mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 13:21:18 +00:00
* Starting on new tailwind based joinlemmy-site. * Formatting fix. * Adding follow communities block. * Adding a few more blocks. * Finishing up blocks. * Adding a few more pages. * Adding apps page. * Almost done with donation page. * Adding most of instances page. * Trying to fix CI 1. * Adding navbar and footer. * Adding bottom spacer. * Finishing up more info modal. * Adding icons to main page. * Eruda only in development mode. * Finishing up main page, starting to work on recs. * Adding main images. * Adding images 2. * Starting to add filters. * Finishing up helper modal. * Adding topic icons. * Adding more instances. * Fixing recommended. * Forgot to add instance picker. * Adding world background image. * Adding alexandrite. * Adding funding goal block. * Fix dockerfile. * Upgrading deps. * Fixing package json. * Updating coders, sponsors. * Fixing mobile margins. * Fixing navbar auto-close when clicked. * Removing todo. * Removing some useless instance helper links. * Fixing news titling. * Addressing PR comments. * Updating instance stats. * Fixing class -> className * Fixing sm:max directives. * Make instance images links to their sites. * Use ubuntu font. * Addressing PR comments. * Adding a few more android apps. * Adding thunder and combustible apps. * Fixing z index. * Add a warning alert for closed source apps. * Adding MLMYM app. Fixes #213 * Fixing i18n key. * Adding QR codes for cryptos. Fixes #219 * Addressing PR comments. * Fixing news preview. * Adding registration mode to details modal. Fixes #153 * Filter out bot instances. * Using glide carousel. * Adding glide min css. * Adding donation platform fetching. Fixes #248 * Prettying glide css. * Change dev goal to 3 * Adding sign up button. * Minifying docker image. * Removing sortpack.
87 lines
2.9 KiB
87 lines
2.9 KiB
"name": "joinlemmy-site",
"description": "A site for join-lemmy",
"author": "Dessalines <tyhou13@gmx.com>",
"license": "AGPL-3.0",
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