# Rust Reddit Fediverse (to be renamed later) We have a twitter alternative (mastodon), a facebook alternative (friendica), so let's build a reddit alternative in the fediverse. [Matrix Chat: #rust-reddit-fediverse:matrix.org](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#rust-reddit-fediverse:matrix.org) [ActivityPub API.md](API.md) ## Goals - Come up with a name / codename. - Must have communities. - Must have threaded comments. - Must be federated: liking and following communities across instances. - Be live-updating: have a right pane for new comments, and a main pain for the full threaded view. - Use websockets for post / gets to your own instance. ## Questions - How does voting work? Should we go back to the old way of showing up and downvote counts? Or just a score? - Decide on tech to be used - Backend: Actix, Diesel. - Frontend: inferno, typescript and bootstrap for now. - Should it allow bots? - Should the comments / votes be static, or feel like a chat, like [flowchat?](https://flow-chat.com). - Two pane model - Right pane is live comments, left pane is live tree view. - On mobile, allow you to switch between them. Default? ## Resources / Potential Libraries - Use the [activitypub crate.](https://docs.rs/activitypub/0.1.4/activitypub/) - https://docs.rs/activitypub/0.1.4/activitypub/ - [Activitypub vocab.](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/) - [Activitypub main](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/) - [Diesel to Postgres data types](https://kotiri.com/2018/01/31/postgresql-diesel-rust-types.html) - [helpful diesel examples](http://siciarz.net/24-days-rust-diesel/) - [Mastodan public key server example](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/06/how-to-implement-a-basic-activitypub-server/) - [Recursive query for adjacency list for nested comments](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/192220/what-is-the-most-efficient-elegant-way-to-parse-a-flat-table-into-a-tree/192462#192462) - https://github.com/sparksuite/simplemde-markdown-editor - [Sticky Sidebar](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38382043/how-to-use-css-position-sticky-to-keep-a-sidebar-visible-with-bootstrap-4/49111934) ## TODOs - Endpoints - DB - Followers / following