#[macro_use] extern crate diesel; extern crate dotenv; extern crate chrono; use diesel::*; use diesel::pg::PgConnection; use diesel::result::Error; use dotenv::dotenv; use std::env; pub mod schema; pub mod apub; pub mod actions; // pub trait Likeable; pub trait Crud { fn create(conn: &PgConnection, form: T) -> Result where Self: Sized; fn read(conn: &PgConnection, id: i32) -> Self; fn update(conn: &PgConnection, id: i32, form: T) -> Self; fn delete(conn: &PgConnection, id: i32) -> usize; } pub trait Followable { fn follow(conn: &PgConnection, form: T) -> Result where Self: Sized; fn ignore(conn: &PgConnection, form: T) -> usize; } pub trait Joinable { fn join(conn: &PgConnection, form: T) -> Result where Self: Sized; fn leave(conn: &PgConnection, form: T) -> usize; } pub fn establish_connection() -> PgConnection { let db_url = Settings::get().db_url; PgConnection::establish(&db_url) .expect(&format!("Error connecting to {}", db_url)) } pub struct Settings { db_url: String, hostname: String } impl Settings { fn get() -> Self { dotenv().ok(); Settings { db_url: env::var("DATABASE_URL") .expect("DATABASE_URL must be set"), hostname: env::var("HOSTNAME").unwrap_or("".to_string()) } } fn api_endpoint(&self) -> String { format!("{}/api/v1", self.hostname) } } use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Utc}; pub fn to_datetime_utc(ndt: NaiveDateTime) -> DateTime { DateTime::::from_utc(ndt, Utc) } pub fn naive_now() -> NaiveDateTime { chrono::prelude::Utc::now().naive_utc() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use Settings; #[test] fn test_api() { assert_eq!(Settings::get().api_endpoint(), ""); } }