mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 02:24:44 +00:00
* Updating for new v19 changes. WIP.
* Fixing package json.
* Updating for new lemmy-js-client.
* Trying to add node-sass
* Revert "Trying to add node-sass"
This reverts commit 959ea0de13
* Trying node:20-alpine
51 lines
1.3 KiB
51 lines
1.3 KiB
FROM node:20-alpine as builder
RUN apk update && apk add curl yarn python3 build-base gcc wget git --no-cache
RUN curl -sf https://gobinaries.com/tj/node-prune | sh
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
ENV npm_config_target_arch=x64
ENV npm_config_target_platform=linux
ENV npm_config_target_libc=musl
# Cache deps
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn --production --prefer-offline --pure-lockfile
# Build
COPY generate_translations.js \
tsconfig.json \
webpack.config.js \
.babelrc \
COPY lemmy-translations lemmy-translations
COPY src src
COPY .git .git
# Set UI version
RUN echo "export const VERSION = '$(git describe --tag)';" > "src/shared/version.ts"
RUN yarn --production --prefer-offline
RUN NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192" yarn build:prod
# Prune the image
RUN node-prune /usr/src/app/node_modules
RUN rm -rf ./node_modules/import-sort-parser-typescript
RUN rm -rf ./node_modules/typescript
RUN rm -rf ./node_modules/npm
RUN du -sh ./node_modules/* | sort -nr | grep '\dM.*'
FROM node:20-alpine as runner
RUN apk update && apk add curl --no-cache
COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/dist /app/dist
COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/node_modules /app/node_modules
RUN chown -R node:node /app
USER node
CMD node dist/js/server.js