use clokwerk::{Scheduler, TimeUnits}; // Import week days and WeekDay use diesel::{sql_query, PgConnection, RunQueryDsl}; use diesel::{Connection, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl}; use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyError; use std::{thread, time::Duration}; use tracing::info; /// Schedules various cleanup tasks for lemmy in a background thread pub fn setup(db_url: String) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { // Setup the connections let mut scheduler = Scheduler::new(); let mut conn = PgConnection::establish(&db_url).expect("could not establish connection"); active_counts(&mut conn); update_banned_when_expired(&mut conn); // On startup, reindex the tables non-concurrently // TODO remove this for now, since it slows down startup a lot on reindex_aggregates_tables(&mut conn, true); scheduler.every(1.hour()).run(move || { let conn = &mut PgConnection::establish(&db_url) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Error connecting to {}", db_url)); active_counts(conn); update_banned_when_expired(conn); reindex_aggregates_tables(conn, true); drop_ccnew_indexes(conn); }); clear_old_activities(&mut conn); scheduler.every(1.weeks()).run(move || { clear_old_activities(&mut conn); }); // Manually run the scheduler in an event loop loop { scheduler.run_pending(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)); } } /// Reindex the aggregates tables every one hour /// This is necessary because hot_rank is actually a mutable function: /// fn reindex_aggregates_tables(conn: &mut PgConnection, concurrently: bool) { for table_name in &[ "post_aggregates", "comment_aggregates", "community_aggregates", ] { reindex_table(conn, table_name, concurrently); } } fn reindex_table(conn: &mut PgConnection, table_name: &str, concurrently: bool) { let concurrently_str = if concurrently { "concurrently" } else { "" }; info!("Reindexing table {} {} ...", concurrently_str, table_name); let query = format!("reindex table {} {}", concurrently_str, table_name); sql_query(query).execute(conn).expect("reindex table"); info!("Done."); } /// Clear old activities (this table gets very large) fn clear_old_activities(conn: &mut PgConnection) { use diesel::dsl::*; use lemmy_db_schema::schema::activity::dsl::*; info!("Clearing old activities..."); diesel::delete(activity.filter( - 6.months()))) .execute(conn) .expect("clear old activities"); info!("Done."); } /// Re-calculate the site and community active counts every 12 hours fn active_counts(conn: &mut PgConnection) { info!("Updating active site and community aggregates ..."); let intervals = vec![ ("1 day", "day"), ("1 week", "week"), ("1 month", "month"), ("6 months", "half_year"), ]; for i in &intervals { let update_site_stmt = format!( "update site_aggregates set users_active_{} = (select * from site_aggregates_activity('{}'))", i.1, i.0 ); sql_query(update_site_stmt) .execute(conn) .expect("update site stats"); let update_community_stmt = format!("update community_aggregates ca set users_active_{} = mv.count_ from community_aggregates_activity('{}') mv where ca.community_id = mv.community_id_", i.1, i.0); sql_query(update_community_stmt) .execute(conn) .expect("update community stats"); } info!("Done."); } /// Set banned to false after ban expires fn update_banned_when_expired(conn: &mut PgConnection) { info!("Updating banned column if it expires ..."); let update_ban_expires_stmt = "update person set banned = false where banned = true and ban_expires < now()"; sql_query(update_ban_expires_stmt) .execute(conn) .expect("update banned when expires"); } /// Drops the phantom CCNEW indexes created by postgres /// fn drop_ccnew_indexes(conn: &mut PgConnection) { info!("Dropping phantom ccnew indexes..."); let drop_stmt = "select drop_ccnew_indexes()"; sql_query(drop_stmt) .execute(conn) .expect("drop ccnew indexes"); }