-- User table drop view user_view cascade; alter table user_ add column fedi_name varchar(40) not null default 'changeme'; alter table user_ add constraint user__name_fedi_name_key unique (name, fedi_name); -- Community alter table community add constraint community_name_key unique (name); create view user_view as select u.id, u.name, u.avatar, u.email, u.matrix_user_id, u.fedi_name, u.admin, u.banned, u.show_avatars, u.send_notifications_to_email, u.published, (select count(*) from post p where p.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_posts, (select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from post p, post_like pl where u.id = p.creator_id and p.id = pl.post_id) as post_score, (select count(*) from comment c where c.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_comments, (select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from comment c, comment_like cl where u.id = c.creator_id and c.id = cl.comment_id) as comment_score from user_ u; create materialized view user_mview as select * from user_view; create unique index idx_user_mview_id on user_mview (id);