language: rust rust: - stable matrix: allow_failures: - rust: nightly fast_finish: true cache: cargo before_cache: - rm -rfv target/debug/incremental/lemmy-* - rm -rfv target/debug/.fingerprint/lemmy-* - rm -rfv target/debug/build/lemmy-* - rm -rfv target/debug/deps/liblemmy-* - rm -rfv target/debug/deps/lemmy-* - rm -rfv target/debug/{lemmy,liblemmy}.d - cargo clean before_script: - psql -c "create user lemmy with password 'password' superuser;" -U postgres - psql -c 'create database lemmy with owner lemmy;' -U postgres - rustup component add clippy --toolchain stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu before_install: - cd server script: # Default checks, but fail if anything is detected - cargo clippy -- -D clippy::style -D clippy::correctness -D clippy::complexity -D clippy::perf - cargo build - diesel migration run - cargo test env: - DATABASE_URL=postgres://lemmy:password@localhost:5432/lemmy addons: postgresql: "9.4"