ALTER TYPE community_visibility ADD value 'Private'; -- Change `community_follower.pending` to `state` enum CREATE TYPE community_follower_state AS enum ( 'Accepted', 'Pending', 'ApprovalRequired' ); ALTER TABLE community_follower ALTER COLUMN pending DROP DEFAULT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION convert_follower_state (b bool) RETURNS community_follower_state LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN b = TRUE THEN 'Pending'::community_follower_state ELSE 'Accepted'::community_follower_state END $$; ALTER TABLE community_follower ALTER COLUMN pending TYPE community_follower_state USING convert_follower_state (pending); DROP FUNCTION convert_follower_state; ALTER TABLE community_follower RENAME COLUMN pending TO state; -- Add column for mod who approved the private community follower -- Dont use foreign key here, otherwise joining to person table doesnt work easily ALTER TABLE community_follower ADD COLUMN approver_id int REFERENCES person ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- Enable signed fetch, necessary to fetch content in private communities ALTER TABLE ONLY local_site ALTER COLUMN federation_signed_fetch SET DEFAULT TRUE; UPDATE local_site SET federation_signed_fetch = TRUE;