--- kind: pipeline name: amd64 platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: # use minimum supported rust version for most steps - name: prepare repo image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add git - git fetch --tags - git submodule init - git submodule update --recursive --remote - name: cargo fmt image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: # store cargo data in repo folder so that it gets cached between steps CARGO_HOME: .cargo commands: # need make existing toolchain available - cp ~/.cargo . -r - rustup toolchain install nightly - rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly - cargo +nightly fmt -- --check # check each package to make sure they compile with default features. # this is required for crates.io - name: cargo check image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo commands: - cargo check --package lemmy_utils - cargo check --package lemmy_db_schema - cargo check --package lemmy_db_views - cargo check --package lemmy_db_views_actor - cargo check --package lemmy_db_views_moderator - cargo check --package lemmy_api_common - cargo check --package lemmy_api - cargo check --package lemmy_api_crud - cargo check --package lemmy_apub - cargo check --package lemmy_routes - cargo check --workspace - cargo check --workspace --features console # disabled because it takes too long with pict-rs #- cargo check --workspace --all-features - name: cargo clippy image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo commands: # latest rust for clippy to get extra checks # when adding new clippy lints, make sure to also add them in scripts/fix-clippy.sh - rustup component add clippy - cargo clippy --workspace --tests --all-targets --features console -- -D warnings -D deprecated -D clippy::perf -D clippy::complexity -D clippy::style -D clippy::correctness -D clippy::suspicious -D clippy::dbg_macro -D clippy::inefficient_to_string -D clippy::items-after-statements -D clippy::implicit_clone -D clippy::wildcard_imports -D clippy::cast_lossless -D clippy::manual_string_new -D clippy::redundant_closure_for_method_calls -D clippy::unused_self -A clippy::uninlined_format_args - cargo clippy --workspace --features console -- -D clippy::unwrap_used - name: lemmy_api_common doesnt depend on diesel image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo commands: - "! cargo tree -p lemmy_api_common --no-default-features -i diesel" - name: check defaults.hjson updated image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo commands: - export LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION=./config/config.hjson - ./scripts/update_config_defaults.sh config/defaults_current.hjson - diff config/defaults.hjson config/defaults_current.hjson - name: cargo test image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 RUST_TEST_THREADS: 1 CARGO_HOME: .cargo commands: - export LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION=../../config/config.hjson - cargo test --workspace --no-fail-fast - name: cargo build image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo commands: - cargo build - mv target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/lemmy_server target/lemmy_server - name: run federation tests image: node:alpine environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432 DO_WRITE_HOSTS_FILE: 1 commands: - apk add bash curl postgresql-client - bash api_tests/prepare-drone-federation-test.sh - cd api_tests/ - yarn - yarn api-test - name: nightly build image: plugins/docker settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile build_args: RUST_RELEASE_MODE=release username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: dessalines/lemmy add_host: github.com:,static.crates.io:,crates.io:,dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org: tags: - dev when: event: - cron - name: publish release docker image image: plugins/docker settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile build_args: RUST_RELEASE_MODE=release username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: dessalines/lemmy add_host: github.com:,static.crates.io:,crates.io:,dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: linux-amd64 when: ref: - refs/tags/* - name: publish release docker manifest image: plugins/manifest settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password target: "dessalines/lemmy:${DRONE_TAG}" template: "dessalines/lemmy:${DRONE_TAG}-OS-ARCH" platforms: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 ignore_missing: true when: ref: - refs/tags/* - name: publish latest release docker manifest image: plugins/manifest settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password target: "dessalines/lemmy:latest" template: "dessalines/lemmy:${DRONE_TAG}-OS-ARCH" platforms: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 ignore_missing: true when: ref: - refs/tags/* # using https://github.com/pksunkara/cargo-workspaces - name: publish to crates.io image: clux/muslrust:1.67.0 environment: CARGO_TOKEN: from_secret: cargo_api_token commands: - cargo install cargo-workspaces - cp -r migrations crates/db_schema/ - cargo login "$CARGO_TOKEN" - cargo workspaces publish --from-git --allow-dirty --no-verify --allow-branch "${DRONE_TAG}" --yes custom "${DRONE_TAG}" when: ref: - refs/tags/* - name: Notify on failure image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add curl - "curl -d'Drone build failed: ${DRONE_BUILD_LINK}' ntfy.sh/lemmy_drone_ci" when: status: - failure - name: Notify on tag deploy image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add curl - "curl -d'lemmy:${DRONE_TAG} deployed' ntfy.sh/lemmy_drone_ci" when: ref: - refs/tags/* services: - name: database image: postgres:15-alpine environment: POSTGRES_USER: lemmy POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password --- kind: pipeline name: arm64 platform: os: linux arch: arm64 steps: - name: prepare repo image: rust:1.57-slim user: root commands: - apt update - apt install --no-install-recommends --yes git - git fetch --tags - git submodule init - git submodule update --recursive --remote # TODO temporarily disable arm tests # - name: cargo test # image: rust:1.57-slim # environment: # LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy # LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION: ../../config/config.hjson # RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 # RUST_TEST_THREADS: 1 # commands: # - apt-get update # - apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends postgresql-client libssl-dev pkg-config libpq-dev # - cargo test --workspace --no-fail-fast # - cargo build # TODO temporarily disable arm tests # Using Debian here because there seems to be no official Alpine-based Rust docker image for ARM. # - name: cargo build # image: rust:1.57-slim # commands: # - apt-get update # - apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends libssl-dev pkg-config libpq-dev # - cargo build # - mv target/debug/lemmy_server target/lemmy_server # TODO temporarily disable arm tests # - name: run federation tests # image: node:16-slim # environment: # LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432 # DO_WRITE_HOSTS_FILE: 1 # commands: # - mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1 /usr/share/man/man7 # - apt-get update # - apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends bash curl libssl-dev pkg-config libpq-dev postgresql-client libc6-dev # - bash api_tests/prepare-drone-federation-test.sh # - cd api_tests/ # - yarn # - yarn api-test - name: publish release docker image image: plugins/docker settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.arm username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: dessalines/lemmy auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: linux-arm64 when: ref: - refs/tags/* - name: publish release docker manifest image: plugins/manifest settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password target: "dessalines/lemmy:${DRONE_TAG}" template: "dessalines/lemmy:${DRONE_TAG}-OS-ARCH" platforms: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 ignore_missing: true when: ref: - refs/tags/* - name: publish latest release docker manifest image: plugins/manifest settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password target: "dessalines/lemmy:latest" template: "dessalines/lemmy:${DRONE_TAG}-OS-ARCH" platforms: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 ignore_missing: true when: ref: - refs/tags/* # TODO temporarily disable arm tests # services: # - name: database # image: postgres:12-alpine # environment: # POSTGRES_USER: lemmy # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password