# Build the git includes for the docs FROM alpine:3 AS docs_include RUN apk add --no-cache git bash curl WORKDIR /app COPY lemmy-docs ./lemmy-docs WORKDIR /app/lemmy-docs RUN ./update-includes.sh # Build the docs FROM alpine:3 AS docs WORKDIR /app RUN wget -O mdbook.tar.gz https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook/releases/download/v0.4.30/mdbook-v0.4.30-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz RUN tar -xzf mdbook.tar.gz COPY lemmy-docs ./lemmy-docs RUN ./mdbook build lemmy-docs -d ../docs # Build the typedoc lemmy-js-client docs, and swagger.json FROM node:20-alpine AS api_latest WORKDIR /app COPY lemmy-js-client-latest lemmy-js-client WORKDIR /app/lemmy-js-client RUN corepack enable pnpm RUN pnpm i RUN pnpm run docs # TODO OpenAPI isn't currently working for the latest docs. This can be changed after the next release. # RUN pnpm tsoa # Do the same for the api docs, but next FROM node:20-alpine AS api_next WORKDIR /app COPY lemmy-js-client-next lemmy-js-client WORKDIR /app/lemmy-js-client RUN corepack enable pnpm RUN pnpm i RUN pnpm run docs RUN pnpm tsoa # Build the isomorphic app FROM node:20-alpine AS builder RUN apk update && apk add python3 build-base gcc wget git curl --no-cache RUN curl -sf https://gobinaries.com/tj/node-prune | sh RUN corepack enable pnpm WORKDIR /app # Cache deps COPY package.json pnpm-lock.yaml ./ RUN pnpm i # Build COPY tsconfig.json \ webpack.config.js \ .babelrc \ generate_translations.mjs \ generate_rss_feed.mjs \ tailwind.config.js \ ./ COPY joinlemmy-translations joinlemmy-translations COPY lemmy-translations lemmy-translations COPY src src # Copy the rust docs, lemmy-js-client docs, and OpenAPI docs. COPY --from=docs /app/docs ./src/assets/docs COPY --from=api_latest /app/lemmy-js-client/docs ./src/assets/lemmy-js-client-latest-docs # TODO OpenAPI isn't currently working for the latest docs. This can be changed after the next release. # COPY --from=api_latest /app/lemmy-js-client/redoc-static.html ./src/assets/api_latest.html COPY --from=api_next /app/lemmy-js-client/docs ./src/assets/lemmy-js-client-next-docs COPY --from=api_next /app/lemmy-js-client/redoc-static.html ./src/assets/api_next.html RUN pnpm i RUN pnpm prebuild:prod RUN pnpm build:prod # Prune the image RUN node-prune ./node_modules RUN rm -rf ./node_modules/import-sort-parser-typescript RUN rm -rf ./node_modules/typescript RUN rm -rf ./node_modules/npm FROM node:20-alpine AS runner COPY --from=builder /app/dist /app/dist COPY --from=builder /app/node_modules /app/node_modules EXPOSE 1234 WORKDIR /app CMD node dist/js/server.js