-- Remove text fields inbox_url, shared_inbox_url from person, community and site. -- Instead use a foreign key for these urls so they can be deduplicated. -- New inbox table -- TODO: add trigger which removes unused inbox items CREATE TABLE inbox ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, url varchar(255) NOT NULL ); -- Move existing inbox values to inbox table, and replace with foreign key ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN inbox_id int; WITH inboxes AS ( SELECT id AS person_id, coalesce(shared_inbox_url, inbox_url) AS url FROM person ), inserted AS ( INSERT INTO inbox (url) SELECT url FROM inboxes ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING id, url) UPDATE person SET inbox_id = inserted.id FROM inboxes, inserted WHERE person.id = inboxes.person_id AND inserted.url = inboxes.url; ALTER TABLE person ADD CONSTRAINT person_inbox_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (inbox_id) REFERENCES inbox (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE person ALTER COLUMN inbox_id SET NOT NULL; -- Drop old columns and rename new one ALTER TABLE person DROP COLUMN inbox_url; ALTER TABLE person DROP COLUMN shared_inbox_url; -- TODO: same thing for community and site