use actix_web::web::{Data, Json, Query}; use lemmy_api_common::{ context::LemmyContext, site::{GetModlog, GetModlogResponse}, utils::{check_community_mod_of_any_or_admin_action, check_private_instance}, }; use lemmy_db_schema::{source::local_site::LocalSite, ModlogActionType}; use lemmy_db_views::structs::LocalUserView; use lemmy_db_views_moderator::structs::{ AdminPurgeCommentView, AdminPurgeCommunityView, AdminPurgePersonView, AdminPurgePostView, ModAddCommunityView, ModAddView, ModBanFromCommunityView, ModBanView, ModFeaturePostView, ModHideCommunityView, ModLockPostView, ModRemoveCommentView, ModRemoveCommunityView, ModRemovePostView, ModTransferCommunityView, ModlogListParams, }; use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyError; use ModlogActionType::*; #[tracing::instrument(skip(context))] pub async fn get_mod_log( data: Query, context: Data, local_user_view: Option, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { let local_site = LocalSite::read(&mut context.pool()).await?; check_private_instance(&local_user_view, &local_site)?; let type_ = data.type_.unwrap_or(All); let community_id = data.community_id; let is_mod_or_admin = if let Some(local_user_view) = local_user_view { check_community_mod_of_any_or_admin_action(&local_user_view, &mut context.pool()) .await .is_ok() } else { false }; let hide_modlog_names = local_site.hide_modlog_mod_names && !is_mod_or_admin; let mod_person_id = if hide_modlog_names { None } else { data.mod_person_id }; let other_person_id = data.other_person_id; let params = ModlogListParams { community_id, mod_person_id, other_person_id, page:, limit: data.limit, hide_modlog_names, }; let removed_posts = match type_ { All | ModRemovePost => ModRemovePostView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }; let locked_posts = match type_ { All | ModLockPost => ModLockPostView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }; let featured_posts = match type_ { All | ModFeaturePost => ModFeaturePostView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }; let removed_comments = match type_ { All | ModRemoveComment => ModRemoveCommentView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }; let banned_from_community = match type_ { All | ModBanFromCommunity => ModBanFromCommunityView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }; let added_to_community = match type_ { All | ModAddCommunity => ModAddCommunityView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }; let transferred_to_community = match type_ { All | ModTransferCommunity => { ModTransferCommunityView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await? } _ => Default::default(), }; let hidden_communities = match type_ { All | ModHideCommunity if other_person_id.is_none() => { ModHideCommunityView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await? } _ => Default::default(), }; // These arrays are only for the full modlog, when a community isn't given let ( banned, added, removed_communities, admin_purged_persons, admin_purged_communities, admin_purged_posts, admin_purged_comments, ) = if data.community_id.is_none() { ( match type_ { All | ModBan => ModBanView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }, match type_ { All | ModAdd => ModAddView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await?, _ => Default::default(), }, match type_ { All | ModRemoveCommunity if other_person_id.is_none() => { ModRemoveCommunityView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await? } _ => Default::default(), }, match type_ { All | AdminPurgePerson if other_person_id.is_none() => { AdminPurgePersonView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await? } _ => Default::default(), }, match type_ { All | AdminPurgeCommunity if other_person_id.is_none() => { AdminPurgeCommunityView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await? } _ => Default::default(), }, match type_ { All | AdminPurgePost if other_person_id.is_none() => { AdminPurgePostView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await? } _ => Default::default(), }, match type_ { All | AdminPurgeComment if other_person_id.is_none() => { AdminPurgeCommentView::list(&mut context.pool(), params).await? } _ => Default::default(), }, ) } else { Default::default() }; // Return the jwt Ok(Json(GetModlogResponse { removed_posts, locked_posts, featured_posts, removed_comments, removed_communities, banned_from_community, banned, added_to_community, added, transferred_to_community, admin_purged_persons, admin_purged_communities, admin_purged_posts, admin_purged_comments, hidden_communities, })) }