use activitypub_federation::config::Data; use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone, Utc}; use clokwerk::{AsyncScheduler, TimeUnits as CTimeUnits}; use diesel::{ dsl::{exists, not, IntervalDsl}, query_builder::AsQuery, sql_query, sql_types::{Integer, Timestamptz}, BoolExpressionMethods, ExpressionMethods, NullableExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, QueryableByName, }; use diesel_async::{AsyncPgConnection, RunQueryDsl}; use lemmy_api_common::{ context::LemmyContext, send_activity::{ActivityChannel, SendActivityData}, }; use lemmy_api_crud::post::create::send_webmention; use lemmy_db_schema::{ schema::{ captcha_answer, comment, community, community_actions, federation_blocklist, instance, person, post, received_activity, sent_activity, }, source::{ community::Community, instance::{Instance, InstanceForm}, local_user::LocalUser, post::{Post, PostUpdateForm}, }, traits::Crud, utils::{ find_action, functions::coalesce, get_conn, now, uplete, DbPool, DELETED_REPLACEMENT_TEXT, }, }; use lemmy_routes::nodeinfo::{NodeInfo, NodeInfoWellKnown}; use lemmy_utils::error::{LemmyErrorType, LemmyResult}; use reqwest_middleware::ClientWithMiddleware; use std::time::Duration; use tracing::{info, warn}; /// Schedules various cleanup tasks for lemmy in a background thread pub async fn setup(context: Data) -> LemmyResult<()> { // Setup the connections let mut scheduler = AsyncScheduler::new(); startup_jobs(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to run startup tasks: {e}")) .ok(); let context_1 = context.clone(); // Update active counts expired bans and unpublished posts every hour scheduler.every(CTimeUnits::hour(1)).run(move || { let context = context_1.clone(); async move { active_counts(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to update active counts: {e}")) .ok(); update_banned_when_expired(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to update expired bans: {e}")) .ok(); delete_instance_block_when_expired(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to delete expired instance bans: {e}")) .ok(); } }); let context_1 = context.reset_request_count(); // Every 10 minutes update hot ranks, delete expired captchas and publish scheduled posts scheduler.every(CTimeUnits::minutes(10)).run(move || { let context = context_1.reset_request_count(); async move { update_hot_ranks(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to update hot ranks: {e}")) .ok(); delete_expired_captcha_answers(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to delete expired captcha answers: {e}")) .ok(); publish_scheduled_posts(&context) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to publish scheduled posts: {e}")) .ok(); } }); let context_1 = context.clone(); // Clear old activities every week scheduler.every(CTimeUnits::weeks(1)).run(move || { let context = context_1.clone(); async move { clear_old_activities(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to clear old activities: {e}")) .ok(); } }); let context_1 = context.clone(); // Daily tasks: // - Overwrite deleted & removed posts and comments every day // - Delete old denied users // - Update instance software scheduler.every(CTimeUnits::days(1)).run(move || { let context = context_1.clone(); async move { overwrite_deleted_posts_and_comments(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to overwrite deleted posts/comments: {e}")) .ok(); delete_old_denied_users(&mut context.pool()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to delete old denied users: {e}")) .ok(); update_instance_software(&mut context.pool(), context.client()) .await .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Failed to update instance software: {e}")) .ok(); } }); // Manually run the scheduler in an event loop loop { scheduler.run_pending().await; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)).await; } } /// Run these on server startup async fn startup_jobs(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { active_counts(pool).await?; update_hot_ranks(pool).await?; update_banned_when_expired(pool).await?; delete_instance_block_when_expired(pool).await?; clear_old_activities(pool).await?; overwrite_deleted_posts_and_comments(pool).await?; delete_old_denied_users(pool).await?; Ok(()) } /// Update the hot_rank columns for the aggregates tables /// Runs in batches until all necessary rows are updated once async fn update_hot_ranks(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { info!("Updating hot ranks for all history..."); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; process_post_aggregates_ranks_in_batches(&mut conn).await?; process_ranks_in_batches( &mut conn, "comment", "a.hot_rank != 0", "SET hot_rank = r.hot_rank(a.score, a.published)", ) .await?; process_ranks_in_batches( &mut conn, "community", "a.hot_rank != 0", "SET hot_rank = r.hot_rank(a.subscribers, a.published)", ) .await?; info!("Finished hot ranks update!"); Ok(()) } #[derive(QueryableByName)] struct HotRanksUpdateResult { #[diesel(sql_type = Timestamptz)] published: DateTime, } /// Runs the hot rank update query in batches until all rows have been processed. /// In `where_clause` and `set_clause`, "a" will refer to the current aggregates table. /// Locked rows are skipped in order to prevent deadlocks (they will likely get updated on the next /// run) async fn process_ranks_in_batches( conn: &mut AsyncPgConnection, table_name: &str, where_clause: &str, set_clause: &str, ) -> LemmyResult<()> { let process_start_time: DateTime = Utc.timestamp_opt(0, 0).single().unwrap_or_default(); let update_batch_size = 1000; // Bigger batches than this tend to cause seq scans let mut processed_rows_count = 0; let mut previous_batch_result = Some(process_start_time); while let Some(previous_batch_last_published) = previous_batch_result { // Raw `sql_query` is used as a performance optimization - Diesel does not support doing this // in a single query (neither as a CTE, nor using a subquery) let updated_rows = sql_query(format!( r#"WITH batch AS (SELECT a.{id_column} FROM {aggregates_table} a WHERE a.published > $1 AND ({where_clause}) ORDER BY a.published LIMIT $2 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) UPDATE {aggregates_table} a {set_clause} FROM batch WHERE a.{id_column} = batch.{id_column} RETURNING a.published; "#, id_column = format_args!("{table_name}_id"), aggregates_table = format_args!("{table_name}_aggregates"), )) .bind::(previous_batch_last_published) .bind::(update_batch_size) .get_results::(conn) .await .map_err(|e| { LemmyErrorType::Unknown(format!("Failed to update {} hot_ranks: {}", table_name, e)) })?; processed_rows_count += updated_rows.len(); previous_batch_result = updated_rows.last().map(|row| row.published); } info!( "Finished process_hot_ranks_in_batches execution for {} (processed {} rows)", table_name, processed_rows_count ); Ok(()) } /// Post aggregates is a special case, since it needs to join to the community_aggregates /// table, to get the active monthly user counts. async fn process_post_aggregates_ranks_in_batches(conn: &mut AsyncPgConnection) -> LemmyResult<()> { let process_start_time: DateTime = Utc.timestamp_opt(0, 0).single().unwrap_or_default(); let update_batch_size = 1000; // Bigger batches than this tend to cause seq scans let mut processed_rows_count = 0; let mut previous_batch_result = Some(process_start_time); while let Some(previous_batch_last_published) = previous_batch_result { let updated_rows = sql_query( r#"WITH batch AS (SELECT pa.post_id FROM post_aggregates pa WHERE pa.published > $1 AND (pa.hot_rank != 0 OR pa.hot_rank_active != 0) ORDER BY pa.published LIMIT $2 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) UPDATE post_aggregates pa SET hot_rank = r.hot_rank(pa.score, pa.published), hot_rank_active = r.hot_rank(pa.score, pa.newest_comment_time_necro), scaled_rank = r.scaled_rank(pa.score, pa.published, ca.users_active_month) FROM batch, community_aggregates ca WHERE pa.post_id = batch.post_id and pa.community_id = ca.community_id RETURNING pa.published; "#, ) .bind::(previous_batch_last_published) .bind::(update_batch_size) .get_results::(conn) .await.map_err(|e| LemmyErrorType::Unknown(format!("Failed to update {} hot_ranks: {}", "post_aggregates", e)))?; processed_rows_count += updated_rows.len(); previous_batch_result = updated_rows.last().map(|row| row.published); } info!( "Finished process_hot_ranks_in_batches execution for {} (processed {} rows)", "post_aggregates", processed_rows_count ); Ok(()) } async fn delete_expired_captcha_answers(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::delete( captcha_answer::table.filter( - IntervalDsl::minutes(10))), ) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; info!("Done."); Ok(()) } /// Clear old activities (this table gets very large) async fn clear_old_activities(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { info!("Clearing old activities..."); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::delete( sent_activity::table.filter( - IntervalDsl::days(7))), ) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; diesel::delete( received_activity::table.filter( - IntervalDsl::days(7))), ) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; info!("Done."); Ok(()) } async fn delete_old_denied_users(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { LocalUser::delete_old_denied_local_users(pool).await?; info!("Done."); Ok(()) } /// overwrite posts and comments 30d after deletion async fn overwrite_deleted_posts_and_comments(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { info!("Overwriting deleted posts..."); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::update( post::table .filter(post::deleted.eq(true)) .filter( - 1.months())) .filter(, ) .set(( post::body.eq(DELETED_REPLACEMENT_TEXT), post::name.eq(DELETED_REPLACEMENT_TEXT), )) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; info!("Overwriting deleted comments..."); diesel::update( comment::table .filter(comment::deleted.eq(true)) .filter( - 1.months())) .filter(, ) .set(comment::content.eq(DELETED_REPLACEMENT_TEXT)) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; info!("Done."); Ok(()) } /// Re-calculate the site and community active counts every 12 hours async fn active_counts(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { info!("Updating active site and community aggregates ..."); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; let intervals = vec![ ("1 day", "day"), ("1 week", "week"), ("1 month", "month"), ("6 months", "half_year"), ]; for (full_form, abbr) in &intervals { let update_site_stmt = format!( "update site_aggregates set users_active_{} = (select * from r.site_aggregates_activity('{}')) where site_id = 1", abbr, full_form ); sql_query(update_site_stmt).execute(&mut conn).await?; let update_community_stmt = format!("update community_aggregates ca set users_active_{} = mv.count_ from r.community_aggregates_activity('{}') mv where ca.community_id = mv.community_id_", abbr, full_form); sql_query(update_community_stmt).execute(&mut conn).await?; } info!("Done."); Ok(()) } /// Set banned to false after ban expires async fn update_banned_when_expired(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { info!("Updating banned column if it expires ..."); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::update( person::table .filter(person::banned.eq(true)) .filter(, ) .set(person::banned.eq(false)) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; uplete::new(community_actions::table.filter( .set_null(community_actions::received_ban) .set_null(community_actions::ban_expires) .as_query() .execute(&mut conn) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Set banned to false after ban expires async fn delete_instance_block_when_expired(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { info!("Delete instance blocks when expired ..."); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::delete( federation_blocklist::table.filter(, ) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Find all unpublished posts with scheduled date in the future, and publish them. async fn publish_scheduled_posts(context: &Data) -> LemmyResult<()> { let pool = &mut context.pool(); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; let scheduled_posts: Vec<_> = post::table .inner_join(community::table) .inner_join(person::table) // find all posts which have scheduled_publish_time that is in the past .filter(post::scheduled_publish_time.is_not_null()) .filter(coalesce(post::scheduled_publish_time, now()).lt(now())) // make sure the post, person and community are still around .filter(not(post::deleted.or(post::removed))) .filter(not(person::banned.or(person::deleted))) .filter(not(community::removed.or(community::deleted))) // ensure that user isnt banned from community .filter(not(exists(find_action( community_actions::received_ban, (person::id, community::id), )))) .select((post::all_columns, community::all_columns)) .get_results::<(Post, Community)>(&mut conn) .await?; for (post, community) in scheduled_posts { // mark post as published in db let form = PostUpdateForm { scheduled_publish_time: Some(None), ..Default::default() }; Post::update(&mut context.pool(),, &form).await?; // send out post via federation and webmention let send_activity = SendActivityData::CreatePost(post.clone()); ActivityChannel::submit_activity(send_activity, context)?; send_webmention(post, community); } Ok(()) } /// Updates the instance software and version. /// /// Does so using the /.well-known/nodeinfo protocol described here: /// /// /// TODO: if instance has been dead for a long time, it should be checked less frequently async fn update_instance_software( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, client: &ClientWithMiddleware, ) -> LemmyResult<()> { info!("Updating instances software and versions..."); let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; let instances = instance::table.get_results::(&mut conn).await?; for instance in instances { if let Some(form) = build_update_instance_form(&instance.domain, client).await { Instance::update(pool,, form).await?; } } info!("Finished updating instances software and versions..."); Ok(()) } /// This builds an instance update form, for a given domain. /// If the instance sends a response, but doesn't have a well-known or nodeinfo, /// Then return a default form with only the updated field. async fn build_update_instance_form( domain: &str, client: &ClientWithMiddleware, ) -> Option { // The `updated` column is used to check if instances are alive. If it is more than three // days in the past, no outgoing activities will be sent to that instance. However // not every Fediverse instance has a valid Nodeinfo endpoint (its not required for // Activitypub). That's why we always need to mark instances as updated if they are // alive. let mut instance_form = InstanceForm { updated: Some(Utc::now()), ..InstanceForm::new(domain.to_string()) }; // First, fetch their /.well-known/nodeinfo, then extract the correct nodeinfo link from it let well_known_url = format!("https://{}/.well-known/nodeinfo", domain); let Ok(res) = client.get(&well_known_url).send().await else { // This is the only kind of error that means the instance is dead return None; }; let status = res.status(); if status.is_client_error() || status.is_server_error() { return None; } // In this block, returning `None` is ignored, and only means not writing nodeinfo to db async { let node_info_url = res .json::() .await .ok()? .links .into_iter() .find(|links| { links .rel .as_str() .starts_with("") })? .href; let software = client .get(node_info_url) .send() .await .ok()? .json::() .await .ok()? .software?; =; instance_form.version = software.version; Some(()) } .await; Some(instance_form) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{scheduled_tasks::build_update_instance_form, tests::test_context}; use lemmy_api_common::request::client_builder; use lemmy_utils::{ error::{LemmyErrorType, LemmyResult}, settings::structs::Settings, }; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder; use serial_test::serial; #[tokio::test] async fn test_nodeinfo_lemmy_ml() -> LemmyResult<()> { let client = ClientBuilder::new(client_builder(&Settings::default()).build()?).build(); let form = build_update_instance_form("", &client) .await .ok_or(LemmyErrorType::NotFound)?; assert_eq!(, "lemmy"); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_nodeinfo_mastodon_social() -> LemmyResult<()> { let client = ClientBuilder::new(client_builder(&Settings::default()).build()?).build(); let form = build_update_instance_form("", &client) .await .ok_or(LemmyErrorType::NotFound)?; assert_eq!(, "mastodon"); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_scheduled_tasks_no_errors() -> LemmyResult<()> { let context = test_context().await; startup_jobs(&mut context.pool()).await?; update_instance_software(&mut context.pool(), context.client()).await?; delete_expired_captcha_answers(&mut context.pool()).await?; publish_scheduled_posts(&context).await?; Ok(()) } }