import { Component, linkEvent } from "inferno"; import { GetSiteResponse, ListRegistrationApplications, ListRegistrationApplicationsResponse, RegistrationApplicationResponse, UserOperation, wsJsonToRes, wsUserOp, } from "lemmy-js-client"; import { Subscription } from "rxjs"; import { i18n } from "../../i18next"; import { InitialFetchRequest } from "../../interfaces"; import { UserService, WebSocketService } from "../../services"; import { WithPromiseKeys, fetchLimit, isBrowser, myAuth, setIsoData, setupTippy, toast, updateRegistrationApplicationRes, wsClient, wsSubscribe, } from "../../utils"; import { HtmlTags } from "../common/html-tags"; import { Spinner } from "../common/icon"; import { Paginator } from "../common/paginator"; import { RegistrationApplication } from "../common/registration-application"; enum UnreadOrAll { Unread, All, } interface RegistrationApplicationsData { listRegistrationApplicationsResponse: ListRegistrationApplicationsResponse; } interface RegistrationApplicationsState { listRegistrationApplicationsResponse?: ListRegistrationApplicationsResponse; siteRes: GetSiteResponse; unreadOrAll: UnreadOrAll; page: number; loading: boolean; } export class RegistrationApplications extends Component< any, RegistrationApplicationsState > { private isoData = setIsoData(this.context); private subscription?: Subscription; state: RegistrationApplicationsState = { siteRes: this.isoData.site_res, unreadOrAll: UnreadOrAll.Unread, page: 1, loading: true, }; constructor(props: any, context: any) { super(props, context); this.handlePageChange = this.handlePageChange.bind(this); this.parseMessage = this.parseMessage.bind(this); this.subscription = wsSubscribe(this.parseMessage); // Only fetch the data if coming from another route if (this.isoData.path === this.context.router.route.match.url) { this.state = { ...this.state, listRegistrationApplicationsResponse: this.isoData.routeData.listRegistrationApplicationsResponse, loading: false, }; } else { this.refetch(); } } componentDidMount() { setupTippy(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (isBrowser()) { this.subscription?.unsubscribe(); } } get documentTitle(): string { let mui = UserService.Instance.myUserInfo; return mui ? `@${} ${i18n.t( "registration_applications" )} - ${}` : ""; } render() { return (
{this.state.loading ? (
) : (
{this.selects()} {this.applicationList()}
); } unreadOrAllRadios() { return (
); } selects() { return (
); } applicationList() { let res = this.state.listRegistrationApplicationsResponse; return ( res && (
{ => ( <>
) ); } handleUnreadOrAllChange(i: RegistrationApplications, event: any) { i.setState({ unreadOrAll: Number(, page: 1 }); i.refetch(); } handlePageChange(page: number) { this.setState({ page }); this.refetch(); } static fetchInitialData({ auth, client, }: InitialFetchRequest): WithPromiseKeys { const form: ListRegistrationApplications = { unread_only: true, page: 1, limit: fetchLimit, auth: auth as string, }; return { listRegistrationApplicationsResponse: client.listRegistrationApplications(form), }; } refetch() { let unread_only = this.state.unreadOrAll == UnreadOrAll.Unread; let auth = myAuth(); if (auth) { let form: ListRegistrationApplications = { unread_only: unread_only, page:, limit: fetchLimit, auth, }; WebSocketService.Instance.send( wsClient.listRegistrationApplications(form) ); } } parseMessage(msg: any) { let op = wsUserOp(msg); console.log(msg); if (msg.error) { toast(i18n.t(msg.error), "danger"); return; } else if (msg.reconnect) { this.refetch(); } else if (op == UserOperation.ListRegistrationApplications) { let data = wsJsonToRes(msg); this.setState({ listRegistrationApplicationsResponse: data, loading: false, }); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } else if (op == UserOperation.ApproveRegistrationApplication) { let data = wsJsonToRes(msg); updateRegistrationApplicationRes( data.registration_application, this.state.listRegistrationApplicationsResponse ?.registration_applications ); let uacs = UserService.Instance.unreadApplicationCountSub; // Minor bug, where if the application switches from deny to approve, the count will still go down - 1); this.setState(this.state); } } }