FROM rust:1.67.0-alpine as builder # Install build dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache git openssl-dev libpq-dev musl-dev # Set the working directory to /app and copy the source code WORKDIR /app COPY . . # Set cargo build target (can be changed using --build-arg) ARG CARGO_BUILD_TARGET="x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" # Set the release mode (can be changed using --build-arg) ARG RUST_RELEASE_MODE="debug" # Debug mode build RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/app/target \ if [ "$RUST_RELEASE_MODE" = "debug" ]; then \ echo "pub const VERSION: &str = \"$(git describe --tag)\";" > "crates/utils/src/" \ && rustup target add ${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET} \ && cargo build --target ${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET} \ && cp ./target/${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}/${RUST_RELEASE_MODE}/lemmy_server /app/lemmy_server; \ fi # Release mode build RUN \ if [ "$RUST_RELEASE_MODE" = "release" ]; then \ rustup target add ${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET} \ && cargo build --target ${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET} --release \ && cp ./target/${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}/${RUST_RELEASE_MODE}/lemmy_server /app/lemmy_server; \ fi # The Alpine runner FROM alpine:3 as lemmy # Install libpq for Postgres RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates libpq # Copy resources COPY --from=builder /app/lemmy_server /app/lemmy EXPOSE 8536 CMD ["/app/lemmy"]