Remove mastodon, link to /c/lemmy_support . Fixes #82 (#83)

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Dessalines 2022-02-22 22:58:44 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent bac6e4e91b
commit 70aa16d92e
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 1 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export class Contact extends Component<any, any> {
<a href="">Mastodon</a>
<a href="">/c/lemmy_support</a>
<a href="">Matrix</a>

View File

@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ export class Navbar extends Component<any, any> {
<a href="">
<Icon icon="github" />
<a href="">
<Icon icon="mastodon" />
<a href="">
<Icon icon="matrix" />

View File

@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ export class Symbols extends Component<any, any> {
<symbol id="icon-github" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M16 0.395c-8.836 0-16 7.163-16 16 0 7.069 4.585 13.067 10.942 15.182 0.8 0.148 1.094-0.347 1.094-0.77 0-0.381-0.015-1.642-0.022-2.979-4.452 0.968-5.391-1.888-5.391-1.888-0.728-1.849-1.776-2.341-1.776-2.341-1.452-0.993 0.11-0.973 0.11-0.973 1.606 0.113 2.452 1.649 2.452 1.649 1.427 2.446 3.743 1.739 4.656 1.33 0.143-1.034 0.558-1.74 1.016-2.14-3.554-0.404-7.29-1.777-7.29-7.907 0-1.747 0.625-3.174 1.649-4.295-0.166-0.403-0.714-2.030 0.155-4.234 0 0 1.344-0.43 4.401 1.64 1.276-0.355 2.645-0.532 4.005-0.539 1.359 0.006 2.729 0.184 4.008 0.539 3.054-2.070 4.395-1.64 4.395-1.64 0.871 2.204 0.323 3.831 0.157 4.234 1.026 1.12 1.647 2.548 1.647 4.295 0 6.145-3.743 7.498-7.306 7.895 0.574 0.497 1.085 1.47 1.085 2.963 0 2.141-0.019 3.864-0.019 4.391 0 0.426 0.288 0.925 1.099 0.768 6.354-2.118 10.933-8.113 10.933-15.18 0-8.837-7.164-16-16-16z"></path>
<symbol id="icon-mastodon" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M30.924 10.505c0-6.941-4.548-8.976-4.548-8.976-2.293-1.053-6.232-1.496-10.321-1.529h-0.101c-4.091 0.033-8.027 0.476-10.32 1.529 0 0-4.548 2.035-4.548 8.976 0 1.589-0.031 3.491 0.020 5.505 0.165 6.789 1.245 13.479 7.521 15.14 2.893 0.765 5.379 0.927 7.38 0.816 3.629-0.2 5.667-1.296 5.667-1.296l-0.12-2.633c0 0-2.593 0.817-5.505 0.719-2.887-0.099-5.932-0.311-6.399-3.855-0.041-0.29-0.064-0.626-0.064-0.967 0-0.009 0-0.018 0-0.028v0.001c0 0 2.833 0.693 6.423 0.857 2.195 0.1 4.253-0.129 6.344-0.377 4.009-0.479 7.5-2.949 7.939-5.207 0.689-3.553 0.633-8.676 0.633-8.676zM25.559 19.451h-3.329v-8.159c0-1.72-0.724-2.592-2.171-2.592-1.6 0-2.403 1.035-2.403 3.083v4.465h-3.311v-4.467c0-2.048-0.803-3.083-2.403-3.083-1.447 0-2.171 0.873-2.171 2.592v8.159h-3.329v-8.404c0-1.719 0.437-3.084 1.316-4.093 0.907-1.011 2.092-1.528 3.565-1.528 1.704 0 2.995 0.655 3.848 1.965l0.828 1.391 0.829-1.391c0.853-1.311 2.144-1.965 3.848-1.965 1.472 0 2.659 0.517 3.565 1.528 0.877 1.009 1.315 2.375 1.315 4.093z"></path>
<symbol id="icon-matrix" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M0.843 0.733v30.533h2.197v0.733h-3.040v-32h3.040v0.733zM10.233 10.413v1.543h0.044c0.412-0.591 0.911-1.045 1.489-1.365 0.577-0.327 1.248-0.487 2-0.487 0.72 0 1.377 0.143 1.975 0.419 0.597 0.277 1.047 0.776 1.36 1.477 0.339-0.499 0.8-0.941 1.379-1.323 0.579-0.383 1.267-0.573 2.061-0.573 0.604 0 1.163 0.075 1.68 0.223 0.517 0.147 0.955 0.381 1.324 0.707 0.368 0.327 0.652 0.745 0.861 1.268 0.203 0.523 0.307 1.151 0.307 1.889v7.637h-3.132v-6.468c0-0.381-0.013-0.745-0.043-1.083-0.023-0.325-0.109-0.624-0.246-0.893l0.006 0.013c-0.136-0.253-0.335-0.456-0.577-0.594l-0.007-0.004c-0.259-0.147-0.609-0.221-1.047-0.221-0.443 0-0.8 0.085-1.071 0.252-0.267 0.166-0.483 0.39-0.635 0.656l-0.005 0.009c-0.153 0.268-0.261 0.581-0.306 0.915l-0.002 0.013c-0.049 0.313-0.078 0.676-0.080 1.044v6.36h-3.133v-6.4c0-0.339-0.005-0.671-0.024-1.003-0.012-0.333-0.081-0.647-0.197-0.936l0.007 0.019c-0.113-0.281-0.304-0.511-0.548-0.667l-0.006-0.003c-0.259-0.167-0.635-0.253-1.139-0.253-0.148 0-0.345 0.032-0.585 0.099-0.24 0.068-0.48 0.191-0.707 0.376-0.228 0.184-0.425 0.449-0.585 0.793-0.16 0.345-0.24 0.8-0.24 1.36v6.621h-3.132v-11.42zM31.157 31.267v-30.533h-2.197v-0.733h3.040v32h-3.040v-0.733z"></path>