ALTER TABLE community_aggregates DROP COLUMN subscribers_local; -- old function from migrations/2023-10-02-145002_community_followers_count_federated/up.sql -- The subscriber count should only be updated for local communities. For remote -- communities it is read over federation from the origin instance. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION community_aggregates_subscriber_count () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN UPDATE community_aggregates SET subscribers = subscribers + 1 FROM community WHERE = community_id AND community.local AND community_id = NEW.community_id; ELSIF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN UPDATE community_aggregates SET subscribers = subscribers - 1 FROM community WHERE = community_id AND community.local AND community_id = OLD.community_id; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $$; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS delete_follow_before_person ON person; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS delete_follow_before_person;