-- For each new actions table, transform the table previously used for the most common action type -- into the new actions table, which should only change the table's metadata instead of rewriting the -- rows ALTER TABLE comment_like RENAME TO comment_actions; ALTER TABLE community_follower RENAME TO community_actions; ALTER TABLE instance_block RENAME TO instance_actions; ALTER TABLE person_follower RENAME TO person_actions; ALTER TABLE post_read RENAME TO post_actions; ALTER TABLE comment_actions RENAME COLUMN published TO liked; ALTER TABLE comment_actions RENAME COLUMN score TO like_score; ALTER TABLE community_actions RENAME COLUMN published TO followed; ALTER TABLE community_actions RENAME COLUMN state TO follow_state; ALTER TABLE community_actions RENAME COLUMN approver_id TO follow_approver_id; ALTER TABLE instance_actions RENAME COLUMN published TO blocked; ALTER TABLE person_actions RENAME COLUMN person_id TO target_id; ALTER TABLE person_actions RENAME COLUMN follower_id TO person_id; ALTER TABLE person_actions RENAME COLUMN published TO followed; ALTER TABLE person_actions RENAME COLUMN pending TO follow_pending; ALTER TABLE post_actions RENAME COLUMN published TO read; ALTER TABLE comment_actions ALTER COLUMN liked DROP NOT NULL, ALTER COLUMN liked DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN like_score DROP NOT NULL, ADD COLUMN saved timestamptz, ADD CONSTRAINT comment_actions_check_liked CHECK ((liked IS NULL) = (like_score IS NULL)); ALTER TABLE community_actions ALTER COLUMN followed DROP NOT NULL, ALTER COLUMN followed DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN follow_state DROP NOT NULL, ADD COLUMN blocked timestamptz, ADD COLUMN became_moderator timestamptz, ADD COLUMN received_ban timestamptz, ADD COLUMN ban_expires timestamptz, ADD CONSTRAINT community_actions_check_followed CHECK ((followed IS NULL) = (follow_state IS NULL) AND NOT (followed IS NULL AND follow_approver_id IS NOT NULL)), ADD CONSTRAINT community_actions_check_received_ban CHECK (NOT (received_ban IS NULL AND ban_expires IS NOT NULL)); ALTER TABLE instance_actions ALTER COLUMN blocked DROP NOT NULL, ALTER COLUMN blocked DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE person_actions ALTER COLUMN followed DROP NOT NULL, ALTER COLUMN followed DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN follow_pending DROP NOT NULL, ADD COLUMN blocked timestamptz, ADD CONSTRAINT person_actions_check_followed CHECK ((followed IS NULL) = (follow_pending IS NULL)); ALTER TABLE post_actions ALTER COLUMN read DROP NOT NULL, ALTER COLUMN read DROP DEFAULT, ADD COLUMN read_comments timestamptz, ADD COLUMN read_comments_amount bigint, ADD COLUMN saved timestamptz, ADD COLUMN liked timestamptz, ADD COLUMN like_score smallint, ADD COLUMN hidden timestamptz, ADD CONSTRAINT post_actions_check_read_comments CHECK ((read_comments IS NULL) = (read_comments_amount IS NULL)), ADD CONSTRAINT post_actions_check_liked CHECK ((liked IS NULL) = (like_score IS NULL)); -- Add actions from other old tables to the new tables INSERT INTO comment_actions (person_id, comment_id, saved) SELECT person_id, comment_id, published FROM comment_saved ON CONFLICT (person_id, comment_id) DO UPDATE SET saved = excluded.saved; INSERT INTO person_actions (person_id, target_id, blocked) SELECT person_id, target_id, published FROM person_block ON CONFLICT (person_id, target_id) DO UPDATE SET blocked = excluded.blocked; UPDATE community_actions AS a SET blocked = ( SELECT published FROM community_block AS b WHERE (b.person_id, b.community_id) = (a.person_id, a.community_id)), became_moderator = ( SELECT published FROM community_moderator AS b WHERE (b.person_id, b.community_id) = (a.person_id, a.community_id)), (received_ban, ban_expires) = ( SELECT published, expires FROM community_person_ban AS b WHERE (b.person_id, b.community_id) = (a.person_id, a.community_id)); INSERT INTO community_actions (person_id, community_id, received_ban, ban_expires) SELECT person_id, community_id, published, expires FROM community_person_ban AS b WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM community_actions AS a WHERE (a.person_id, a.community_id) = (b.person_id, b.community_id)); INSERT INTO community_actions (person_id, community_id, blocked) SELECT person_id, community_id, published FROM community_block ON CONFLICT (person_id, community_id) DO UPDATE SET blocked = excluded.blocked WHERE community_actions.blocked IS NULL; INSERT INTO community_actions (person_id, community_id, became_moderator) SELECT person_id, community_id, published FROM community_moderator ON CONFLICT (person_id, community_id) DO UPDATE SET became_moderator = excluded.became_moderator WHERE community_actions.became_moderator IS NULL; UPDATE post_actions AS a SET (read_comments, read_comments_amount) = ( SELECT published, read_comments FROM person_post_aggregates AS b WHERE (b.person_id, b.post_id) = (a.person_id, a.post_id)), hidden = ( SELECT published FROM post_hide AS b WHERE (b.person_id, b.post_id) = (a.person_id, a.post_id)), (liked, like_score) = ( SELECT published, score FROM post_like AS b WHERE (b.person_id, b.post_id) = (a.person_id, a.post_id)), saved = ( SELECT published FROM post_saved AS b WHERE (b.person_id, b.post_id) = (a.person_id, a.post_id)); INSERT INTO post_actions (person_id, post_id, liked, like_score) SELECT person_id, post_id, published, score FROM post_like AS b WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM post_actions AS a WHERE (a.person_id, a.post_id) = (b.person_id, b.post_id)); INSERT INTO post_actions (person_id, post_id, read_comments, read_comments_amount) SELECT person_id, post_id, published, read_comments FROM person_post_aggregates ON CONFLICT (person_id, post_id) DO UPDATE SET read_comments = excluded.read_comments, read_comments_amount = excluded.read_comments_amount WHERE post_actions.read_comments IS NULL; INSERT INTO post_actions (person_id, post_id, saved) SELECT person_id, post_id, published FROM post_saved ON CONFLICT (person_id, post_id) DO UPDATE SET saved = excluded.saved WHERE post_actions.saved IS NULL; INSERT INTO post_actions (person_id, post_id, hidden) SELECT person_id, post_id, published FROM post_hide ON CONFLICT (person_id, post_id) DO UPDATE SET hidden = excluded.hidden WHERE post_actions.hidden IS NULL; -- Drop old tables DROP TABLE comment_saved, community_block, community_moderator, community_person_ban, person_block, person_post_aggregates, post_hide, post_like, post_saved; -- Rename associated stuff ALTER INDEX comment_like_pkey RENAME TO comment_actions_pkey; ALTER INDEX idx_comment_like_comment RENAME TO idx_comment_actions_comment; ALTER TABLE comment_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT comment_like_comment_id_fkey TO comment_actions_comment_id_fkey; ALTER TABLE comment_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT comment_like_person_id_fkey TO comment_actions_person_id_fkey; ALTER INDEX community_follower_pkey RENAME TO community_actions_pkey; ALTER INDEX idx_community_follower_community RENAME TO idx_community_actions_community; ALTER TABLE community_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT community_follower_community_id_fkey TO community_actions_community_id_fkey; ALTER TABLE community_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT community_follower_person_id_fkey TO community_actions_person_id_fkey; ALTER TABLE community_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT community_follower_approver_id_fkey TO community_actions_follow_approver_id_fkey; ALTER INDEX instance_block_pkey RENAME TO instance_actions_pkey; ALTER TABLE instance_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT instance_block_instance_id_fkey TO instance_actions_instance_id_fkey; ALTER TABLE instance_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT instance_block_person_id_fkey TO instance_actions_person_id_fkey; ALTER INDEX person_follower_pkey RENAME TO person_actions_pkey; ALTER TABLE person_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT person_follower_person_id_fkey TO person_actions_target_id_fkey; ALTER TABLE person_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT person_follower_follower_id_fkey TO person_actions_person_id_fkey; ALTER INDEX post_read_pkey RENAME TO post_actions_pkey; ALTER TABLE post_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT post_read_person_id_fkey TO post_actions_person_id_fkey; ALTER TABLE post_actions RENAME CONSTRAINT post_read_post_id_fkey TO post_actions_post_id_fkey; -- Rename idx_community_follower_published and add filter CREATE INDEX idx_community_actions_followed ON community_actions (followed) WHERE followed IS NOT NULL; DROP INDEX idx_community_follower_published; -- Restore indexes of dropped tables CREATE INDEX idx_community_actions_became_moderator ON community_actions (became_moderator) WHERE became_moderator IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_person_actions_person ON person_actions (person_id); CREATE INDEX idx_person_actions_target ON person_actions (target_id); CREATE INDEX idx_post_actions_person ON post_actions (person_id); CREATE INDEX idx_post_actions_post ON post_actions (post_id); -- Create new indexes, with `OR` being used to allow `IS NOT NULL` filters in queries to use either column in -- a group (e.g. `liked IS NOT NULL` and `like_score IS NOT NULL` both work) CREATE INDEX idx_comment_actions_liked_not_null ON comment_actions (person_id, comment_id) WHERE liked IS NOT NULL OR like_score IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_comment_actions_saved_not_null ON comment_actions (person_id, comment_id) WHERE saved IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_community_actions_followed_not_null ON community_actions (person_id, community_id) WHERE followed IS NOT NULL OR follow_state IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_community_actions_blocked_not_null ON community_actions (person_id, community_id) WHERE blocked IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_community_actions_became_moderator_not_null ON community_actions (person_id, community_id) WHERE became_moderator IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_community_actions_received_ban_not_null ON community_actions (person_id, community_id) WHERE received_ban IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_person_actions_followed_not_null ON person_actions (person_id, target_id) WHERE followed IS NOT NULL OR follow_pending IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_person_actions_blocked_not_null ON person_actions (person_id, target_id) WHERE blocked IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_post_actions_read_not_null ON post_actions (person_id, post_id) WHERE read IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_post_actions_read_comments_not_null ON post_actions (person_id, post_id) WHERE read_comments IS NOT NULL OR read_comments_amount IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_post_actions_saved_not_null ON post_actions (person_id, post_id) WHERE saved IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_post_actions_liked_not_null ON post_actions (person_id, post_id) WHERE liked IS NOT NULL OR like_score IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_post_actions_hidden_not_null ON post_actions (person_id, post_id) WHERE hidden IS NOT NULL; -- This index is currently redundant because instance_actions only has 1 action type, but inconsistency -- with other tables would make it harder to do everything correctly when adding another action type CREATE INDEX idx_instance_actions_blocked_not_null ON instance_actions (person_id, instance_id) WHERE blocked IS NOT NULL; -- Create new statistics for more accurate estimations of how much of an index will be read (e.g. for -- `(liked, like_score)`, the query planner might othewise assume that `(TRUE, FALSE)` and `(TRUE, TRUE)` -- are equally likely when only `(TRUE, TRUE)` is possible, which would make it severely underestimate -- the efficiency of using the index) CREATE statistics comment_actions_liked_stat ON (liked IS NULL), (like_score IS NULL) FROM comment_actions; CREATE statistics community_actions_followed_stat ON (followed IS NULL), (follow_state IS NULL) FROM community_actions; CREATE statistics person_actions_followed_stat ON (followed IS NULL), (follow_pending IS NULL) FROM person_actions; CREATE statistics post_actions_read_comments_stat ON (read_comments IS NULL), (read_comments_amount IS NULL) FROM post_actions; CREATE statistics post_actions_liked_stat ON (liked IS NULL), (like_score IS NULL), (post_id IS NULL) FROM post_actions;