import {None, Some, Option} from '@sniptt/monads'; import { Login, LoginResponse, CreatePost, EditPost, CreateComment, DeletePost, RemovePost, StickyPost, LockPost, PostResponse, SearchResponse, FollowCommunity, CommunityResponse, GetPostResponse, Register, Comment, EditComment, DeleteComment, RemoveComment, Search, CommentResponse, GetCommunity, CreateCommunity, DeleteCommunity, RemoveCommunity, GetPersonMentions, CreateCommentLike, CreatePostLike, EditPrivateMessage, DeletePrivateMessage, GetPrivateMessages, GetSite, GetPost, PrivateMessageResponse, PrivateMessagesResponse, GetPersonMentionsResponse, SaveUserSettings, SortType, ListingType, GetSiteResponse, SearchType, LemmyHttp, BanPersonResponse, BanPerson, BanFromCommunity, BanFromCommunityResponse, Post, CreatePrivateMessage, ResolveObjectResponse, ResolveObject, CreatePostReport, ListPostReports, PostReportResponse, ListPostReportsResponse, CreateCommentReport, CommentReportResponse, ListCommentReports, ListCommentReportsResponse, DeleteAccount, DeleteAccountResponse, EditSite, CommentSortType, GetComments, GetCommentsResponse } from 'lemmy-js-client'; export interface API { client: LemmyHttp; auth: Option; } export let alpha: API = { client: new LemmyHttp(''), auth: None, }; export let beta: API = { client: new LemmyHttp(''), auth: None, }; export let gamma: API = { client: new LemmyHttp(''), auth: None, }; export let delta: API = { client: new LemmyHttp(''), auth: None, }; export let epsilon: API = { client: new LemmyHttp(''), auth: None, }; const password = 'lemmylemmy' export async function setupLogins() { let formAlpha = new Login({ username_or_email: 'lemmy_alpha', password, }); let resAlpha = alpha.client.login(formAlpha); let formBeta = new Login({ username_or_email: 'lemmy_beta', password, }); let resBeta = beta.client.login(formBeta); let formGamma = new Login({ username_or_email: 'lemmy_gamma', password, }); let resGamma = gamma.client.login(formGamma); let formDelta = new Login({ username_or_email: 'lemmy_delta', password, }); let resDelta = delta.client.login(formDelta); let formEpsilon = new Login({ username_or_email: 'lemmy_epsilon', password, }); let resEpsilon = epsilon.client.login(formEpsilon); let res = await Promise.all([ resAlpha, resBeta, resGamma, resDelta, resEpsilon, ]); alpha.auth = res[0].jwt; beta.auth = res[1].jwt; gamma.auth = res[2].jwt; delta.auth = res[3].jwt; epsilon.auth = res[4].jwt; // Registration applications are now enabled by default, need to disable them let editSiteForm = new EditSite({ name: None, sidebar: None, description: None, icon: None, banner: None, enable_downvotes: None, open_registration: None, enable_nsfw: None, community_creation_admin_only: None, require_email_verification: None, require_application: Some(false), application_question: None, private_instance: None, default_theme: None, legal_information: None, default_post_listing_type: None, auth: "", }); editSiteForm.auth = alpha.auth.unwrap(); await alpha.client.editSite(editSiteForm); editSiteForm.auth = beta.auth.unwrap(); await beta.client.editSite(editSiteForm); editSiteForm.auth = gamma.auth.unwrap(); await gamma.client.editSite(editSiteForm); editSiteForm.auth = delta.auth.unwrap(); await delta.client.editSite(editSiteForm); editSiteForm.auth = epsilon.auth.unwrap(); await epsilon.client.editSite(editSiteForm); // Create the main beta community, follow it await createCommunity(beta, "main"); await followBeta(beta); } export async function createPost( api: API, community_id: number ): Promise { let name = randomString(5); let body = Some(randomString(10)); let url = Some(''); let form = new CreatePost({ name, url, body, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), community_id, nsfw: None, honeypot: None, }); return api.client.createPost(form); } export async function editPost(api: API, post: Post): Promise { let name = Some('A jest test federated post, updated'); let form = new EditPost({ name, post_id:, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), nsfw: None, url: None, body: None, }); return api.client.editPost(form); } export async function deletePost( api: API, deleted: boolean, post: Post ): Promise { let form = new DeletePost({ post_id:, deleted: deleted, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.deletePost(form); } export async function removePost( api: API, removed: boolean, post: Post ): Promise { let form = new RemovePost({ post_id:, removed, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), reason: None, }); return api.client.removePost(form); } export async function stickyPost( api: API, stickied: boolean, post: Post ): Promise { let form = new StickyPost({ post_id:, stickied, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.stickyPost(form); } export async function lockPost( api: API, locked: boolean, post: Post ): Promise { let form = new LockPost({ post_id:, locked, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.lockPost(form); } export async function resolvePost( api: API, post: Post ): Promise { let form = new ResolveObject({ q: post.ap_id, auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.resolveObject(form); } export async function searchPostLocal( api: API, post: Post ): Promise { let form = new Search({ q:, type_: Some(SearchType.Posts), sort: Some(SortType.TopAll), community_id: None, community_name: None, creator_id: None, listing_type: None, page: None, limit: None, auth: api.auth, }); return; } export async function getPost( api: API, post_id: number ): Promise { let form = new GetPost({ id: Some(post_id), comment_id: None, auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.getPost(form); } export async function getComments( api: API, post_id: number ): Promise { let form = new GetComments({ post_id: Some(post_id), type_: Some(ListingType.All), sort: Some(CommentSortType.New), // TODO this sort might be wrong max_depth: None, page: None, limit: None, community_id: None, community_name: None, saved_only: None, parent_id: None, auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.getComments(form); } export async function resolveComment( api: API, comment: Comment ): Promise { let form = new ResolveObject({ q: comment.ap_id, auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.resolveObject(form); } export async function resolveBetaCommunity( api: API ): Promise { // Use short-hand search url let form = new ResolveObject({ q: '!main@lemmy-beta:8551', auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.resolveObject(form); } export async function resolveCommunity( api: API, q: string ): Promise { let form = new ResolveObject({ q, auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.resolveObject(form); } export async function resolvePerson( api: API, apShortname: string ): Promise { let form = new ResolveObject({ q: apShortname, auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.resolveObject(form); } export async function banPersonFromSite( api: API, person_id: number, ban: boolean, remove_data: boolean ): Promise { // Make sure lemmy-beta/c/main is cached on lemmy_alpha let form = new BanPerson({ person_id, ban, remove_data: Some(remove_data), auth: api.auth.unwrap(), reason: None, expires: None, }); return api.client.banPerson(form); } export async function banPersonFromCommunity( api: API, person_id: number, community_id: number, remove_data: boolean, ban: boolean ): Promise { let form = new BanFromCommunity({ person_id, community_id, remove_data: Some(remove_data), ban, reason: None, expires: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.banFromCommunity(form); } export async function followCommunity( api: API, follow: boolean, community_id: number ): Promise { let form = new FollowCommunity({ community_id, follow, auth: api.auth.unwrap() }); return api.client.followCommunity(form); } export async function likePost( api: API, score: number, post: Post ): Promise { let form = new CreatePostLike({ post_id:, score: score, auth: api.auth.unwrap() }); return api.client.likePost(form); } export async function createComment( api: API, post_id: number, parent_id: Option, content = 'a jest test comment' ): Promise { let form = new CreateComment({ content, post_id, parent_id, form_id: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.createComment(form); } export async function editComment( api: API, comment_id: number, content = 'A jest test federated comment update' ): Promise { let form = new EditComment({ content, comment_id, form_id: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap() }); return api.client.editComment(form); } export async function deleteComment( api: API, deleted: boolean, comment_id: number ): Promise { let form = new DeleteComment({ comment_id, deleted, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.deleteComment(form); } export async function removeComment( api: API, removed: boolean, comment_id: number ): Promise { let form = new RemoveComment({ comment_id, removed, reason: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.removeComment(form); } export async function getMentions(api: API): Promise { let form = new GetPersonMentions({ sort: Some(CommentSortType.New), unread_only: Some(false), auth: api.auth.unwrap(), page: None, limit: None, }); return api.client.getPersonMentions(form); } export async function likeComment( api: API, score: number, comment: Comment ): Promise { let form = new CreateCommentLike({ comment_id:, score, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.likeComment(form); } export async function createCommunity( api: API, name_: string = randomString(5) ): Promise { let description = Some('a sample description'); let form = new CreateCommunity({ name: name_, title: name_, description, nsfw: None, icon: None, banner: None, posting_restricted_to_mods: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.createCommunity(form); } export async function getCommunity( api: API, id: number ): Promise { let form = new GetCommunity({ id: Some(id), name: None, auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.getCommunity(form); } export async function deleteCommunity( api: API, deleted: boolean, community_id: number ): Promise { let form = new DeleteCommunity({ community_id, deleted, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.deleteCommunity(form); } export async function removeCommunity( api: API, removed: boolean, community_id: number ): Promise { let form = new RemoveCommunity({ community_id, removed, reason: None, expires: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.removeCommunity(form); } export async function createPrivateMessage( api: API, recipient_id: number ): Promise { let content = 'A jest test federated private message'; let form = new CreatePrivateMessage({ content, recipient_id, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.createPrivateMessage(form); } export async function editPrivateMessage( api: API, private_message_id: number ): Promise { let updatedContent = 'A jest test federated private message edited'; let form = new EditPrivateMessage({ content: updatedContent, private_message_id, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.editPrivateMessage(form); } export async function deletePrivateMessage( api: API, deleted: boolean, private_message_id: number ): Promise { let form = new DeletePrivateMessage({ deleted, private_message_id, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.deletePrivateMessage(form); } export async function registerUser( api: API, username: string = randomString(5) ): Promise { let form = new Register({ username, password, password_verify: password, show_nsfw: true, email: None, captcha_uuid: None, captcha_answer: None, honeypot: None, answer: None, }); return api.client.register(form); } export async function saveUserSettingsBio( api: API ): Promise { let form = new SaveUserSettings({ show_nsfw: Some(true), theme: Some('darkly'), default_sort_type: Some(Object.keys(SortType).indexOf(SortType.Active)), default_listing_type: Some(Object.keys(ListingType).indexOf(ListingType.All)), lang: Some('en'), show_avatars: Some(true), send_notifications_to_email: Some(false), bio: Some('a changed bio'), avatar: None, banner: None, display_name: None, email: None, matrix_user_id: None, show_scores: None, show_read_posts: None, show_bot_accounts: None, show_new_post_notifs: None, bot_account: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return saveUserSettings(api, form); } export async function saveUserSettingsFederated( api: API ): Promise { let avatar = Some(''); let banner = Some(''); let bio = Some('a changed bio'); let form = new SaveUserSettings({ show_nsfw: Some(false), theme: Some(''), default_sort_type: Some(Object.keys(SortType).indexOf(SortType.Hot)), default_listing_type: Some(Object.keys(ListingType).indexOf(ListingType.All)), lang: Some(''), avatar, banner, display_name: Some('user321'), show_avatars: Some(false), send_notifications_to_email: Some(false), bio, email: None, show_scores: None, show_read_posts: None, matrix_user_id: None, bot_account: None, show_bot_accounts: None, show_new_post_notifs: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return await saveUserSettings(alpha, form); } export async function saveUserSettings( api: API, form: SaveUserSettings ): Promise { return api.client.saveUserSettings(form); } export async function deleteUser( api: API ): Promise { let form = new DeleteAccount({ auth: api.auth.unwrap(), password }); return api.client.deleteAccount(form); } export async function getSite( api: API ): Promise { let form = new GetSite({ auth: api.auth, }); return api.client.getSite(form); } export async function listPrivateMessages( api: API ): Promise { let form = new GetPrivateMessages({ auth: api.auth.unwrap(), unread_only: Some(false), page: None, limit: None, }); return api.client.getPrivateMessages(form); } export async function unfollowRemotes( api: API ): Promise { // Unfollow all remote communities let site = await getSite(api); let remoteFollowed = site.my_user.unwrap().follows.filter( c => == false ); for (let cu of remoteFollowed) { await followCommunity(api, false,; } let siteRes = await getSite(api); return siteRes; } export async function followBeta(api: API): Promise { let betaCommunity = (await resolveBetaCommunity(api)).community; if (betaCommunity.isSome()) { let follow = await followCommunity(api, true, betaCommunity.unwrap(); return follow; } else { return Promise.reject("no community worked"); } } export async function reportPost( api: API, post_id: number, reason: string ): Promise { let form = new CreatePostReport({ post_id, reason, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.createPostReport(form); } export async function listPostReports(api: API): Promise { let form = new ListPostReports({ auth: api.auth.unwrap(), page: None, limit: None, community_id: None, unresolved_only: None, }); return api.client.listPostReports(form); } export async function reportComment( api: API, comment_id: number, reason: string ): Promise { let form = new CreateCommentReport({ comment_id, reason, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.createCommentReport(form); } export async function listCommentReports(api: API): Promise { let form = new ListCommentReports({ page: None, limit: None, community_id: None, unresolved_only: None, auth: api.auth.unwrap(), }); return api.client.listCommentReports(form); } export function delay(millis: number = 500) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis)); } export function longDelay() { return delay(10000); } export function wrapper(form: any): string { return JSON.stringify(form); } export function randomString(length: number): string { var result = ''; var characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_'; var charactersLength = characters.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); } return result; } export async function unfollows() { await unfollowRemotes(alpha); await unfollowRemotes(gamma); await unfollowRemotes(delta); await unfollowRemotes(epsilon); } export function getCommentParentId(comment: Comment): Option { let split = comment.path.split("."); // remove the 0 split.shift(); if (split.length > 1) { return Some(Number(split[split.length - 2])); } else { return None; } }