pub score: i16, pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime, } #[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone, Copy)] #[table_name="comment_like"] pub struct CommentLikeForm<'a> { pub comment_id: &'a i32, pub fedi_user_id: &'a str, pub score: &'a i16 } impl<'a> Crud> for Comment { fn read(conn: &PgConnection, comment_id: i32) -> Comment { use schema::comment::dsl::*; comment.find(comment_id) .first::(conn) .expect("Error in query") } fn delete(conn: &PgConnection, comment_id: i32) -> usize { use schema::comment::dsl::*; diesel::delete(comment.find(comment_id)) .execute(conn) .expect("Error deleting.") } fn create(conn: &PgConnection, comment_form: CommentForm) -> Result { use schema::comment::dsl::*; insert_into(comment) .values(comment_form) .get_result::(conn) } fn update(conn: &PgConnection, comment_id: i32, comment_form: CommentForm) -> Comment { use schema::comment::dsl::*; diesel::update(comment.find(comment_id)) .set(comment_form) .get_result::(conn) .expect(&format!("Unable to find {}", comment_id)) } } impl<'a> Likeable > for CommentLike { fn like(conn: &PgConnection, comment_like_form: CommentLikeForm) -> Result { use schema::comment_like::dsl::*; insert_into(comment_like) .values(comment_like_form) .get_result::(conn) } fn remove(conn: &PgConnection, comment_like_form: CommentLikeForm) -> usize { use schema::comment_like::dsl::*; diesel::delete(comment_like .filter(comment_id.eq(comment_like_form.comment_id)) .filter(fedi_user_id.eq(comment_like_form.fedi_user_id))) .execute(conn) .expect("Error deleting.") } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use establish_connection; use super::*; use actions::post::*; use Crud; #[test] fn test_crud() { let conn = establish_connection(); let new_post = PostForm { name: "A test post".into(), url: "https://test.com".into(), attributed_to: "test_user.com".into(), updated: None }; let inserted_post = Post::create(&conn, new_post).unwrap(); let comment_form = CommentForm { content: "A test comment".into(), attributed_to: "test_user.com".into(), post_id: &inserted_post.id, parent_id: None, updated: None }; let inserted_comment = Comment::create(&conn, comment_form).unwrap(); let expected_comment = Comment { id: inserted_comment.id, content: "A test comment".into(), attributed_to: "test_user.com".into(), post_id: inserted_post.id, parent_id: None, published: inserted_comment.published, updated: None }; let child_comment_form = CommentForm { content: "A child comment".into(), attributed_to: "test_user.com".into(), post_id: &inserted_post.id, parent_id: Some(&inserted_comment.id), updated: None }; let inserted_child_comment = Comment::create(&conn, child_comment_form).unwrap(); let comment_like_form = CommentLikeForm { comment_id: &inserted_comment.id, fedi_user_id: "test".into(), score: &1 }; let inserted_comment_like = CommentLike::like(&conn, comment_like_form).unwrap(); let expected_comment_like = CommentLike { id: inserted_comment_like.id, comment_id: inserted_comment.id, fedi_user_id: "test".into(), published: inserted_comment_like.published, score: 1 }; let read_comment = Comment::read(&conn, inserted_comment.id); let updated_comment = Comment::update(&conn, inserted_comment.id, comment_form); let like_removed = CommentLike::remove(&conn, comment_like_form); let num_deleted = Comment::delete(&conn, inserted_comment.id); Comment::delete(&conn, inserted_child_comment.id); Post::delete(&conn, inserted_post.id); assert_eq!(expected_comment, read_comment); assert_eq!(expected_comment, inserted_comment); assert_eq!(expected_comment, updated_comment); assert_eq!(expected_comment_like, inserted_comment_like); assert_eq!(expected_comment.id, inserted_child_comment.parent_id.unwrap()); assert_eq!(1, like_removed); assert_eq!(1, num_deleted); } }