-- This sets up the `r` schema, which contains things that can be safely dropped and replaced instead of being -- changed using migrations. -- -- Statements in this file may not create or modify things outside of the `r` schema (indicated by the `r.` prefix), -- except for these things, which are associated with something other than a schema (usually a table): -- * A trigger if the function name after `EXECUTE FUNCTION` is in `r` (dropping `r` drops the trigger) -- -- The default schema is not temporarily set to `r` because it would not affect some things (such as triggers) which -- makes it hard to tell if the rule above is being followed. -- -- If you add something here that depends on something (such as a table) created in a new migration, then down.sql must use -- `CASCADE` when dropping it. This doesn't need to be fixed in old migrations because the "replaceable-schema" migration -- runs `DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS r CASCADE` in down.sql. BEGIN; DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS r CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA r; -- Rank calculations CREATE FUNCTION r.controversy_rank (upvotes numeric, downvotes numeric) RETURNS float LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE AS $$ BEGIN IF downvotes <= 0 OR upvotes <= 0 THEN RETURN 0; ELSE RETURN (upvotes + downvotes) * CASE WHEN upvotes > downvotes THEN downvotes::float / upvotes::float ELSE upvotes::float / downvotes::float END; END IF; END $$; -- Selects both old and new rows in a trigger and allows using `sum(count_diff)` to get the number to add to a count CREATE FUNCTION r.combine_transition_tables () RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT -1 AS count_diff, old_table AS affected_row FROM old_table UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS count_diff, new_table AS affected_row FROM new_table; ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT 1 AS count_diff, * FROM new_table; ELSE RETURN QUERY SELECT -1 AS count_diff, * FROM old_table; END IF; END $$; -- Creates triggers for all operation types, which can't be 1 trigger when transition tables are used CREATE PROCEDURE r.create_triggers (table_name text, function_name text) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE format('CREATE TRIGGER %2$s_insert AFTER INSERT ON %1$s REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_table FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.%2$s ();', table_name, function_name); EXECUTE format('CREATE TRIGGER %2$s_delete AFTER DELETE ON %1$s REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_table FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.%2$s ();', table_name, function_name); EXECUTE format('CREATE TRIGGER %2$s_update AFTER UPDATE ON %1$s REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_table NEW TABLE AS new_table FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.%2$s ();', table_name, function_name); END $$; -- Define functions CREATE FUNCTION r.creator_id_from_post_aggregates (agg post_aggregates) RETURNS int RETURN agg.creator_id; CREATE FUNCTION r.creator_id_from_comment_aggregates (agg comment_aggregates) RETURNS int RETURN ( SELECT creator_id FROM comment WHERE comment.id = agg.comment_id LIMIT 1 ); -- Create triggers for both post and comments CREATE PROCEDURE r.post_or_comment (thing_type text) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $a$ BEGIN EXECUTE replace($b$ -- When a thing is removed, resolve its reports CREATE FUNCTION r.resolve_reports_when_thing_removed ( ) RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE thing_report SET resolved = TRUE, resolver_id = first_removal.mod_person_id, updated = first_removal.when_ FROM ( SELECT thing_id, min(when_) AS when_ FROM new_removal WHERE new_removal.removed GROUP BY thing_id) AS first_removal WHERE report.thing_id = first_removal.thing_id AND NOT report.resolved AND COALESCE(report.updated < first_removal.when_, TRUE); RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER resolve_reports AFTER INSERT ON mod_remove_thing REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_removal FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.resolve_reports_when_thing_removed ( ); -- When a thing gets a vote, update its aggregates and its creator's aggregates CREATE FUNCTION r.thing_aggregates_from_like ( ) RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN WITH thing_diff AS ( UPDATE thing_aggregates AS a SET score = a.score + diff.upvotes - diff.downvotes, upvotes = a.upvotes + diff.upvotes, downvotes = a.downvotes + diff.downvotes, controversy_rank = controversy_rank ((a.upvotes + diff.upvotes)::numeric, (a.downvotes + diff.downvotes)::numeric) FROM ( SELECT (thing_like).thing_id, sum(count_diff) FILTER (WHERE (thing_like).score = 1) AS upvotes, sum(count_diff) FILTER (WHERE (thing_like).score != 1) AS downvotes FROM r.combine_transition_tables () AS (count_diff bigint, thing_like thing_like) GROUP BY (thing_like).thing_id) AS diff WHERE a.thing_id = diff.thing_id RETURNING creator_id_from_thing_aggregates (a.*) AS creator_id, diff.upvotes - diff.downvotes AS score) UPDATE person_aggregates AS a SET thing_score = a.thing_score + diff.score FROM ( SELECT creator_id, sum(score) AS score FROM target_diff GROUP BY creator_id) AS diff WHERE a.person_id = diff.creator_id; RETURN NULL; END $$; CALL r.create_triggers ('thing_like', 'thing_aggregates_from_like'); $b$, 'thing', thing_type); END $a$; CALL r.post_or_comment ('post'); CALL r.post_or_comment ('comment'); -- Create triggers that update counts in parent aggregates CREATE FUNCTION r.parent_aggregates_from_comment () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN WITH comment_group AS ( SELECT (comment).post_id, (comment).creator_id, (comment).local, sum(count_diff) AS comments FROM r.combine_transition_tables () AS (count_diff bigint, comment comment) WHERE NOT ((comment).deleted OR (comment).removed) GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((comment)post_id, (comment).creator_id, (comment).local) ), unused_person_aggregates_update_result AS ( UPDATE person_aggregates AS a SET comment_count = a.comment_count + comment_group.comments FROM comment_group WHERE a.person_id = comment_group.creator_id ), unused_site_aggregates_update_result AS ( UPDATE site_aggregates AS a SET comments = a.comments + comment_group.comments FROM comment_group WHERE comment_group.local ), post_diff AS ( UPDATE post_aggregates AS a SET comments = a.comments + comment_group.comments, newest_comment_time = GREATEST (a.newest_comment_time, ( SELECT max(published) FROM new_table AS new_comment WHERE a.post_id = new_comment.post_id LIMIT 1)), newest_comment_time_necro = GREATEST (a.newest_comment_time_necro, ( SELECT max(published) FROM new_table AS new_comment WHERE a.post_id = new_comment.post_id -- Ignore comments from the post's creator AND a.creator_id != new_comment.creator_id -- Ignore comments on old posts AND a.published > (new_comment.published - '2 days'::interval) LIMIT 1)) FROM comment_group, LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM post WHERE a.post_id = post.id LIMIT 1) AS post WHERE a.post_id = comment_group.post_id RETURNING a.community_id, diff.comments, NOT (post.deleted OR post.removed) AS include_in_community_aggregates) UPDATE community_aggregates AS a SET comments = a.comments + diff.comments FROM ( SELECT community_id, sum(comments) FROM post_diff WHERE post_diff.include_in_community_aggregates GROUP BY community_id) AS diff WHERE a.community_id = diff.community_id; RETURN NULL; END $$; CALL r.create_triggers ('comment', 'parent_aggregates_from_comment'); CREATE FUNCTION r.parent_aggregates_from_post () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN WITH post_group AS ( SELECT (post).community_id, (post).creator_id, (post).local, sum(count_diff) AS posts FROM r.combine_transition_tables () AS (count_diff bigint, post post) WHERE NOT ((post).deleted OR (post).removed) GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((post).community_id, (post).creator_id, (post).local) ), unused_person_aggregates_update_result AS ( UPDATE person_aggregates AS a SET post_count = a.post_count + post_group.posts FROM post_group WHERE a.person_id = post_group.creator_id ), unused_site_aggregates_update_result AS ( UPDATE site_aggregates AS a SET posts = a.posts + post_group.posts FROM post_group WHERE post_group.local) UPDATE community_aggregates AS a SET posts = a.posts + post_group.posts FROM post_group WHERE a.community_id = post_group.community_id; RETURN NULL; END $$; CALL r.create_triggers ('post', 'parent_aggregates_from_post'); CREATE FUNCTION r.site_aggregates_from_community () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE site_aggregates AS a SET communities = a.communities + diff.communities FROM ( SELECT sum(count_diff) AS communities FROM r.combine_transition_tables () AS (count_diff bigint, community community) WHERE (community).local AND NOT ((community).deleted OR (community).removed)) AS diff; RETURN NULL; END $$; CALL r.create_triggers ('community', 'site_aggregates_from_community'); CREATE FUNCTION r.site_aggregates_from_person () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE site_aggregates AS a SET users = a.users + diff.users FROM ( SELECT sum(count_diff) AS users FROM r.combine_transition_tables () AS (count_diff bigint, person person) WHERE (person).local) AS diff; RETURN NULL; END $$; CALL r.create_triggers ('person', 'site_aggregates_from_person'); -- For community_aggregates.comments, don't include comments of deleted or removed posts CREATE FUNCTION r.update_comment_count_from_post () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE community_aggregates AS a SET comments = a.comments + diff.comments FROM ( SELECT old_post.community_id, sum(( CASE WHEN new_post.deleted AND new_post.removed THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) * post_aggregates.comments) AS comments FROM new_post INNER JOIN old_post ON new_post.id = old_post.id AND (new_post.deleted AND new_post.removed) != (old_post.deleted AND old_post.removed), LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM post_aggregates WHERE post_id = new_post.id LIMIT 1) AS post_aggregates GROUP BY old_post.community_id) AS diff WHERE a.community_id = diff.community_id; RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER comment_count AFTER UPDATE ON post REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_post NEW TABLE AS new_post FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.update_comment_count_from_post (); -- Count subscribers for local communities CREATE FUNCTION r.community_aggregates_from_subscriber () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE community_aggregates AS a SET subscriber = a.subscribers + diff.subscribers FROM ( SELECT (community_follower).community_id, sum(count_diff) AS subscribers FROM r.combine_transition_tables () AS (count_diff bigint, community_follower community_follower) WHERE ( SELECT local FROM community WHERE community.id = (community_follower).community_id LIMIT 1) GROUP BY (community_follower).community_id) AS diff WHERE a.community_id = diff.community_id; RETURN NULL; END $$; CALL r.create_triggers ('community_follower', 'community_aggregates_from_subscriber'); -- These triggers create and update rows in each aggregates table to match its associated table's rows. -- Deleting rows and updating IDs are already handled by `CASCADE` in foreign key constraints. CREATE FUNCTION r.comment_aggregates_from_comment () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO comment_aggregates (comment_id, published) SELECT id, published FROM new_comment; RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER aggregates AFTER INSERT ON comment REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_comment FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.comment_aggregates_from_comment (); CREATE FUNCTION r.community_aggregates_from_community () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO community_aggregates (community_id, published) SELECT community_id, published FROM new_community; RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER aggregates AFTER INSERT ON community REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_community FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.community_aggregates_from_community (); CREATE FUNCTION r.person_aggregates_from_person () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO person_aggregates (person_id) SELECT id FROM new_person; RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER aggregates AFTER INSERT ON person REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_person FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.person_aggregates_from_person (); CREATE FUNCTION r.post_aggregates_from_post () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO post_aggregates (post_id, published, newest_comment_time, newest_comment_time_necro, community_id, creator_id, instance_id, featured_community, featured_local) SELECT new_post.id, new_post.published, new_post.published, new_post.published, new_post.community_id, new_post.creator_id, community.instance_id, new_post.featured_community, new_post.featured_local FROM new_post, LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM community WHERE community.id = new_post.community_id LIMIT 1) AS community; RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE FUNCTION r.post_aggregates_from_post_update () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE post_aggregates SET featured_community = new_post.featured_community, featured_local = new_post.featured_local FROM new_post WHERE post_aggregates.post_id = new_post.id; RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER aggregates AFTER INSERT ON post REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_post FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.post_aggregates_from_post (); CREATE TRIGGER aggregates_update AFTER UPDATE ON post REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_post FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION r.post_aggregates_from_post_update (); CREATE FUNCTION r.site_aggregates_from_site () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN -- we only ever want to have a single value in site_aggregate because the site_aggregate triggers update all rows in that table. -- a cleaner check would be to insert it for the local_site but that would break assumptions at least in the tests IF (NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM site_aggregates)) THEN INSERT INTO site_aggregates (site_id) VALUES (NEW.id); END IF; RETURN NULL; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER aggregates AFTER INSERT ON site FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION r.site_aggregates_from_site (); COMMIT;