pipeline: fetch_git_submodules: image: alpine/git commands: - git submodule init - git submodule update --recursive yarn: image: node:14-alpine commands: - yarn yarn_lint: image: node:14-alpine commands: - yarn lint yarn_build_dev: image: node:14-alpine commands: - yarn build:dev nightly_instance_crawl: image: node:14-alpine commands: # libpq and openssl can probably be removed after lemmy dep is upgraded to 0.16.4+ - apk add cargo pkgconfig openssl openssl-dev libpq libpq-dev - yarn crawl when: event: - cron nightly_build_and_push_to_docker_hub: image: plugins/docker settings: dockerfile: Dockerfile repo: dessalines/joinlemmy-site tags: - latest username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password when: event: - cron release_instance_crawl: image: node:14-alpine commands: # libpq and openssl can probably be removed after lemmy dep is upgraded to 0.16.4+ - apk add cargo pkgconfig openssl openssl-dev libpq libpq-dev - yarn crawl when: event: tag release_build_and_push_to_docker_hub: image: plugins/docker settings: dockerfile: Dockerfile repo: dessalines/joinlemmy-site tags: - latest username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password when: event: tag notify_on_failure: image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add curl - "curl -d'joinlemmy-site build failed: ${DRONE_BUILD_LINK}' ntfy.sh/lemmy_drone_ci" when: status: - failure notify_on_tag_deploy: image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add curl - "curl -d'joinlemmy-site:${DRONE_TAG} deployed' ntfy.sh/lemmy_drone_ci" when: event: tag