diff --git a/.woodpecker.yml b/.woodpecker.yml index 762fb0c7..fc0ff08c 100644 --- a/.woodpecker.yml +++ b/.woodpecker.yml @@ -39,25 +39,21 @@ steps: - git submodule update prettier_check: - group: format image: tmknom/prettier:3.0.0 commands: - prettier -c . '!**/volumes' '!**/dist' '!target' '!**/translations' toml_fmt: - group: format image: tamasfe/taplo:0.8.1 commands: - taplo format --check sql_fmt: - group: format image: backplane/pgformatter:latest commands: - ./scripts/sql_format_check.sh cargo_fmt: - group: format image: rustlang/rust:nightly environment: # store cargo data in repo folder so that it gets cached between steps @@ -67,7 +63,6 @@ steps: - cargo +nightly fmt -- --check cargo_machete: - group: format image: rustlang/rust:nightly commands: - wget https://github.com/cargo-bins/cargo-binstall/releases/latest/download/cargo-binstall-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz @@ -77,40 +72,12 @@ steps: - cargo machete ignored_files: - group: format image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add git - IGNORED=$(git ls-files --cached -i --exclude-standard) - if [[ "$IGNORED" ]]; then echo "Ignored files present:\n$IGNORED\n"; exit 1; fi - restore-cache: - image: meltwater/drone-cache:v1 - pull: true - settings: - restore: true - endpoint: - from_secret: MINIO_ENDPOINT - access-key: - from_secret: MINIO_WRITE_USER - secret-key: - from_secret: MINIO_WRITE_PASSWORD - bucket: - from_secret: MINIO_BUCKET - region: us-east-1 - cache_key: "rust-cache" - path-style: true - backend_operation_timeout: 30m - compression_level: 0 - exit_code: true - mount: - - ".cargo_home" - - "target" - - "api_tests/node_modules" - secrets: - [MINIO_ENDPOINT, MINIO_WRITE_USER, MINIO_WRITE_PASSWORD, MINIO_BUCKET] - when: *slow_check_paths - # make sure api builds with default features (used by other crates relying on lemmy api) check_api_common_default_features: image: *rust_image @@ -188,7 +155,6 @@ steps: when: *slow_check_paths cargo_test: - group: tests image: *rust_image environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy @@ -200,7 +166,6 @@ steps: when: *slow_check_paths run_federation_tests: - group: tests image: node:20-bookworm-slim environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432 @@ -213,35 +178,6 @@ steps: - yarn api-test when: *slow_check_paths - rebuild-cache: - image: meltwater/drone-cache:v1 - pull: true - settings: - rebuild: true - endpoint: - from_secret: MINIO_ENDPOINT - access-key: - from_secret: MINIO_WRITE_USER - secret-key: - from_secret: MINIO_WRITE_PASSWORD - bucket: - from_secret: MINIO_BUCKET - cache_key: "rust-cache" - region: us-east-1 - path-style: true - backend_operation_timeout: 60m - compression_level: 0 - exit_code: true - mount: - - ".cargo_home" - - "target" - - "api_tests/node_modules" - secrets: - [MINIO_ENDPOINT, MINIO_WRITE_USER, MINIO_WRITE_PASSWORD, MINIO_BUCKET] - when: - - event: push - branch: main - publish_release_docker: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx secrets: [docker_username, docker_password]