# Lemmy v0.7.0 Release (2020-06-23) This release replaces [pictshare](https://github.com/HaschekSolutions/pictshare) with [pict-rs](https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs), which improves performance and security. Overall, since our last major release in January (v0.6.0), we have closed over [100 issues!](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/milestone/16?closed=1) - Site-wide list of recent comments - Reconnecting websockets - Many more themes, including a default light one. - Expandable embeds for post links (and thumbnails), from [iframely](https://github.com/itteco/iframely) - Better icons - Emoji autocomplete to post and message bodies, and an Emoji Picker - Post body now searchable - Community title and description is now searchable - Simplified cross-posts - Better documentation - LOTS more languages - Lots of bugs squashed - And more ... ## Upgrading Before starting the upgrade, make sure that you have a working backup of your database and image files. See our [documentation](https://dev.lemmy.ml/docs/administration_backup_and_restore.html) for backup instructions. **With Ansible:** ``` # deploy with ansible from your local lemmy git repo git pull cd ansible ansible-playbook lemmy.yml # connect via ssh to run the migration script ssh your-server cd /lemmy/ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dessalines/lemmy/master/docker/prod/migrate-pictshare-to-pictrs.bash chmod +x migrate-pictshare-to-pictrs.bash sudo ./migrate-pictshare-to-pictrs.bash ``` **With manual Docker installation:** ``` # run these commands on your server cd /lemmy wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dessalines/lemmy/master/ansible/templates/nginx.conf # Replace the {{ vars }} sudo mv nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lemmy.conf sudo nginx -s reload wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dessalines/lemmy/master/docker/prod/docker-compose.yml wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dessalines/lemmy/master/docker/prod/migrate-pictshare-to-pictrs.bash chmod +x migrate-pictshare-to-pictrs.bash sudo bash migrate-pictshare-to-pictrs.bash ``` **Note:** After upgrading, all users need to reload the page, then logout and login again, so that images are loaded correctly. # Lemmy v0.6.0 Release (2020-01-16) `v0.6.0` is here, and we've closed [41 issues!](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/milestone/15?closed=1) This is the biggest release by far: - Avatars! - Optional Email notifications for username mentions, post and comment replies. - Ability to change your password and email address. - Can set a custom language. - Lemmy-wide settings to disable downvotes, and close registration. - A better documentation system, hosted in lemmy itself. - [Huge DB performance gains](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/411) (everthing down to < `30ms`) by using materialized views. - Fixed major issue with similar post URL and title searching. - Upgraded to Actix `2.0` - Faster comment / post voting. - Better small screen support. - Lots of bug fixes, refactoring of back end code. Another major announcement is that Lemmy now has another lead developer besides me, [@felix@radical.town](https://radical.town/@felix). Theyve created a better documentation system, implemented RSS feeds, simplified docker and project configs, upgraded actix, working on federation, a whole lot else. https://dev.lemmy.ml