pub mod comment; pub mod community; pub mod person; pub mod post; pub mod site; pub mod websocket; use crate::site::FederatedInstances; use lemmy_db_schema::{ newtypes::{CommunityId, DbUrl, LocalUserId, PersonId, PostId}, source::{ comment::Comment, community::Community, email_verification::{EmailVerification, EmailVerificationForm}, password_reset_request::PasswordResetRequest, person::Person, person_block::PersonBlock, post::{Post, PostRead, PostReadForm}, registration_application::RegistrationApplication, secret::Secret, site::Site, }, traits::{Crud, Readable}, DbPool, }; use lemmy_db_views::{ comment_view::CommentQueryBuilder, local_user_view::{LocalUserSettingsView, LocalUserView}, }; use lemmy_db_views_actor::{ community_moderator_view::CommunityModeratorView, community_person_ban_view::CommunityPersonBanView, community_view::CommunityView, }; use lemmy_utils::{ claims::Claims, email::{send_email, translations::Lang}, settings::structs::Settings, utils::generate_random_string, LemmyError, Sensitive, }; use rosetta_i18n::{Language, LanguageId}; use tracing::warn; pub async fn blocking(pool: &DbPool, f: F) -> Result where F: FnOnce(&diesel::PgConnection) -> T + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static, { let pool = pool.clone(); let blocking_span = tracing::info_span!("blocking operation"); let res = actix_web::web::block(move || { let entered = blocking_span.enter(); let conn = pool.get()?; let res = (f)(&conn); drop(entered); Ok(res) as Result }) .await?; res } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn is_mod_or_admin( pool: &DbPool, person_id: PersonId, community_id: CommunityId, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let is_mod_or_admin = blocking(pool, move |conn| { CommunityView::is_mod_or_admin(conn, person_id, community_id) }) .await?; if !is_mod_or_admin { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("not_a_mod_or_admin")); } Ok(()) } pub fn is_admin(local_user_view: &LocalUserView) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if !local_user_view.person.admin { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("not_an_admin")); } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn get_post(post_id: PostId, pool: &DbPool) -> Result { blocking(pool, move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)) .await? .map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_find_post")) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn mark_post_as_read( person_id: PersonId, post_id: PostId, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result { let post_read_form = PostReadForm { post_id, person_id }; blocking(pool, move |conn| { PostRead::mark_as_read(conn, &post_read_form) }) .await? .map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_mark_post_as_read")) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn mark_post_as_unread( person_id: PersonId, post_id: PostId, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result { let post_read_form = PostReadForm { post_id, person_id }; blocking(pool, move |conn| { PostRead::mark_as_unread(conn, &post_read_form) }) .await? .map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_mark_post_as_read")) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn get_local_user_view_from_jwt( jwt: &str, pool: &DbPool, secret: &Secret, ) -> Result { let claims = Claims::decode(jwt, &secret.jwt_secret) .map_err(|e| e.with_message("not_logged_in"))? .claims; let local_user_id = LocalUserId(claims.sub); let local_user_view = blocking(pool, move |conn| LocalUserView::read(conn, local_user_id)).await??; // Check for a site ban if local_user_view.person.is_banned() { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("site_ban")); } // Check for user deletion if local_user_view.person.deleted { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("deleted")); } check_validator_time(&local_user_view.local_user.validator_time, &claims)?; Ok(local_user_view) } /// Checks if user's token was issued before user's password reset. pub fn check_validator_time( validator_time: &chrono::NaiveDateTime, claims: &Claims, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let user_validation_time = validator_time.timestamp(); if user_validation_time > claims.iat { Err(LemmyError::from_message("not_logged_in")) } else { Ok(()) } } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn get_local_user_view_from_jwt_opt( jwt: Option<&Sensitive>, pool: &DbPool, secret: &Secret, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { match jwt { Some(jwt) => Ok(Some(get_local_user_view_from_jwt(jwt, pool, secret).await?)), None => Ok(None), } } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn get_local_user_settings_view_from_jwt( jwt: &Sensitive, pool: &DbPool, secret: &Secret, ) -> Result { let claims = Claims::decode(jwt.as_ref(), &secret.jwt_secret) .map_err(|e| e.with_message("not_logged_in"))? .claims; let local_user_id = LocalUserId(claims.sub); let local_user_view = blocking(pool, move |conn| { LocalUserSettingsView::read(conn, local_user_id) }) .await??; // Check for a site ban if local_user_view.person.is_banned() { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("site_ban")); } check_validator_time(&local_user_view.local_user.validator_time, &claims)?; Ok(local_user_view) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn get_local_user_settings_view_from_jwt_opt( jwt: Option<&Sensitive>, pool: &DbPool, secret: &Secret, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { match jwt { Some(jwt) => Ok(Some( get_local_user_settings_view_from_jwt(jwt, pool, secret).await?, )), None => Ok(None), } } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn check_community_ban( person_id: PersonId, community_id: CommunityId, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let is_banned = move |conn: &'_ _| CommunityPersonBanView::get(conn, person_id, community_id).is_ok(); if blocking(pool, is_banned).await? { Err(LemmyError::from_message("community_ban")) } else { Ok(()) } } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn check_community_deleted_or_removed( community_id: CommunityId, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let community = blocking(pool, move |conn| Community::read(conn, community_id)) .await? .map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_find_community"))?; if community.deleted || community.removed { Err(LemmyError::from_message("deleted")) } else { Ok(()) } } pub fn check_post_deleted_or_removed(post: &Post) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if post.deleted || post.removed { Err(LemmyError::from_message("deleted")) } else { Ok(()) } } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn check_person_block( my_id: PersonId, potential_blocker_id: PersonId, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let is_blocked = move |conn: &'_ _| PersonBlock::read(conn, potential_blocker_id, my_id).is_ok(); if blocking(pool, is_blocked).await? { Err(LemmyError::from_message("person_block")) } else { Ok(()) } } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn check_downvotes_enabled(score: i16, pool: &DbPool) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if score == -1 { let site = blocking(pool, Site::read_local_site).await??; if !site.enable_downvotes { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("downvotes_disabled")); } } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn check_private_instance( local_user_view: &Option, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if local_user_view.is_none() { let site = blocking(pool, Site::read_local_site).await?; // The site might not be set up yet if let Ok(site) = site { if site.private_instance { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("instance_is_private")); } } } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn build_federated_instances( pool: &DbPool, settings: &Settings, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { let federation_config = &settings.federation; let hostname = &settings.hostname; let federation = federation_config.to_owned(); if federation.enabled { let distinct_communities = blocking(pool, move |conn| { Community::distinct_federated_communities(conn) }) .await??; let allowed = federation.allowed_instances; let blocked = federation.blocked_instances; let mut linked = distinct_communities .iter() .map(|actor_id| Ok(actor_id.host_str().unwrap_or("").to_string())) .collect::, LemmyError>>()?; if let Some(allowed) = allowed.as_ref() { linked.extend_from_slice(allowed); } if let Some(blocked) = blocked.as_ref() { linked.retain(|a| !blocked.contains(a) && !a.eq(hostname)); } // Sort and remove dupes linked.sort_unstable(); linked.dedup(); Ok(Some(FederatedInstances { linked, allowed, blocked, })) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Checks the password length pub fn password_length_check(pass: &str) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if !(10..=60).contains(&pass.len()) { Err(LemmyError::from_message("invalid_password")) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Checks the site description length pub fn site_description_length_check(description: &str) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if description.len() > 150 { Err(LemmyError::from_message("site_description_length_overflow")) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Checks for a honeypot. If this field is filled, fail the rest of the function pub fn honeypot_check(honeypot: &Option) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if honeypot.is_some() { Err(LemmyError::from_message("honeypot_fail")) } else { Ok(()) } } pub fn send_email_to_user( local_user_view: &LocalUserView, subject: &str, body: &str, settings: &Settings, ) { if local_user_view.person.banned || !local_user_view.local_user.send_notifications_to_email { return; } if let Some(user_email) = & { match send_email( subject, user_email, &, body, settings, ) { Ok(_o) => _o, Err(e) => warn!("{}", e), }; } } pub async fn send_password_reset_email( user: &LocalUserView, pool: &DbPool, settings: &Settings, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { // Generate a random token let token = generate_random_string(); // Insert the row let token2 = token.clone(); let local_user_id =; blocking(pool, move |conn| { PasswordResetRequest::create_token(conn, local_user_id, &token2) }) .await??; let email = &"email"); let lang = get_user_lang(user); let subject = &lang.password_reset_subject(&; let protocol_and_hostname = settings.get_protocol_and_hostname(); let reset_link = format!("{}/password_change/{}", protocol_and_hostname, &token); let body = &lang.password_reset_body(&, reset_link); send_email(subject, email, &, body, settings) } /// Send a verification email pub async fn send_verification_email( user: &LocalUserView, new_email: &str, pool: &DbPool, settings: &Settings, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let form = EmailVerificationForm { local_user_id:, email: new_email.to_string(), verification_token: generate_random_string(), }; let verify_link = format!( "{}/verify_email/{}", settings.get_protocol_and_hostname(), &form.verification_token ); blocking(pool, move |conn| EmailVerification::create(conn, &form)).await??; let lang = get_user_lang(user); let subject = lang.verify_email_subject(&settings.hostname); let body = lang.verify_email_body(&, &settings.hostname, verify_link); send_email(&subject, new_email, &, &body, settings)?; Ok(()) } pub fn send_email_verification_success( user: &LocalUserView, settings: &Settings, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let email = &"email"); let lang = get_user_lang(user); let subject = &lang.email_verified_subject(&user.person.actor_id); let body = &lang.email_verified_body(); send_email(subject, email, &, body, settings) } pub fn get_user_lang(user: &LocalUserView) -> Lang { let user_lang = LanguageId::new(user.local_user.lang.clone()); Lang::from_language_id(&user_lang).unwrap_or_else(|| { let en = LanguageId::new("en"); Lang::from_language_id(&en).expect("default language") }) } pub fn send_application_approved_email( user: &LocalUserView, settings: &Settings, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let email = &"email"); let lang = get_user_lang(user); let subject = lang.registration_approved_subject(&user.person.actor_id); let body = lang.registration_approved_body(&settings.hostname); send_email(&subject, email, &, &body, settings) } pub async fn check_registration_application( site: &Site, local_user_view: &LocalUserView, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if site.require_application && !local_user_view.local_user.accepted_application && !local_user_view.person.admin { // Fetch the registration, see if its denied let local_user_id =; let registration = blocking(pool, move |conn| { RegistrationApplication::find_by_local_user_id(conn, local_user_id) }) .await??; if registration.deny_reason.is_some() { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("registration_denied")); } else { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("registration_application_pending")); } } Ok(()) } /// TODO this check should be removed after is done. pub async fn check_private_instance_and_federation_enabled( pool: &DbPool, settings: &Settings, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let site_opt = blocking(pool, Site::read_local_site).await?; if let Ok(site) = site_opt { if site.private_instance && settings.federation.enabled { return Err(LemmyError::from_message( "Cannot have both private instance and federation enabled.", )); } } Ok(()) } pub async fn remove_user_data(banned_person_id: PersonId, pool: &DbPool) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { // Posts blocking(pool, move |conn: &'_ _| { Post::update_removed_for_creator(conn, banned_person_id, None, true) }) .await??; // Communities // Remove all communities where they're the top mod // for now, remove the communities manually let first_mod_communities = blocking(pool, move |conn: &'_ _| { CommunityModeratorView::get_community_first_mods(conn) }) .await??; // Filter to only this banned users top communities let banned_user_first_communities: Vec = first_mod_communities .into_iter() .filter(|fmc| == banned_person_id) .collect(); for first_mod_community in banned_user_first_communities { blocking(pool, move |conn: &'_ _| { Community::update_removed(conn,, true) }) .await??; } // Comments blocking(pool, move |conn: &'_ _| { Comment::update_removed_for_creator(conn, banned_person_id, true) }) .await??; Ok(()) } pub async fn remove_user_data_in_community( community_id: CommunityId, banned_person_id: PersonId, pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { // Posts blocking(pool, move |conn| { Post::update_removed_for_creator(conn, banned_person_id, Some(community_id), true) }) .await??; // Comments // TODO Diesel doesn't allow updates with joins, so this has to be a loop let comments = blocking(pool, move |conn| { CommentQueryBuilder::create(conn) .creator_id(banned_person_id) .community_id(community_id) .limit(std::i64::MAX) .list() }) .await??; for comment_view in &comments { let comment_id =; blocking(pool, move |conn| { Comment::update_removed(conn, comment_id, true) }) .await??; } Ok(()) } pub async fn delete_user_account(person_id: PersonId, pool: &DbPool) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { // Comments let permadelete = move |conn: &'_ _| Comment::permadelete_for_creator(conn, person_id); blocking(pool, permadelete) .await? .map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_update_comment"))?; // Posts let permadelete = move |conn: &'_ _| Post::permadelete_for_creator(conn, person_id); blocking(pool, permadelete) .await? .map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_update_post"))?; blocking(pool, move |conn| Person::delete_account(conn, person_id)).await??; Ok(()) } pub fn check_image_has_local_domain(url: &Option) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { if let Some(url) = url { let settings = Settings::get(); let domain = url.domain().expect("url has domain"); if domain != settings.hostname { return Err(LemmyError::from_message("image_not_local")); } } Ok(()) }