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synced 2025-02-04 16:14:48 +00:00
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555 lines
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// use crate::{
// structs::{
// CommentView,
// LocalUserView,
// PostView,
// ProfileCombinedPaginationCursor,
// PersonContentCombinedView,
// PersonContentViewInternal,
// },
// InternalToCombinedView,
// };
// use diesel::{
// result::Error,
// BoolExpressionMethods,
// ExpressionMethods,
// JoinOnDsl,
// NullableExpressionMethods,
// QueryDsl,
// SelectableHelper,
// };
// use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl;
// use i_love_jesus::PaginatedQueryBuilder;
// use lemmy_db_schema::{
// aliases::creator_community_actions,
// newtypes::{CommunityId, PersonId},
// schema::{
// comment,
// comment_actions,
// comment_aggregates,
// community,
// community_actions,
// image_details,
// local_user,
// person,
// person_actions,
// post,
// post_actions,
// post_aggregates,
// profile_combined,
// },
// source::{
// combined::profile::{profile_combined_keys as key, ProfileCombined},
// community::CommunityFollower,
// },
// utils::{actions, actions_alias, functions::coalesce, get_conn, DbPool, ReverseTimestampKey},
// };
// use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyResult;
// impl ProfileCombinedPaginationCursor {
// // get cursor for page that starts immediately after the given post
// pub fn after_post(view: &PersonContentCombinedView) -> ProfileCombinedPaginationCursor {
// let (prefix, id) = match view {
// PersonContentCombinedView::Comment(v) => ('C', v.comment.id.0),
// PersonContentCombinedView::Post(v) => ('P', v.post.id.0),
// };
// // hex encoding to prevent ossification
// ProfileCombinedPaginationCursor(format!("{prefix}{id:x}"))
// }
// pub async fn read(&self, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result<PaginationCursorData, Error> {
// let err_msg = || Error::QueryBuilderError("Could not parse pagination token".into());
// let mut query = profile_combined::table
// .select(ProfileCombined::as_select())
// .into_boxed();
// let (prefix, id_str) = self.0.split_at_checked(1).ok_or_else(err_msg)?;
// let id = i32::from_str_radix(id_str, 16).map_err(|_err| err_msg())?;
// query = match prefix {
// "C" => query.filter(profile_combined::comment_id.eq(id)),
// "P" => query.filter(profile_combined::post_id.eq(id)),
// _ => return Err(err_msg()),
// };
// let token = query.first(&mut get_conn(pool).await?).await?;
// Ok(PaginationCursorData(token))
// }
// }
// #[derive(Clone)]
// pub struct PaginationCursorData(ProfileCombined);
// #[derive(Default)]
// pub struct ProfileCombinedQuery {
// pub creator_id: PersonId,
// pub page_after: Option<PaginationCursorData>,
// pub page_back: Option<bool>,
// }
// impl ProfileCombinedQuery {
// pub async fn list(
// self,
// pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
// user: &Option<LocalUserView>,
// ) -> LemmyResult<Vec<PersonContentCombinedView>> {
// let my_person_id = user
// .as_ref()
// .map(|u| u.local_user.person_id)
// .unwrap_or(PersonId(-1));
// let item_creator = person::id;
// let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
// // Notes: since the post_id and comment_id are optional columns,
// // many joins must use an OR condition.
// // For example, the creator must be the person table joined to either:
// // - post.creator_id
// // - comment.creator_id
// let mut query = profile_combined::table
// // The comment
// .left_join(comment::table.on(profile_combined::comment_id.eq(comment::id.nullable())))
// // The post
// .inner_join(
// post::table.on(
// profile_combined::post_id
// .eq(post::id.nullable())
// .or(comment::post_id.nullable().eq(profile_combined::post_id)),
// ),
// )
// // The item creator
// .inner_join(
// person::table.on(
// comment::creator_id
// .eq(person::id)
// .or(post::creator_id.eq(person::id)),
// ),
// )
// // The community
// .inner_join(community::table.on(post::community_id.eq(community::id)))
// .left_join(actions_alias(
// creator_community_actions,
// item_creator,
// post::community_id,
// ))
// .left_join(
// local_user::table.on(
// item_creator
// .eq(local_user::person_id)
// .and(local_user::admin.eq(true)),
// ),
// )
// .left_join(actions(
// community_actions::table,
// Some(my_person_id),
// post::community_id,
// ))
// .left_join(actions(post_actions::table, Some(my_person_id), post::id))
// .left_join(actions(
// person_actions::table,
// Some(my_person_id),
// item_creator,
// ))
// .inner_join(post_aggregates::table.on(post::id.eq(post_aggregates::post_id)))
// .left_join(
// comment_aggregates::table
// .on(profile_combined::comment_id.eq(comment_aggregates::comment_id.nullable())),
// )
// .left_join(actions(
// comment_actions::table,
// Some(my_person_id),
// comment::id,
// ))
// .left_join(image_details::table.on(post::thumbnail_url.eq(image_details::link.nullable())))
// // The creator id filter
// .filter(item_creator.eq(self.creator_id))
// .select((
// // Post-specific
// post_aggregates::all_columns,
// coalesce(
// post_aggregates::comments.nullable() - post_actions::read_comments_amount.nullable(),
// post_aggregates::comments,
// ),
// post_actions::saved.nullable().is_not_null(),
// post_actions::read.nullable().is_not_null(),
// post_actions::hidden.nullable().is_not_null(),
// post_actions::like_score.nullable(),
// image_details::all_columns.nullable(),
// // Comment-specific
// comment::all_columns.nullable(),
// comment_aggregates::all_columns.nullable(),
// comment_actions::saved.nullable().is_not_null(),
// comment_actions::like_score.nullable(),
// // Shared
// post::all_columns,
// community::all_columns,
// person::all_columns,
// CommunityFollower::select_subscribed_type(),
// local_user::admin.nullable().is_not_null(),
// creator_community_actions
// .field(community_actions::became_moderator)
// .nullable()
// .is_not_null(),
// creator_community_actions
// .field(community_actions::received_ban)
// .nullable()
// .is_not_null(),
// person_actions::blocked.nullable().is_not_null(),
// community_actions::received_ban.nullable().is_not_null(),
// ))
// .into_boxed();
// let mut query = PaginatedQueryBuilder::new(query);
// let page_after = self.page_after.map(|c| c.0);
// if self.page_back.unwrap_or_default() {
// query = query.before(page_after).limit_and_offset_from_end();
// } else {
// query = query.after(page_after);
// }
// // Sorting by published
// query = query
// .then_desc(ReverseTimestampKey(key::published))
// // Tie breaker
// .then_desc(key::id);
// let res = query.load::<PersonContentViewInternal>(conn).await?;
// // Map the query results to the enum
// let out = res.into_iter().filter_map(|u| u.map_to_enum()).collect();
// Ok(out)
// }
// }
// impl InternalToCombinedView for PersonContentViewInternal {
// type CombinedView = PersonContentCombinedView;
// fn map_to_enum(&self) -> Option<Self::CombinedView> {
// // Use for a short alias
// let v = self.clone();
// if let (Some(comment), Some(counts)) = (v.comment, v.comment_counts) {
// Some(PersonContentCombinedView::Comment(CommentView {
// comment,
// counts,
// post: v.post,
// community: v.community,
// creator: v.item_creator,
// creator_banned_from_community: v.item_creator_banned_from_community,
// creator_is_moderator: v.item_creator_is_moderator,
// creator_is_admin: v.item_creator_is_admin,
// creator_blocked: v.item_creator_blocked,
// subscribed: v.subscribed,
// saved: v.comment_saved,
// my_vote: v.my_comment_vote,
// banned_from_community: v.banned_from_community,
// }))
// } else {
// Some(PersonContentCombinedView::Post(PostView {
// post: v.post,
// community: v.community,
// unread_comments: v.post_unread_comments,
// counts: v.post_counts,
// creator: v.item_creator,
// creator_banned_from_community: v.item_creator_banned_from_community,
// creator_is_moderator: v.item_creator_is_moderator,
// creator_is_admin: v.item_creator_is_admin,
// creator_blocked: v.item_creator_blocked,
// subscribed: v.subscribed,
// saved: v.post_saved,
// read: v.post_read,
// hidden: v.post_hidden,
// my_vote: v.my_post_vote,
// image_details: v.image_details,
// banned_from_community: v.banned_from_community,
// }))
// }
// }
// }
// #[cfg(test)]
// #[expect(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
// mod tests {
// use crate::{
// profile_combined_view::ProfileCombinedQuery,
// report_combined_view::ReportCombinedQuery,
// structs::{
// CommentReportView,
// LocalUserView,
// PostReportView,
// PersonContentCombinedView,
// ReportCombinedView,
// ReportCombinedViewInternal,
// },
// };
// use lemmy_db_schema::{
// aggregates::structs::{CommentAggregates, PostAggregates},
// assert_length,
// source::{
// comment::{Comment, CommentInsertForm, CommentSaved, CommentSavedForm},
// comment_report::{CommentReport, CommentReportForm},
// community::{Community, CommunityInsertForm, CommunityModerator, CommunityModeratorForm},
// instance::Instance,
// local_user::{LocalUser, LocalUserInsertForm},
// local_user_vote_display_mode::LocalUserVoteDisplayMode,
// person::{Person, PersonInsertForm},
// post::{Post, PostInsertForm},
// post_report::{PostReport, PostReportForm},
// private_message::{PrivateMessage, PrivateMessageInsertForm},
// private_message_report::{PrivateMessageReport, PrivateMessageReportForm},
// },
// traits::{Crud, Joinable, Reportable, Saveable},
// utils::{build_db_pool_for_tests, DbPool},
// };
// use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyResult;
// use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
// use serial_test::serial;
// struct Data {
// instance: Instance,
// timmy: Person,
// sara: Person,
// timmy_view: LocalUserView,
// community: Community,
// timmy_post: Post,
// timmy_post_2: Post,
// sara_post: Post,
// timmy_comment: Comment,
// sara_comment: Comment,
// sara_comment_2: Comment,
// }
// async fn init_data(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<Data> {
// let inserted_instance = Instance::read_or_create(pool, "my_domain.tld".to_string()).await?;
// let timmy_form = PersonInsertForm::test_form(inserted_instance.id, "timmy_pcv");
// let inserted_timmy = Person::create(pool, &timmy_form).await?;
// let timmy_local_user_form = LocalUserInsertForm::test_form(inserted_timmy.id);
// let timmy_local_user = LocalUser::create(pool, &timmy_local_user_form, vec![]).await?;
// let timmy_view = LocalUserView {
// local_user: timmy_local_user,
// local_user_vote_display_mode: LocalUserVoteDisplayMode::default(),
// person: inserted_timmy.clone(),
// counts: Default::default(),
// };
// let sara_form = PersonInsertForm::test_form(inserted_instance.id, "sara_pcv");
// let inserted_sara = Person::create(pool, &sara_form).await?;
// let community_form = CommunityInsertForm::new(
// inserted_instance.id,
// "test community pcv".to_string(),
// "nada".to_owned(),
// "pubkey".to_string(),
// );
// let inserted_community = Community::create(pool, &community_form).await?;
// let timmy_post_form = PostInsertForm::new(
// "timmy post prv".into(),
// inserted_timmy.id,
// inserted_community.id,
// );
// let timmy_post = Post::create(pool, &timmy_post_form).await?;
// let timmy_post_form_2 = PostInsertForm::new(
// "timmy post prv 2".into(),
// inserted_timmy.id,
// inserted_community.id,
// );
// let timmy_post_2 = Post::create(pool, &timmy_post_form_2).await?;
// let sara_post_form = PostInsertForm::new(
// "sara post prv".into(),
// inserted_sara.id,
// inserted_community.id,
// );
// let sara_post = Post::create(pool, &sara_post_form).await?;
// let timmy_comment_form =
// CommentInsertForm::new(inserted_timmy.id, timmy_post.id, "timmy comment prv".into());
// let timmy_comment = Comment::create(pool, &timmy_comment_form, None).await?;
// let sara_comment_form =
// CommentInsertForm::new(inserted_sara.id, timmy_post.id, "sara comment prv".into());
// let sara_comment = Comment::create(pool, &sara_comment_form, None).await?;
// let sara_comment_form_2 = CommentInsertForm::new(
// inserted_sara.id,
// timmy_post_2.id,
// "sara comment prv 2".into(),
// );
// let sara_comment_2 = Comment::create(pool, &sara_comment_form_2, None).await?;
// Ok(Data {
// instance: inserted_instance,
// timmy: inserted_timmy,
// sara: inserted_sara,
// timmy_view,
// community: inserted_community,
// timmy_post,
// timmy_post_2,
// sara_post,
// timmy_comment,
// sara_comment,
// sara_comment_2,
// })
// }
// async fn cleanup(data: Data, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> {
// Instance::delete(pool, data.instance.id).await?;
// Ok(())
// }
// #[tokio::test]
// #[serial]
// async fn test_combined() -> LemmyResult<()> {
// let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests();
// let pool = &mut pool.into();
// let data = init_data(pool).await?;
// // Do a batch read of timmy
// let timmy_content = ProfileCombinedQuery::default().list(pool, &None).await?;
// assert_eq!(3, timmy_content.len());
// // Make sure the report types are correct
// if let PersonContentCombinedView::Comment(v) = &timmy_content[0] {
// assert_eq!(data.timmy_comment.id, v.comment.id);
// assert_eq!(data.timmy.id, v.creator.id);
// } else {
// panic!("wrong type");
// }
// if let PersonContentCombinedView::Post(v) = &timmy_content[1] {
// assert_eq!(data.timmy_post_2.id, v.post.id);
// assert_eq!(data.timmy.id, v.post.creator_id);
// } else {
// panic!("wrong type");
// }
// if let PersonContentCombinedView::Post(v) = &timmy_content[2] {
// assert_eq!(data.timmy_post.id, v.post.id);
// assert_eq!(data.timmy.id, v.post.creator_id);
// } else {
// panic!("wrong type");
// }
// // Do a batch read of sara
// let sara_content = ProfileCombinedQuery::default().list(pool, &None).await?;
// assert_eq!(3, sara_content.len());
// // Make sure the report types are correct
// if let PersonContentCombinedView::Comment(v) = &sara_content[0] {
// assert_eq!(data.sara_comment_2.id, v.comment.id);
// assert_eq!(data.sara.id, v.creator.id);
// // This one was to timmy_post_2
// assert_eq!(data.timmy_post_2.id, v.post.id);
// assert_eq!(data.timmy.id, v.post.creator_id);
// } else {
// panic!("wrong type");
// }
// if let PersonContentCombinedView::Comment(v) = &sara_content[1] {
// assert_eq!(data.sara_comment.id, v.comment.id);
// assert_eq!(data.sara.id, v.creator.id);
// assert_eq!(data.timmy_post.id, v.post.id);
// assert_eq!(data.timmy.id, v.post.creator_id);
// } else {
// panic!("wrong type");
// }
// if let PersonContentCombinedView::Post(v) = &sara_content[2] {
// assert_eq!(data.timmy_post.id, v.post.id);
// assert_eq!(data.timmy.id, v.post.creator_id);
// } else {
// panic!("wrong type");
// }
// // Timmy saves sara's comment, and his 2nd post
// let save_comment_0_form = CommentSavedForm {
// person_id: data.timmy.id,
// comment_id: data.sara_comment.id,
// };
// CommentSaved::save(pool, &save_comment_0_form).await?;
// // Timmy saves sara's comment, and his 2nd post
// let save_comment_0_form = CommentSavedForm {
// person_id: data.timmy.id,
// comment_id: data.sara_comment.id,
// };
// CommentSaved::save(pool, &save_comment_0_form).await?;
// // Do a saved_only query
// let timmy_content_saved_only = ProfileCombinedQuery {}.list(pool, &None).await?;
// cleanup(data, pool).await?;
// Ok(())
// }
// }
// #[tokio::test]
// #[serial]
// async fn test_saved_order() -> LemmyResult<()> {
// let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests();
// let pool = &mut pool.into();
// let data = init_data(pool).await?;
// // Save two comments
// let save_comment_0_form = CommentSavedForm {
// person_id: data.timmy_local_user_view.person.id,
// comment_id: data.inserted_comment_0.id,
// };
// CommentSaved::save(pool, &save_comment_0_form).await?;
// let save_comment_2_form = CommentSavedForm {
// person_id: data.timmy_local_user_view.person.id,
// comment_id: data.inserted_comment_2.id,
// };
// CommentSaved::save(pool, &save_comment_2_form).await?;
// // Fetch the saved comments
// let comments = CommentQuery {
// local_user: Some(&data.timmy_local_user_view.local_user),
// saved_only: Some(true),
// ..Default::default()
// }
// .list(&data.site, pool)
// .await?;
// // There should only be two comments
// assert_eq!(2, comments.len());
// // The first comment, should be the last one saved (descending order)
// assert_eq!(comments[0].comment.id, data.inserted_comment_2.id);
// // The second comment, should be the first one saved
// assert_eq!(comments[1].comment.id, data.inserted_comment_0.id);
// cleanup(data, pool).await
// }
// #[tokio::test]
// #[serial]
// async fn post_listing_saved_only() -> LemmyResult<()> {
// let pool = &build_db_pool()?;
// let pool = &mut pool.into();
// let data = init_data(pool).await?;
// // Save only the bot post
// // The saved_only should only show the bot post
// let post_save_form =
// PostSavedForm::new(data.inserted_bot_post.id, data.local_user_view.person.id);
// PostSaved::save(pool, &post_save_form).await?;
// // Read the saved only
// let read_saved_post_listing = PostQuery {
// community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
// saved_only: Some(true),
// ..data.default_post_query()
// }
// .list(&data.site, pool)
// .await?;
// // This should only include the bot post, not the one you created
// assert_eq!(vec![POST_BY_BOT], names(&read_saved_post_listing));
// cleanup(data, pool).await
// }