  # settings related to the postgresql database
  database: {
    # Configure the database by specifying URI pointing to a postgres instance
    # This example uses peer authentication to obviate the need for creating,
    # configuring, and managing passwords.
    # For an explanation of how to use connection URIs, see [here][0] in
    # PostgreSQL's documentation.
    # [0]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#id-
    connection: "postgres://lemmy:password@localhost:5432/lemmy"
    # Maximum number of active sql connections
    pool_size: 30
  # Pictrs image server configuration.
  pictrs: {
    # Address where pictrs is available (for image hosting)
    url: "http://localhost:8080/"
    # Set a custom pictrs API key. ( Required for deleting images )
    api_key: "string"
    # Backwards compatibility with 0.18.1. False is equivalent to `image_mode: None`, true is
    # equivalent to `image_mode: StoreLinkPreviews`.
    # To be removed in 0.20
    cache_external_link_previews: true
    # Specifies how to handle remote images, so that users don't have to connect directly to remote
    # servers.
      # Leave images unchanged, don't generate any local thumbnails for post urls. Instead the
      # Opengraph image is directly returned as thumbnail

      # or

      # Generate thumbnails for external post urls and store them persistently in pict-rs. This
      # ensures that they can be reliably retrieved and can be resized using pict-rs APIs. However
      # it also increases storage usage.
      # This is the default behaviour, and also matches Lemmy 0.18.

      # or

      # If enabled, all images from remote domains are rewritten to pass through
      # `/api/v4/image/proxy`, including embedded images in markdown. Images are stored temporarily
      # in pict-rs for caching. This improves privacy as users don't expose their IP to untrusted
      # servers, and decreases load on other servers. However it increases bandwidth use for the
      # local server.
      # Requires pict-rs 0.5
    # Allows bypassing proxy for specific image hosts when using ProxyAllImages.
    # imgur.com is bypassed by default to avoid rate limit errors. When specifying any bypass
    # in the config, this default is ignored and you need to list imgur explicitly. To proxy imgur
    # requests, specify a noop bypass list, eg `proxy_bypass_domains ["example.org"]`.
    proxy_bypass_domains: [
      /* ... */
    # Timeout for uploading images to pictrs (in seconds)
    upload_timeout: 30
    # Resize post thumbnails to this maximum width/height.
    max_thumbnail_size: 512
    # Maximum size for user avatar, community icon and site icon.
    max_avatar_size: 512
    # Maximum size for user, community and site banner.
    # TODO: Unfortunately pictrs can only resize images to fit in a*a square, no rectangle.
    #       Otherwise we have to use crop, or use max_width/max_height which throws error
    #       if image is larger.
    max_banner_size: 512
    # Prevent users from uploading images for posts or embedding in markdown. Avatars, icons and
    # banners can still be uploaded.
    image_upload_disabled: false
  # Email sending configuration. All options except login/password are mandatory
  email: {
    # Hostname and port of the smtp server
    smtp_server: "localhost:25"
    # Login name for smtp server
    smtp_login: "string"
    # Password to login to the smtp server
    smtp_password: "string"
    # Address to send emails from, eg "noreply@your-instance.com"
    smtp_from_address: "noreply@example.com"
    # Whether or not smtp connections should use tls. Can be none, tls, or starttls
    tls_type: "none"
  # Parameters for automatic configuration of new instance (only used at first start)
  setup: {
    # Username for the admin user
    admin_username: "admin"
    # Password for the admin user. It must be between 10 and 60 characters.
    admin_password: "tf6HHDS4RolWfFhk4Rq9"
    # Name of the site, can be changed later. Maximum 20 characters.
    site_name: "My Lemmy Instance"
    # Email for the admin user (optional, can be omitted and set later through the website)
    admin_email: "user@example.com"
  # the domain name of your instance (mandatory)
  hostname: "unset"
  # Address where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
  bind: ""
  # Port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
  port: 8536
  # Whether the site is available over TLS. Needs to be true for federation to work.
  tls_enabled: true
  federation: {
    # Limit to the number of concurrent outgoing federation requests per target instance.
    # Set this to a higher value than 1 (e.g. 6) only if you have a huge instance (>10 activities
    # per second) and if a receiving instance is not keeping up.
    concurrent_sends_per_instance: 1
  prometheus: {
    bind: ""
    port: 10002
  # Sets a response Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header
  # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  cors_origin: "lemmy.tld"