extern crate rss; use super::*; use crate::db::comment_view::ReplyView; use crate::db::community::Community; use crate::db::community_view::SiteView; use crate::db::post_view::PostView; use crate::db::user::User_; use crate::db::user_mention_view::UserMentionView; use crate::db::{establish_connection, ListingType, SortType}; use crate::Settings; use actix_web::body::Body; use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse, Result}; use failure::Error; use rss::{CategoryBuilder, ChannelBuilder, GuidBuilder, Item, ItemBuilder}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::str::FromStr; use strum::ParseError; #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct Params { sort: Option, } enum RequestType { Community, User, Front, Inbox, } pub fn get_all_feed(info: web::Query) -> HttpResponse { let sort_type = match get_sort_type(info) { Ok(sort_type) => sort_type, Err(_) => return HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish(), }; let feed_result = get_feed_all_data(&sort_type); match feed_result { Ok(rss) => HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("application/rss+xml") .body(rss), Err(_) => HttpResponse::NotFound().finish(), } } pub fn get_feed(path: web::Path<(String, String)>, info: web::Query) -> HttpResponse { let sort_type = match get_sort_type(info) { Ok(sort_type) => sort_type, Err(_) => return HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish(), }; let request_type = match path.0.as_ref() { "u" => RequestType::User, "c" => RequestType::Community, "front" => RequestType::Front, "inbox" => RequestType::Inbox, _ => return HttpResponse::NotFound().finish(), }; let param = path.1.to_owned(); let feed_result = match request_type { RequestType::User => get_feed_user(&sort_type, param), RequestType::Community => get_feed_community(&sort_type, param), RequestType::Front => get_feed_front(&sort_type, param), RequestType::Inbox => get_feed_inbox(param), }; match feed_result { Ok(rss) => HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("application/rss+xml") .body(rss), Err(_) => HttpResponse::NotFound().finish(), } } fn get_sort_type(info: web::Query) -> Result { let sort_query = info.sort.to_owned().unwrap_or(SortType::Hot.to_string()); SortType::from_str(&sort_query) } fn get_feed_all_data(sort_type: &SortType) -> Result { let conn = establish_connection(); let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?; let posts = PostView::list( &conn, ListingType::All, sort_type, None, None, None, None, None, true, false, false, None, None, )?; let items = create_post_items(posts); let mut channel_builder = ChannelBuilder::default(); channel_builder .title(&format!("{} - All", site_view.name)) .link(format!("https://{}", Settings::get().hostname)) .items(items); if let Some(site_desc) = site_view.description { channel_builder.description(&site_desc); } Ok(channel_builder.build().unwrap().to_string()) } fn get_feed_user(sort_type: &SortType, user_name: String) -> Result { let conn = establish_connection(); let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?; let user = User_::find_by_email_or_username(&conn, &user_name)?; let user_url = format!("https://{}/u/{}", Settings::get().hostname, user.name); let posts = PostView::list( &conn, ListingType::All, sort_type, None, Some(user.id), None, None, None, true, false, false, None, None, )?; let items = create_post_items(posts); let mut channel_builder = ChannelBuilder::default(); channel_builder .title(&format!("{} - {}", site_view.name, user.name)) .link(user_url) .items(items); Ok(channel_builder.build().unwrap().to_string()) } fn get_feed_community(sort_type: &SortType, community_name: String) -> Result { let conn = establish_connection(); let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?; let community = Community::read_from_name(&conn, community_name)?; let community_url = format!("https://{}/c/{}", Settings::get().hostname, community.name); let posts = PostView::list( &conn, ListingType::All, sort_type, Some(community.id), None, None, None, None, true, false, false, None, None, )?; let items = create_post_items(posts); let mut channel_builder = ChannelBuilder::default(); channel_builder .title(&format!("{} - {}", site_view.name, community.name)) .link(community_url) .items(items); if let Some(community_desc) = community.description { channel_builder.description(&community_desc); } Ok(channel_builder.build().unwrap().to_string()) } fn get_feed_front(sort_type: &SortType, jwt: String) -> Result { let conn = establish_connection(); let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?; let user_id = db::user::Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.id; let posts = PostView::list( &conn, ListingType::Subscribed, sort_type, None, None, None, None, Some(user_id), true, false, false, None, None, )?; let items = create_post_items(posts); let mut channel_builder = ChannelBuilder::default(); channel_builder .title(&format!("{} - Subscribed", site_view.name)) .link(format!("https://{}", Settings::get().hostname)) .items(items); if let Some(site_desc) = site_view.description { channel_builder.description(&site_desc); } Ok(channel_builder.build().unwrap().to_string()) } fn get_feed_inbox(jwt: String) -> Result { let conn = establish_connection(); let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?; let user_id = db::user::Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.id; let sort = SortType::New; let replies = ReplyView::get_replies(&conn, user_id, &sort, false, None, None)?; let mentions = UserMentionView::get_mentions(&conn, user_id, &sort, false, None, None)?; let items = create_reply_and_mention_items(replies, mentions); let mut channel_builder = ChannelBuilder::default(); channel_builder .title(&format!("{} - Inbox", site_view.name)) .link(format!("https://{}/inbox", Settings::get().hostname)) .items(items); if let Some(site_desc) = site_view.description { channel_builder.description(&site_desc); } Ok(channel_builder.build().unwrap().to_string()) } fn create_reply_and_mention_items( replies: Vec, mentions: Vec, ) -> Vec { let mut items: Vec = Vec::new(); for r in replies { let mut i = ItemBuilder::default(); i.title(format!("Reply from {}", r.creator_name)); let author_url = format!("https://{}/u/{}", Settings::get().hostname, r.creator_name); i.author(format!( "/u/{} (link)", r.creator_name, author_url )); let dt = DateTime::::from_utc(r.published, Utc); i.pub_date(dt.to_rfc2822()); let reply_url = format!( "https://{}/post/{}/comment/{}", Settings::get().hostname, r.post_id, r.id ); i.comments(reply_url.to_owned()); let guid = GuidBuilder::default() .permalink(true) .value(&reply_url) .build(); i.guid(guid.unwrap()); i.link(reply_url); // TODO find a markdown to html parser here, do images, etc i.description(r.content); items.push(i.build().unwrap()); } for m in mentions { let mut i = ItemBuilder::default(); i.title(format!("Mention from {}", m.creator_name)); let author_url = format!("https://{}/u/{}", Settings::get().hostname, m.creator_name); i.author(format!( "/u/{} (link)", m.creator_name, author_url )); let dt = DateTime::::from_utc(m.published, Utc); i.pub_date(dt.to_rfc2822()); let mention_url = format!( "https://{}/post/{}/comment/{}", Settings::get().hostname, m.post_id, m.id ); i.comments(mention_url.to_owned()); let guid = GuidBuilder::default() .permalink(true) .value(&mention_url) .build(); i.guid(guid.unwrap()); i.link(mention_url); // TODO find a markdown to html parser here, do images, etc i.description(m.content); items.push(i.build().unwrap()); } items } fn create_post_items(posts: Vec) -> Vec { let mut items: Vec = Vec::new(); for p in posts { let mut i = ItemBuilder::default(); i.title(p.name); let author_url = format!("https://{}/u/{}", Settings::get().hostname, p.creator_name); i.author(format!( "/u/{} (link)", p.creator_name, author_url )); let dt = DateTime::::from_utc(p.published, Utc); i.pub_date(dt.to_rfc2822()); let post_url = format!("https://{}/post/{}", Settings::get().hostname, p.id); i.comments(post_url.to_owned()); let guid = GuidBuilder::default() .permalink(true) .value(&post_url) .build(); i.guid(guid.unwrap()); let community_url = format!( "https://{}/c/{}", Settings::get().hostname, p.community_name ); let category = CategoryBuilder::default() .name(format!( "/c/{} (link)", p.community_name, community_url )) .domain(Settings::get().hostname) .build(); i.categories(vec![category.unwrap()]); if let Some(url) = p.url { i.link(url); } // TODO find a markdown to html parser here, do images, etc let mut description = format!(" submitted by {} to {}
{} points | {} comments", author_url, p.creator_name, community_url, p.community_name, p.score, post_url, p.number_of_comments); if let Some(body) = p.body { description.push_str(&format!("

{}", body)); } i.description(description); items.push(i.build().unwrap()); } items }