pub mod api_routes_v3; pub mod api_routes_v4; pub mod code_migrations; pub mod prometheus_metrics; pub mod scheduled_tasks; pub mod session_middleware; use crate::{code_migrations::run_advanced_migrations, session_middleware::SessionMiddleware}; use activitypub_federation::config::{FederationConfig, FederationMiddleware}; use actix_cors::Cors; use actix_web::{ dev::{ServerHandle, ServiceResponse}, middleware::{self, Condition, ErrorHandlerResponse, ErrorHandlers}, web::Data, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, }; use actix_web_prom::PrometheusMetricsBuilder; use clap::Parser; use lemmy_api_common::{ context::LemmyContext, lemmy_db_views::structs::SiteView, request::client_builder, send_activity::{ActivityChannel, MATCH_OUTGOING_ACTIVITIES}, utils::{ check_private_instance_and_federation_enabled, local_site_rate_limit_to_rate_limit_config, }, }; use lemmy_apub::{ activities::{handle_outgoing_activities, match_outgoing_activities}, objects::instance::ApubSite, VerifyUrlData, FEDERATION_HTTP_FETCH_LIMIT, }; use lemmy_db_schema::{source::secret::Secret, utils::build_db_pool}; use lemmy_federate::{Opts, SendManager}; use lemmy_routes::{feeds, images, nodeinfo, webfinger}; use lemmy_utils::{ error::{LemmyErrorType, LemmyResult}, rate_limit::RateLimitCell, response::jsonify_plain_text_errors, settings::{structs::Settings, SETTINGS}, VERSION, }; use prometheus::default_registry; use prometheus_metrics::serve_prometheus; use reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder; use reqwest_tracing::TracingMiddleware; use serde_json::json; use std::{ops::Deref, time::Duration}; use tokio::signal::unix::SignalKind; use tracing_actix_web::{DefaultRootSpanBuilder, TracingLogger}; /// Timeout for HTTP requests while sending activities. A longer timeout provides better /// compatibility with other ActivityPub software that might allocate more time for synchronous /// processing of incoming activities. This timeout should be slightly longer than the time we /// expect a remote server to wait before aborting processing on its own to account for delays from /// establishing the HTTP connection and sending the request itself. const ACTIVITY_SENDING_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(125); #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command( version, about = "A link aggregator for the fediverse", long_about = "A link aggregator for the fediverse.\n\nThis is the Lemmy backend API server. This will connect to a PostgreSQL database, run any pending migrations and start accepting API requests." )] // TODO: Instead of defining individual env vars, only specify prefix once supported by clap. // pub struct CmdArgs { /// Don't run scheduled tasks. /// /// If you are running multiple Lemmy server processes, you probably want to disable scheduled /// tasks on all but one of the processes, to avoid running the tasks more often than intended. #[arg(long, default_value_t = false, env = "LEMMY_DISABLE_SCHEDULED_TASKS")] disable_scheduled_tasks: bool, /// Disables the HTTP server. /// /// This can be used to run a Lemmy server process that only performs scheduled tasks or activity /// sending. #[arg(long, default_value_t = false, env = "LEMMY_DISABLE_HTTP_SERVER")] disable_http_server: bool, /// Disable sending outgoing ActivityPub messages. /// /// Only pass this for horizontally scaled setups. /// See for details. #[arg(long, default_value_t = false, env = "LEMMY_DISABLE_ACTIVITY_SENDING")] disable_activity_sending: bool, /// The index of this outgoing federation process. /// /// Defaults to 1/1. If you want to split the federation workload onto n servers, run each server /// 1≤i≤n with these args: --federate-process-index i --federate-process-count n /// /// Make you have exactly one server with each `i` running, otherwise federation will randomly /// send duplicates or nothing. /// /// See for more detail. #[arg(long, default_value_t = 1, env = "LEMMY_FEDERATE_PROCESS_INDEX")] federate_process_index: i32, /// How many outgoing federation processes you are starting in total. /// /// If set, make sure to set --federate-process-index differently for each. #[arg(long, default_value_t = 1, env = "LEMMY_FEDERATE_PROCESS_COUNT")] federate_process_count: i32, } /// Placing the main function in allows other crates to import it and embed Lemmy pub async fn start_lemmy_server(args: CmdArgs) -> LemmyResult<()> { // Print version number to log println!("Starting Lemmy v{VERSION}"); // return error 503 while running db migrations and startup tasks let mut startup_server_handle = None; if !args.disable_http_server { startup_server_handle = Some(create_startup_server()?); } // Set up the connection pool let pool = build_db_pool()?; // Run the Code-required migrations run_advanced_migrations(&mut (&pool).into(), &SETTINGS).await?; // Initialize the secrets let secret = Secret::init(&mut (&pool).into()).await?; // Make sure the local site is set up. let site_view = SiteView::read_local(&mut (&pool).into()).await?; let local_site = site_view.local_site; let federation_enabled = local_site.federation_enabled; if federation_enabled { println!("Federation enabled, host is {}", &SETTINGS.hostname); } check_private_instance_and_federation_enabled(&local_site)?; // Set up the rate limiter let rate_limit_config = local_site_rate_limit_to_rate_limit_config(&site_view.local_site_rate_limit); let rate_limit_cell = RateLimitCell::new(rate_limit_config); println!( "Starting HTTP server at {}:{}", SETTINGS.bind, SETTINGS.port ); let client = ClientBuilder::new(client_builder(&SETTINGS).build()?) .with(TracingMiddleware::default()) .build(); let context = LemmyContext::create( pool.clone(), client.clone(), secret.clone(), rate_limit_cell.clone(), ); if let Some(prometheus) = SETTINGS.prometheus.clone() { serve_prometheus(prometheus, context.clone())?; } let mut federation_config_builder = FederationConfig::builder(); federation_config_builder .domain(SETTINGS.hostname.clone()) .app_data(context.clone()) .client(client.clone()) .http_fetch_limit(FEDERATION_HTTP_FETCH_LIMIT) .debug(cfg!(debug_assertions)) .http_signature_compat(true) .url_verifier(Box::new(VerifyUrlData(context.inner_pool().clone()))); if local_site.federation_signed_fetch { let site: ApubSite =; federation_config_builder.signed_fetch_actor(&site); } let federation_config =; MATCH_OUTGOING_ACTIVITIES .set(Box::new(move |d, c| { Box::pin(match_outgoing_activities(d, c)) })) .map_err(|_e| LemmyErrorType::Unknown("couldnt set function pointer".into()))?; let request_data = federation_config.to_request_data(); let outgoing_activities_task = tokio::task::spawn(handle_outgoing_activities( request_data.reset_request_count(), )); let scheduled_tasks = (!args.disable_scheduled_tasks).then(|| { // Schedules various cleanup tasks for the DB tokio::task::spawn(scheduled_tasks::setup(request_data.reset_request_count())) }); let server = if !args.disable_http_server { if let Some(startup_server_handle) = startup_server_handle { startup_server_handle.stop(true).await; } Some(create_http_server( federation_config.clone(), SETTINGS.clone(), federation_enabled, )?) } else { None }; // This FederationConfig instance is exclusively used to send activities, so we can safely // increase the timeout without affecting timeouts for resolving objects anywhere. let federation_sender_config = if !args.disable_activity_sending { let mut federation_sender_config = federation_config_builder.clone(); federation_sender_config.request_timeout(ACTIVITY_SENDING_TIMEOUT); Some( } else { None }; let federate =|cfg| { SendManager::run( Opts { process_index: args.federate_process_index, process_count: args.federate_process_count, }, cfg, SETTINGS.federation.clone(), ) }); let mut interrupt = tokio::signal::unix::signal(SignalKind::interrupt())?; let mut terminate = tokio::signal::unix::signal(SignalKind::terminate())?; if server.is_some() || federate.is_some() || scheduled_tasks.is_some() { tokio::select! { _ = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => { tracing::warn!("Received ctrl-c, shutting down gracefully..."); } _ = interrupt.recv() => { tracing::warn!("Received interrupt, shutting down gracefully..."); } _ = terminate.recv() => { tracing::warn!("Received terminate, shutting down gracefully..."); } } } if let Some(server) = server { server.stop(true).await; } if let Some(federate) = federate { federate.cancel().await?; } // Wait for outgoing apub sends to complete ActivityChannel::close(outgoing_activities_task).await?; Ok(()) } /// Creates temporary HTTP server which returns status 503 for all requests. fn create_startup_server() -> LemmyResult { let startup_server = HttpServer::new(move || { App::new().wrap(ErrorHandlers::new().default_handler(move |req| { let (req, _) = req.into_parts(); let response = HttpResponse::ServiceUnavailable().json(json!({"error": "Lemmy is currently starting"})); let service_response = ServiceResponse::new(req, response); Ok(ErrorHandlerResponse::Response( service_response.map_into_right_body(), )) })) }) .bind((SETTINGS.bind, SETTINGS.port))? .run(); let startup_server_handle = startup_server.handle(); tokio::task::spawn(startup_server); Ok(startup_server_handle) } fn create_http_server( federation_config: FederationConfig, settings: Settings, federation_enabled: bool, ) -> LemmyResult { // this must come before the HttpServer creation // creates a middleware that populates http metrics for each path, method, and status code let prom_api_metrics = PrometheusMetricsBuilder::new("lemmy_api") .registry(default_registry().clone()) .build() .map_err(|e| LemmyErrorType::Unknown(format!("Should always be buildable: {e}")))?; let context: LemmyContext = federation_config.deref().clone(); let rate_limit_cell = federation_config.rate_limit_cell().clone(); // Pictrs cannot use proxy let pictrs_client = ClientBuilder::new(client_builder(&SETTINGS).no_proxy().build()?) .with(TracingMiddleware::default()) .build(); // Create Http server let bind = (settings.bind, settings.port); let server = HttpServer::new(move || { let cors_config = cors_config(&settings); let app = App::new() .wrap(middleware::Logger::new( // This is the default log format save for the usage of %{r}a over %a to guarantee to // record the client's (forwarded) IP and not the last peer address, since the latter is // frequently just a reverse proxy "%{r}a '%r' %s %b '%{Referer}i' '%{User-Agent}i' %T", )) .wrap(middleware::Compress::default()) .wrap(cors_config) .wrap(TracingLogger::::new()) .wrap(ErrorHandlers::new().default_handler(jsonify_plain_text_errors)) .app_data(Data::new(context.clone())) .app_data(Data::new(rate_limit_cell.clone())) .wrap(FederationMiddleware::new(federation_config.clone())) .wrap(SessionMiddleware::new(context.clone())) .wrap(Condition::new( SETTINGS.prometheus.is_some(), prom_api_metrics.clone(), )); // The routes app .configure(|cfg| api_routes_v3::config(cfg, &rate_limit_cell)) .configure(|cfg| api_routes_v4::config(cfg, &rate_limit_cell)) .configure(|cfg| { if federation_enabled { lemmy_apub::http::routes::config(cfg); webfinger::config(cfg); } }) .configure(feeds::config) .configure(|cfg| images::config(cfg, pictrs_client.clone(), &rate_limit_cell)) .configure(nodeinfo::config) }) .disable_signals() .bind(bind)? .run(); let handle = server.handle(); tokio::task::spawn(server); Ok(handle) } fn cors_config(settings: &Settings) -> Cors { let self_origin = settings.get_protocol_and_hostname(); let cors_origin_setting = settings.cors_origin(); // A default setting for either wildcard, or None let cors_default = Cors::default() .allow_any_origin() .allow_any_method() .allow_any_header() .expose_any_header() .max_age(3600); match (cors_origin_setting.clone(), cfg!(debug_assertions)) { (Some(origin), false) => { // Need to call send_wildcard() explicitly, passing this into allowed_origin() results in // error if origin == "*" { cors_default } else { Cors::default() .allowed_origin(&origin) .allowed_origin(&self_origin) .allow_any_method() .allow_any_header() .expose_any_header() .max_age(3600) } } _ => cors_default, } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use activitypub_federation::config::Data; use lemmy_api_common::context::LemmyContext; use std::env::set_current_dir; pub async fn test_context() -> Data { // hack, necessary so that config file can be loaded from hardcoded, relative path. // Ignore errors as this gets called once for every test (so changing dir again would fail). set_current_dir("crates/utils").ok(); LemmyContext::init_test_context().await } }