diff --git a/src/shared/instance_stats.ts b/src/shared/instance_stats.ts index 1244bda..762777d 100644 --- a/src/shared/instance_stats.ts +++ b/src/shared/instance_stats.ts @@ -1,134 +1,2088 @@ export const instance_stats = { stats: { - crawled_instances: 50, - online_users: 84, - total_users: 8437, - users_active_day: 112, - users_active_week: 209, - users_active_month: 374, - users_active_halfyear: 1307, + crawled_instances: 17, + online_users: 3526, + total_users: 2924, + users_active_day: 26, + users_active_week: 68, + users_active_month: 155, + users_active_halfyear: 493, instance_details: [ { - domain: "szmer.info", + domain: "feddit.it", site_info: { site_view: { site: { id: 1, - name: "szmer", + name: "Feddit.it", sidebar: - "Możesz współtworzyć ten serwis, jeśli tylko zechcesz! \n[Publikuj](https://szmer.info/create_post) interesujące Cię materiały w stosownych [społecznościach](https://szmer.info/communities) lub jeśli brakuje odpowiedniej [stwórz nową!](https://szmer.info/create_community)\n\nObecna wersja serwisu nie jest jeszcze w pełni funkcjonalna, mogą pojawiać się problemy, może brakować funkcji. Pracujemy nad tym. \nWszelkie uwagi możecie zgłaszać w społeczności [meta](https://szmer.info/c/meta), na [naszym kanale dyskusyjnym](https://app.element.io/#/room/#szmer:matrix.org) w sieci matrix lub pisząc na szmer@riseup.net.\n\nDziałamy bez reklam i śledzenia, jednak ma to swoje realne koszta. Jeśli jesteś w stanie i chcesz nas wesprzeć będziemy bardzo wdzięczni; przyjmujemy datki przez nasz profil na [liberapay](https://pl.liberapay.com/szmer.info/) :) \n\nZASADY:\n\n-> z szacunkiem - każda osoba powinna się tu czuć mile widziana\n\n-> żadnej bigoterii - w tym rasizmu, seksizmu, homofobii, ksenofobii itd\n\n-> żadnego porno - przynajmniej dopóki nie powstaną zamknięte/prywatne grupy\n\n-> żadnych reklam/spamu \n \n-> jeśli za treść trzeba zapłacić korporacji, mile widziany jest alternatywny link gdzie nie trzeba", - published: "2020-05-07T16:05:12.281510", - updated: "2022-10-26T08:40:31.109422", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://szmer.info/pictrs/image/XcQWr0D2CU.png", - banner: - "https://szmer.info/pictrs/image/a5508b42-5cc2-4c05-9748-3fb3134e6953.png", - description: "Fediwers informacji i ciekawostek po polsku", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Cześć, ze względu na atak trolli, jesteśmy zmuszeni chwilowo ręcznie zatwierdzać rejestracje nowych kont. Robimy to na bieżąco, więc w większości wypadków nie trzeba będzie długo czekać. \nWspólnymi siłami chcemy tworzyć bezpieczną i przyjazną przestrzeń. Dziękujemy za wyrozumiałość!\n\nProsimy napisz nam dwa zdania, co cię tu sprowadza?", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://szmer.info/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-09-06T21:45:13.118434", - inbox_url: "https://szmer.info/site_inbox", + "#### Cos'è Fedd**it**\nFedd**it** è l'alternativa italiana a Reddit, basata sul software [Lemmy](https://www.lealternative.net/2022/04/06/cose-lemmy/), uno dei progetti più interessanti del [fediverso](https://framatube.org/w/9dRFC6Ya11NCVeYKn8ZhiD?subtitle=it).\n\n#### Informazioni\nQuesto server di **Lemmy** è gestito da [Poliverso](https://poliverso.org/) e [Le Alternative](https://www.lealternative.net/).\n\n#### Regole\n\n🇮🇹 In questo server è necessario scrivere principalmente utilizzando la lingua italiana.\n\n🛎 Attualmente prima di poter aprire una comunità è necessaria l'approvazione degli amministratori [@poliverso@feddit.it](https://feddit.it/u/poliverso) o [@skariko@feddit.it](https://feddit.it/u/skariko). Potete aprire una richiesta [cliccando qui](https://feddit.it/c/main), spiegando di cosa parlerà la comunità e come sarà gestita.\n\n📜 Ogni comunità sceglierà in autonomia le sue regole, i suoi moderatori e le sue esigenze. Non sarà tuttavia possibile aprire comunità con contenuti pornografici, illegali o con discriminazioni razziali o di genere.\n\n🚯 Le comunità politiche dovranno accettare e sottoscrivere una clausola sull'antifascismo.\n\n⛔️ Lo spam, i bot e i messaggi ripetuti o molesti saranno rimossi a prescindere dalle regole della comunità.\n\n♻️ Le comunità che non riusciranno ad auto-moderarsi verranno richiamate dagli admin e se non sarà possibile trovare una soluzione verranno eliminate.\n\n#### Come si mantiene Feddit?\n\n🧡 È un progetto indipendente e senza pubblicità, se volete potete aiutare la gestione di questo server con una piccola [donazione ricorrente su LiberaPay](https://liberapay.com/Feddit-it) oppure con una [donazione una tantum su Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/fedditit).\n\nGrazie! 🧡\n\n📧 Per informazioni sull'istanza potete scrivere a lemmy@feddit.it", + published: "2022-05-05T07:40:35.127186", + updated: "2023-02-11T07:59:18.996238", + icon: "https://feddit.it/pictrs/image/64fddac4-ef09-44e4-ba91-280ece81605a.png", + banner: null, + description: + "L'alternativa italiana e decentralizzata a Reddit, benvenutǝ!", + actor_id: "https://feddit.it/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-27T07:34:07.401272", + inbox_url: "https://feddit.it/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4sWrZteBuwA/zRJCRZV0\nZgrFzNgEiWCqg/Oo8J2xrMKruYNwc9t16IPpIAYxl6oBYaoy8X2jsozHVPnf5hhg\nB05GKirAcbT4ZMCP3Imy40NKEHBQg5O/VdIo0VoEWUDVMs76w83ObyDPOGPV3qfx\nF1oEAykUTN5mD6b/cXwqw9ZdjAwkTNqAcUFflUCadEKv0+UbNsHADPVddGRbX+fA\nN4JiJE33Di9dB5wTONw6uEiYQM3yzOHaswNm8Ww+XEy7NDx3YOBmgO6wM014MK4/\nmdn+/fXWt2y3FPl+XJTZoJsas/9XBElRcf7Qsx5zUyFIxOhIJyVVgK+8M+i99Eox\ncQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA+zY4DsitxJma7p2W4bL+\nQmyGPpU5PqRqE8LGK2vzlHTxJzZWSkGh5J89q7o3WlVdXnBGt2e3NKmoNj7ZnF9U\n1ijWRxmVhDAlNERynzVEGC7sPhHvSe8AcYQquN4Dp70iG/sC4ZusDnoEWXwv5yFa\nXRMLvUV0pQqtnwfLev2gzZYXOwDwv7p2N0FFcFTtk5xrFiXgh64OUcXFN4wn8r34\nvRT6rM2mDXpowSY60aqdVKGt7xLf5Fc3JvFOXEF3+qJ2T/2ycorrYx270vfku/V3\nvyGLI1scj0XMZi5AEwPEGsyaZegqU6+WYlnWaTnecixvkoJle98bp/t0U00XtnP9\nSwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 779, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: true, + require_email_verification: false, + application_question: + "Perché vuoi registrarti a Fedd**it**? Scrivi una risposta in italiano, grazie.", + private_instance: false, default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: + "### Privacy policy\n\n\nForniamo questa informativa ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR) per coloro che consultano il sito https://feddit.it e chiedono di registrarsi. Si precisa che l'informativa è resa solo per tale sito e non anche per altri siti web eventualmente consultati dall'utente tramite link.\n\n### Titolare del trattamento\n\nTitolare del trattamento è Francesco Macchia\n\nemail: francesco.macchia [at] gmail .it \n\n### Quali dati vengono raccolti.\n\nRiguardo a questo punto, dobbiamo distinguere due passaggi.\n\n(a) Registrazione nella community: nome utente, password ed e-mail;\n\n(b) Accesso alla comunità e attività dell'utente: indirizzo IP, nome utente, password ed e-mail.\n\nI dati dell'utente (username, password ed email) vengono registrati nel database e, nello specifico, le password vengono convertite in “hash” (ovvero trasformate in stringhe alfanumeriche mediante la funzione hash).\n\n### Accesso alla comunità e alle attività degli utenti\n\nDopo aver completato il processo di creazione dell'account, l'utente può accedere (Login) alla comunità tramite il browser, quindi viene acquisito l'indirizzo IP.\n\n*Ogni utente è responsabile dei contenuti che intende pubblicare sulla community di feddit.it.*\n\nIn questa fase, i dati personali degli utenti raccolti sono *username , password , indirizzo email e indirizzo IP.*\n\n### Chi può accedere ai dati e per quali attività.\n\nL'amministratore del server (istanza) può leggere i dati delle attività svolte sulla community registrati sul server e precisamente nel database o nei file di log (username, email, indirizzo IP, indirizzo web della community, tipo di attività - tecnicamente GET o POST).\n\nL'amministratore accede ai dati personali degli utenti solo per motivi strettamente tecnici (analisi del sistema, aggiornamento dei pacchetti applicativi, esigenze di manutenzione).\n\nSi precisa che l'accesso ai dati personali degli utenti, sia nel database che nei log, è un'attività specifica che generalmente non viene svolta se non per risolvere conflitti o errori particolari.\n\n### Le finalità del trattamento.\n\nLo scopo è consultare questo sito web o interagire pubblicando contenuti, commenti o creando altre community. L'accesso a questo sito Web e la richiesta di registrazione come utente implicano che l'utente ha prestato il proprio consenso.\n\nInoltre, le finalità sono anche legate alla manutenzione dei server e agli aggiornamenti di sistemi e applicazioni.\n\nL'invio facoltativo, esplicito e volontario di posta elettronica agli indirizzi indicati su questo sito comporta la successiva acquisizione dell'indirizzo del mittente, necessario per le risposte, nonché degli eventuali altri dati personali inseriti nella missiva. Tali dati sono trattati per rispondere ai messaggi inviati e gestire le relative richieste. Il mancato conferimento dei dati personali per le comunicazioni con noi o l'invio di richieste impedirà di evaderli. Conserviamo i dati per il tempo strettamente necessario alle finalità legate al trattamento dei dati.\n\n### Base giuridica del trattamento\n\nIl trattamento dei dati personali è basato sul consenso - ai sensi dell'art. 6, par. 1, lettera a) del Regolamento UE 2016/679 - espressa dall'utente con la navigazione in questo sito web e la sua consultazione, accettando così la presente informativa.\n\nIl consenso è facoltativo, e l'utente può revocarlo in qualsiasi momento mediante richiesta inviata via email all'indirizzo francesco.macchia [at] gmail.com , precisando che, in tal caso, qualora l'utente non acconsenta, non potrà consultare il presente sito web, né registrarsi né rimanere come utente registrato.\n\nPer quanto riguarda la manutenzione dei server e gli aggiornamenti di sistemi e applicazioni, la base giuridica è il legittimo interesse ai sensi dell'articolo 6, lettera f) del Regolamento UE 2016/679.\n\nIl trattamento dei dati personali è necessario per il perseguimento del legittimo interesse del titolare del trattamento a fornire informazioni in merito a studi e ricerche, ai sensi dell'art. 6, par. 1, lettera f) del Regolamento UE 2016/679, in conformità a quanto previsto dal medesimo Regolamento.\n\n### Cookies\n\nGli unici cookie sono *solo quelli funzionali* e, quindi, nessuna attività di profilazione o tracciamento.\n\n*Pertanto, questo sito non utilizza cookie diversi dai cookie funzionali esclusivamente per le finalità funzionali sopra descritte e la loro installazione non richiede il consenso dell'utente.*\n\n### Destinatari dei dati\n\nNon comunichiamo a destinatari o categorie di destinatari i dati personali raccolti da questo sito web a seguito della sua consultazione.\n\n### Periodo di conservazione dei dati personali\n\nA parte quanto sopra specificato, i dati raccolti da questo sito durante il suo funzionamento sono conservati per il tempo strettamente necessario alle attività precisate. I dati saranno cancellati o anonimizzati alla data di scadenza a meno che non sussistano altre finalità di conservazione degli stessi. Per scopi di analisi (statistiche), utilizziamo Matomo ma a condizione che tu abbia acconsentito a ciò fornendo il consenso una volta raggiunto questo sito.\n\n### Trasferimento di dati personali verso un paese terzo o un'organizzazione internazionale\n\nIl sito feddit.it, in quanto completamente basato sul progetto Lemmy, dispone di un sistema che consente di generare un feed per ciascun oggetto della comunità. I dati riportati nel messaggio non sono costituiti da dati personali e consistono in:\n\n- username dell'utente\n\n- Titolo del post\n\n- Identificativo della comunità feddit nella quale è stato pubblicato\n\n- Data di pubblicazione\n\n- Testo del messaggio\n\n- Link pubblicato dall'autore del messaggio\n\n- Link del messaggio\n\nQuesta peculiarità della piattaforma Lemmy e il fatto che tali dati non possano essere considerati come \"dati personali\" consente a chiunque di operare un trattamento massivo e automatizzato di tali dati, per qualunque fine consentito dalla normativa nazionale ed europea.\nAttualmente esiste già un sistema di ripubblicazione automatica che provvede a copiare sul canale Telegram https://t.me/feddit e sul profilo Twitter https://twitter.com/feddit_it tutti i post di apertura pubblicati all'interno delle comunità.\n\nResta fermo il fatto che il titolare del trattamento, l'amministratore dell'istanza di Lemmy, non trasferisce i dati al di fuori dello Spazio Economico Europeo (SEE) dal momento che Lemmy è installato sul server situato all'interno dello Spazio Economico Europeo.\n\nCi sembra opportuno chiarire meglio.\n\nGli utenti registrati su un'istanza sono sempre gli unici responsabili delle loro attività creando comunità o pubblicando post o commenti.\n\nNon vi è alcun trasferimento al di fuori del SEE quando gli utenti registrati su un'istanza all'interno dello stesso SEE eseguono attività sullo stesso server (istanza). Ad esempio, la nostra istanza ( https://feddit.it) si trova in Italia e quindi all'interno del SEE. Se gli utenti registrati sulla nostra istanza eseguono attività sul nostro server, non vi è alcun trasferimento di dati al di fuori del SEE. Allo stesso modo, non vi è alcun trasferimento di dati al di fuori del SEE anche se gli utenti registrati sulla nostra istanza si iscrivono, pubblicano post o commenti su altre istanze, ad esempio, situate al di fuori del SEE. Infatti, in quest'ultimo caso, il nostro amministratore di istanza può accedere ai log e vedere solo il dominio (e quindi nemmeno l'URL completo della community su cui si svolgono le attività) e il suo indirizzo IP. Nessun ulteriore dato dell'utente viene trasferito al di fuori del SEE dall'amministratore o automaticamente dalla piattaforma Lemmy. L'utente deve essere consapevole che il proprio nome utente è costituito nella forma \"@username@domainofcommunity\" (ad esempio, nel nostro caso, @username@feddit.it.\n\nNon ci sarà alcun trasferimento di dati al di fuori del SEE anche se l'utente intende creare una comunità sull'istanza Lemmy esistente all'interno dello stesso SEE.\n\nTutto questo perché è una funzione propria del sistema fediverse e del protocollo ActivityPub utilizzato da Lemmy.\n\n### Misure di sicurezza\n\nI dati dei visitatori o degli utenti sono trattati in modo lecito e secondo correttezza, adottando le opportune misure di sicurezza volte ad impedire accessi non autorizzati, divulgazione, modifica o distruzione non autorizzata dei dati. I tuoi dati nella sessione di comunicazione con questo sito Web sono protetti da un certificato Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) che utilizza un protocollo di presentazione crittografico, crittografando le informazioni.\n\n### Diritti degli interessati\n\nGli utenti (interessati) di questo sito web possono esercitare i diritti di cui agli artt. da 15 a 22 del Regolamento UE 2016/679. Puoi inoltrare tutte le richieste per esercitare tali diritti scrivendo a francesco.macchia [at] gmail.com\n\n### Diritto di sporgere denuncia\n\nQualora l'interessato ritenga che il trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano effettuato attraverso questo sito violi il Regolamento, ha il diritto di proporre reclamo al Garante ai sensi dell'art. 77 del Regolamento UE 2016/679.\n\n### Attribuzione\n\nParti di questi termini di servizio sono state prese da eupolicy.social e adattate da https://mastodon.nicfab.it/privacy-policy#Informativa_Privacy_IT.", + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: false, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2022-05-05T07:40:35.127186", + updated: "2023-02-11T07:59:19.001879", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + 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"2020-08-27T09:07:19.769976", - updated: "2023-01-27T08:34:18.116563", - actor_id: "https://szmer.info/u/kolektyw_szmer", + published: "2022-05-05T07:32:10.201268", + updated: "2022-10-03T18:37:59.341087", + actor_id: "https://feddit.it/u/skariko", bio: null, local: true, banner: null, deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://szmer.info/u/kolektyw_szmer/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://szmer.info/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, + inbox_url: "https://feddit.it/u/skariko/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://feddit.it/inbox", + matrix_user_id: "@skariko:matrix.org", admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 779, }, counts: { - id: 105, - person_id: 112, - post_count: 60, - post_score: 391, - comment_count: 80, - comment_score: 181, + id: 1, + person_id: 2, + post_count: 265, + post_score: 632, + comment_count: 442, + comment_score: 314, + }, + }, + { + person: { + id: 3, + name: "poliverso", + display_name: null, + avatar: + 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instance.\n\n-------------------------------\n\nWe're a collective of individuals upset with the way social media has been traditionally governed. A severe lack of moderation has led to major platforms like Facebook to turn into political machinery focused on disinformation campaigns as a way to make profit off of users. Websites with ineffective moderation allow hate speech to proliferate and contribute to the erosion of minority rights and safe spaces. Our goal with Beehaw is to demonstrate and promote a healthier environment.\n\nSome thoughts on our philosophy: \n* [What is Beehaw?](https://beehaw.org/post/107014)\n* [Beehaw is a Community](https://beehaw.org/post/140733)\n\nOperating our server costs money. If you donate, you should know that 100% of the costs will go towards server time, licensing costs, and artwork. In the future if we need to hire developers or other labor, it would be sourced through the [Open Collective Foundation](https://opencollective.com/beehaw), and it would be transparent to the community before any changes were made.\n\nAs a news aggregator and a social media outlet, with a focus on being a safe and accepting space, we strive to create a positive social impact. We will, also, help to connect underprivileged and minority individuals with education and civic participation by promoting a healthier online experience.", published: "2022-01-28T12:29:55.435104", - updated: "2022-11-15T18:20:26.293047", - enable_downvotes: false, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, + updated: "2023-02-10T19:31:53.987429", icon: "https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/ada8eeca-7453-487d-8bf5-9f91b1640aa3.png", banner: null, description: "Aspiring to be(e) a safe, friendly and diverse place.", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Why do you want to join Beehaw? How or where did you hear about Beehaw?", - private_instance: false, actor_id: "https://beehaw.org/", last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-26T20:18:34.494563", inbox_url: "https://beehaw.org/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA17cAXpqvCmwA7bLLoohA\n6qEjYzplQEJlJkZkj1IjkADTGP7GSqGv/YAPXlsvnqp3dmfmswIK4nVmqQKDXxC+\nql8vIHXQ8o6X63TX+nVnKNZ26goO0B7FWWWKjrVI4Yb+bCvKfDQI5CVVaez3Wgq8\ndatGu/m1knT11QOy8ZwcTLx7qqLjkdMLHAuyC1KJBBhw9S7tu8IjemQuJF/GQpKt\nPrtjPu//Zo8zs7uO9UfRrQID6SyogGwr85kl4FGQM561W9dsPrMzLgJ47IqrGlXl\nBKMf4Urtf6YCYnGXCLfkwtaC3duOM7wYYbzopxldikdO3LsTzdKy5DkgjgS3Z6C8\nnwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 664, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: false, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: true, + require_email_verification: false, + application_question: + "Why do you want to join Beehaw? How or where did you hear about Beehaw?", + private_instance: false, default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: null, + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: false, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: false, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2022-01-28T12:29:55.435104", + updated: "2023-02-10T19:31:53.990657", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-02-02T20:56:19.670085", + updated: null, }, counts: { id: 1, site_id: 1, - users: 408, - posts: 2103, - comments: 3425, + users: 414, + posts: 2113, + comments: 3131, communities: 22, - users_active_day: 7, - users_active_week: 25, - users_active_month: 44, - users_active_half_year: 106, + users_active_day: 3, + users_active_week: 13, + users_active_month: 42, + users_active_half_year: 103, }, }, admins: [ @@ -199,14 +2189,15 @@ export const instance_stats = { admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 664, }, counts: { id: 1, person_id: 2, - post_count: 284, - post_score: 212, - comment_count: 450, - comment_score: 51, + post_count: 276, + post_score: 5, + comment_count: 392, + comment_score: 4, }, }, { @@ -231,14 +2222,15 @@ export const instance_stats = { admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 664, }, counts: { id: 7, person_id: 8, - post_count: 747, - post_score: 55, - comment_count: 391, - comment_score: 1409, + post_count: 744, + post_score: 0, + comment_count: 374, + comment_score: 0, }, }, { @@ -262,527 +2254,1870 @@ export const instance_stats = { admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 664, }, counts: { id: 8, person_id: 9, - post_count: 142, - post_score: 575, - comment_count: 448, - comment_score: 1108, + post_count: 150, + post_score: 19, + comment_count: 425, + comment_score: 25, }, }, ], - online: 10, - version: "0.16.7", + online: 29, + version: "0.17.1", my_user: null, federated_instances: { linked: [ - "a.gup.pe", - "baraza.africa", - "community.hackliberty.org", - "community.nicfab.it", - "diode.zone", - "donky.social", - "fapsi.be", - "feddit.de", - "feddit.it", - "fediverse.ro", - "forum.friendi.ca", - "framatube.org", - "gtio.io", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "lemmy.blahaj.zone", - "lemmy.ca", - "lemmy.cyberdelia.com.ar", - "lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.mrnet.pt", - "lemmy.paxanimi.club", - "lemmy.perthchat.org", - "lemmy.pt", - "lemmy.schuerz.at", - "lemmy.tedomum.net", - "lemmy.utopify.org", - "libranet.de", - "links.roobre.es", - "mander.xyz", - "merv.news", - "midwest.social", + "counterprose.com", + "cloud-native.social", + "vmst.io", + "slrpnk.net", "nrsk.no", - "poggerinos.ml", - "rytter.me", - "slrpnk.net", - "sopuli.xyz", - "szmer.info", - "tilvids.com", - "tube.tchncs.de", - "veganbtw.net", - "video.hardlimit.com", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: [ - "a.tide.tk", - "b.tide.tk", - "c.tide.tk", - "collapse.cat", - "dev.narwhal.city", - "elgiebety.pl", - "eope.xyz", - "exploding-heads.com", - "federated.community", - "kenstroller.fedi.bzh", - "legbeard.xyz", - "lemider.me", - "lemilat.ml", - "lemmy.glasgow.social", - "lemmy.juggler.jp", - "lemmy.mesh.party", - "lemmy.services.coupou.fr", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "lemmygrad.com", - "lotide.fbxl.net", - "mandacaru.caatinga.digital", - "masr.social", - "narwhal.city", - "verity.fail", - "wiredentrypoint.xyz", - "wolfballs.com", - "lemmy.subtlefuge.com", - ], - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 37272, - activeHalfyear: 5228, - activeMonth: 2034, - }, - posts: 526781, - comments: 273274, - }, - }, - { - domain: "mujico.org", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Neo Mujico", - sidebar: - "Bienvenidos a su nueva casa, Neo Mujico. Pásele, tome su coctel de bienvenida, y salude a la banda.\n\nAquí sí nos ponemos nuestros moños, pero solo para irnos más bellas a la fiesta.\n\n**Reglas**\n\n1. Este espacio es SFW. No se permite la pornografía explícita, o el gore. Tampoco se permite la promoción o venta de packs, perfiles de OnlyFans o sitios similares.\n\n2. No publicar información o contenido que atente contra la dignidad o vida privada de alguna persona, si no se tiene la autorización comprobable de esta persona. Esto no aplica para sátira, crítica, contenido que es del dominio público.\n\n3. No se permite publicar información privada, o contenido que vaya en contra de las leyes mexicanas o de EE.UU.\n\n4. No se permite el spam de ningún tipo. Cuentas que solo publican contenido político no satírico son consideradas cuentas de spam.\n\n5. SÍ se permiten los memes, el humor negro, las crepapastas, rants y shitposting del bueno. Estamos aquí para pasarla chido y echar relajo.\n\n[Acceso a la wiki de HuachiNet](https://mujico.org/c/wiki)\n\n[![Discord](https://mujico.org/pictrs/image/5847a6f0-c590-4f13-b557-0344c19b3017.png)](https://discord.com/invite/yQrNwU7SPE)", - published: "2022-09-03T22:06:49.826311", - updated: "2023-01-26T19:07:46.568704", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://mujico.org/pictrs/image/1a4e1a44-173e-472a-8af4-aac609b02c42.png", - banner: - "https://mujico.org/pictrs/image/10a24d7f-f90e-4b41-a75f-668ea3f00d63.webp", - description: - "Comunidad mujicana, semos indios pero de los finos. No somos ni de izquierda, ni de derecha, somos los de abajo y vamos por los de arriba.", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: false, - application_question: - "To verify that you are human, please explain why you want to create an account on this site", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://mujico.org/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-11-02T02:31:28.085439", - inbox_url: "https://mujico.org/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA8EujMN5atbdLrJCIjLgv\nbMC7t+WBy5d+hHJY1nGhooal3vRq7KvD/VSgDMoiCCiQhdKeJJtAZO0iDKc8loZX\n6vxrl2rfr3inne69BUT6Njk0jf4X0jUlEik4aJMXeABknzKA9NlyUjLPoUbhcIwJ\n4yszp/Rr4zgsWUbdCq/MYCB9ZYymzas3yKu0h6OlR7oHJgPYgDYmqtMYOOxSZsg7\nsy45YocSkLzQuxA77BJhtOYQiCKb785pA0wGuMy+ytKXfIe/rIzollg/H5p+sNi6\nLlH6eyWVBkWjFWES5W+r2ruokmzvc/QDgo+P+UgFSwBsjJlyZ1dII2qDtjsYv1GE\nAQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "mujico_dark2", - 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Potete aprire una richiesta [cliccando qui](https://feddit.it/c/main), spiegando di cosa parlerà la comunità e come sarà gestita.\n\n📜 Ogni comunità sceglierà in autonomia le sue regole, i suoi moderatori e le sue esigenze. Non sarà tuttavia possibile aprire comunità con contenuti pornografici, illegali o con discriminazioni razziali o di genere.\n\n🚯 Le comunità politiche dovranno accettare e sottoscrivere una clausola sull'antifascismo.\n\n⛔️ Lo spam, i bot e i messaggi ripetuti o molesti saranno rimossi a prescindere dalle regole della comunità.\n\n♻️ Le comunità che non riusciranno ad auto-moderarsi verranno richiamate dagli admin e se non sarà possibile trovare una soluzione verranno eliminate.\n\n#### Come si mantiene Feddit?\n\n🧡 È un progetto indipendente e senza pubblicità, se volete potete aiutare la gestione di questo server con una piccola [donazione ricorrente su LiberaPay](https://liberapay.com/Feddit-it) oppure con una [donazione una tantum su Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/fedditit).\n\nGrazie! 🧡\n\n📧 Per informazioni sull'istanza potete scrivere a lemmy@feddit.it", - published: "2022-05-05T07:40:35.127186", - updated: "2023-01-18T12:42:11.013550", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://feddit.it/pictrs/image/64fddac4-ef09-44e4-ba91-280ece81605a.png", - banner: null, - description: - "L'alternativa italiana e decentralizzata a Reddit, benvenutǝ!", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Perché vuoi registrarti a Fedd**it**? Scrivi una risposta in italiano, grazie.", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://feddit.it/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-27T07:34:07.401272", - inbox_url: "https://feddit.it/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA+zY4DsitxJma7p2W4bL+\nQmyGPpU5PqRqE8LGK2vzlHTxJzZWSkGh5J89q7o3WlVdXnBGt2e3NKmoNj7ZnF9U\n1ijWRxmVhDAlNERynzVEGC7sPhHvSe8AcYQquN4Dp70iG/sC4ZusDnoEWXwv5yFa\nXRMLvUV0pQqtnwfLev2gzZYXOwDwv7p2N0FFcFTtk5xrFiXgh64OUcXFN4wn8r34\nvRT6rM2mDXpowSY60aqdVKGt7xLf5Fc3JvFOXEF3+qJ2T/2ycorrYx270vfku/V3\nvyGLI1scj0XMZi5AEwPEGsyaZegqU6+WYlnWaTnecixvkoJle98bp/t0U00XtnP9\nSwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 478, - posts: 2631, - comments: 2659, - communities: 29, - users_active_day: 13, - users_active_week: 20, - users_active_month: 43, - users_active_half_year: 98, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "skariko", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://feddit.it/pictrs/image/2dea2df0-6019-4123-8322-af8072b863d3.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2022-05-05T07:32:10.201268", - updated: "2022-10-03T18:37:59.341087", - actor_id: "https://feddit.it/u/skariko", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://feddit.it/u/skariko/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://feddit.it/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@skariko:matrix.org", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 260, - post_score: 593, - comment_count: 431, - comment_score: 283, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 3, - name: "poliverso", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://feddit.it/pictrs/image/c3400417-90bd-44a7-9cc1-7371115ad112.png", - banned: false, - published: "2022-05-05T08:01:16.635627", - updated: "2022-12-04T09:42:21.519042", - actor_id: "https://feddit.it/u/poliverso", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: 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167, + code: "tw", + name: "Twi", + }, + { + id: 168, + code: "ty", + name: "Reo Tahiti", + }, + { + id: 169, + code: "ug", + name: "ئۇيغۇرچە‎", + }, + { + id: 170, + code: "uk", + name: "Українська", + }, + { + id: 171, + code: "ur", + name: "اردو", + }, + { + id: 172, + code: "uz", + name: "Ўзбек", + }, + { + id: 173, + code: "ve", + name: "Tshivenḓa", + }, + { + id: 174, + code: "vi", + name: "Tiếng Việt", + }, + { + id: 175, + code: "vo", + name: "Volapük", + }, + { + id: 176, + code: "wa", + name: "walon", + }, + { + id: 177, + code: "wo", + name: "Wollof", + }, + { + id: 178, + code: "xh", + name: "isiXhosa", + }, + { + id: 179, + code: "yi", + name: "ייִדיש", + }, + { + id: 180, + code: "yo", + name: "Yorùbá", + }, + { + id: 181, + code: "za", + name: "Saɯ cueŋƅ", + }, + { + id: 182, + code: "zh", + name: "中文", + }, + { + id: 183, + code: "zu", + name: "isiZulu", + }, + ], + discussion_languages: [ + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, + 19, 20, 21, 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comments: 200770, }, }, { @@ -793,40 +4128,77 @@ export const instance_stats = { id: 1, name: "Feddit", sidebar: - "feddit.de ist eine alternative reddit Instanz im [Fediverse](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse).\n\nHier entsteht ein alternativer, unabhängiger und selbstverwalteter Raum zum freien Meinungsaustausch, jenseits der Kontrolle großer Tech-Unternehmen.\n\n\nNetiquette wird vorausgesetzt. \nGepflegt wird ein respektvoller Umgang - **ohne Hass, Hetze, Diskriminierung**.\n\nDiese Community befindet sich im Aufbau und lebt von deiner Mitwirkung!\n\n::: spoiler Regeln\n\nDie folgenden Regeln sind eine (nicht vollständige) Liste von Verhaltensweisen, die nach Ermessen der Instanz-Admins und -Mods zur Löschung von Posts, Gruppen oder Sperrung von Konten führen können, wie in unseren Bedingungen beschrieben.\n\nBitte melde Verhalten, das dich stört den Admins/ Mods, und trage keine Konflikte in die Community.\n\nWir tolerieren kein diskriminierendes Verhalten und keine Inhalte, die die Unterdrückung von Mitgliedern marginalisierter Gruppen fördern oder befürworten. Diese Gruppen können durch eine der folgenden Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet sein (obwohl diese Liste natürlich unvollständig ist):\n- ethnische Zugehörigkeit\n- Geschlechtsidentität oder Ausdruck\n- sexuelle Identität oder Ausdruck\n- körperliche Merkmale oder Alter\n- Behinderung oder Krankheit\n- Nationalität, Wohnsitz, Staatsbürgerschaft\n- Reichtum oder Bildung\n- Religionszugehörigkeit, Agnostizismus oder Atheismus\n\nWir tolerieren kein bedrohliches Verhalten, Stalking und Doxxing.\nWir tolerieren keine Belästigungen, einschließlich Brigading, Dogpiling oder jede andere Form des Kontakts mit einem Benutzer, der erklärt hat, dass er nicht kontaktiert werden möchte.\n- Sei respektvoll. Alle sind hier willkommen.\n- Kein Rassismus, Sexismus, Ableismus, Homophobie, oder anderweitige Xenophobie\n- Wir tolerieren kein Mobbing, einschließlich Beschimpfungen, absichtliches Misgendering oder Deadnaming.\n- Wir dulden keine gewalttätige nationalistische Propaganda, Nazisymbolik oder die Förderung der Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus.\n- Aktionen, die diese Instanz oder ihre Leistung beschädigen sollen, können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Kontos führen.\n- Provokationen können nach Ermessen der Moderation entfernt werden\n- Toxisches Verhalten wird nicht geduldet\n- Keine Werbung\n- Kein Spam\n- Keine Pornografie\n- In Deutschland illegale Inhalte werden gelöscht und können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Accounts führen.\n:::\n\\\nAlthough this sites language is german, \neveryone is welcome to join, as we federate! \n\n🌐 [federation map](https://lemmymap.feddit.de)\n\n::: spoiler Server-Location: Nürnberg, Germany\n![100% Wasserkraft](https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/3DrdiNtaq1.png)\n:::\n\n::: spoiler Contact\nmatrix:\\\n[!feddit:tilde.fun](https://matrix.to/#/#feddit:tilde.fun)\\\n[@winter:tilde.fun](https://matrix.to/#/@winter:tilde.fun)\\\ne-mail:\\\npgcn5lz86@relay.firefox.com\n:::\n\n::: spoiler Attribution\nThis text was partly adapted and modified from [chaos.social ](https://chaos.social/about/more#rules).\nIt is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the [CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license.\\\n:::\n", + "feddit.de ist eine alternative reddit Instanz im [Fediverse](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse).\n\nHier entsteht ein alternativer, unabhängiger und selbstverwalteter Raum zum freien Meinungsaustausch, jenseits der Kontrolle großer Tech-Unternehmen.\n\n\nNetiquette wird vorausgesetzt. \nGepflegt wird ein respektvoller Umgang - **ohne Hass, Hetze, Diskriminierung**.\n\nDiese Community befindet sich im Aufbau und lebt von deiner Mitwirkung!\n\n::: spoiler Regeln\n\nDie folgenden Regeln sind eine (nicht vollständige) Liste von Verhaltensweisen, die nach Ermessen der Instanz-Admins und -Mods zur Löschung von Posts, Gruppen oder Sperrung von Konten führen können, wie in unseren Bedingungen beschrieben.\n\nBitte melde Verhalten, das dich stört den Admins/ Mods, und trage keine Konflikte in die Community.\n\nWir tolerieren kein diskriminierendes Verhalten und keine Inhalte, die die Unterdrückung von Mitgliedern marginalisierter Gruppen fördern oder befürworten. Diese Gruppen können durch eine der folgenden Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet sein (obwohl diese Liste natürlich unvollständig ist):\n- ethnische Zugehörigkeit\n- Geschlechtsidentität oder Ausdruck\n- sexuelle Identität oder Ausdruck\n- körperliche Merkmale oder Alter\n- Behinderung oder Krankheit\n- Nationalität, Wohnsitz, Staatsbürgerschaft\n- Reichtum oder Bildung\n- Religionszugehörigkeit, Agnostizismus oder Atheismus\n\nWir tolerieren kein bedrohliches Verhalten, Stalking und Doxxing.\nWir tolerieren keine Belästigungen, einschließlich Brigading, Dogpiling oder jede andere Form des Kontakts mit einem Benutzer, der erklärt hat, dass er nicht kontaktiert werden möchte.\n- Sei respektvoll. Alle sind hier willkommen.\n- Kein Rassismus, Sexismus, Ableismus, Homophobie, oder anderweitige Xenophobie\n- Wir tolerieren kein Mobbing, einschließlich Beschimpfungen, absichtliches Misgendering oder Deadnaming.\n- Wir dulden keine gewalttätige nationalistische Propaganda, Nazisymbolik oder die Förderung der Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus.\n- Aktionen, die diese Instanz oder ihre Leistung beschädigen sollen, können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Kontos führen.\n- Provokationen können nach Ermessen der Moderation entfernt werden\n- Toxisches Verhalten wird nicht geduldet\n- Keine Werbung\n- Kein Spam\n- Keine Pornografie\n- In Deutschland illegale Inhalte werden gelöscht und können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Accounts führen.\n:::\n\\\nAlthough this sites language is german, \neveryone is welcome to join, as we federate! \n\n🌐 [federation map](https://lemmymap.feddit.de)\\\n🌐 [community browser](https://browse.feddit.de)\n\n::: spoiler Server-Location: Nürnberg, Germany\n![100% Wasserkraft](https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/3DrdiNtaq1.png)\n:::\n\n::: spoiler Contact\nmatrix:\\\n[!feddit:tilde.fun](https://matrix.to/#/#feddit:tilde.fun)\\\n[@winter:tilde.fun](https://matrix.to/#/@winter:tilde.fun)\\\ne-mail:\\\npgcn5lz86@relay.firefox.com\n:::\n\n::: spoiler Attribution\nThis text was partly adapted and modified from [chaos.social ](https://chaos.social/about/more#rules).\nIt is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the [CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license.\\\n:::\n", published: "2021-08-19T15:18:01.453879", - updated: "2022-10-03T16:03:44.785853", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, + updated: "2023-02-10T09:29:04.224277", icon: "https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/uI7Q7MuePp.png", banner: "https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/3m9CuKW588.png", description: "Deutschsprachige Lemmy Community", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "📢 Leider gibt es derzeit ein erhöhtes Spam-Aufkommen, daher haben wir uns entschieden, neue Konten *vorübergehend* von Hand freizuschalten. \\\nDies sollte i.d.R. nicht länger als ein paar Stunden dauern.\n\n🤖 Um Bots auszusortieren, verrate uns doch kurz etwas über dich, das Fediverse, oder wie du auf feddit gestoßen bist!", - private_instance: false, actor_id: "https://feddit.de/", last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-19T07:54:05.982963", inbox_url: "https://feddit.de/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAw/EcBiBhtt9nTj9NvW0C\nhuXRccfpN9MX0PcayH4sZ9/yS7pvmFJ2y8fF9BzoYOQkQK+dyUZcTzaG7qyExchw\n7gTTX/K7jpeSzXW8Jb7KJzR1WP6xWgtLtSwZ0/eZq/AcUY2Zi/R5w1cyU2NES1Mz\nIONri7zNLvUQrfCPhKYVBqiPcfJh2+5RMGJ/o0KcrKd10JVHtln2Cwd7ibAhtfgE\nRVWguldAmVU+bQFkmwYkSeChjM7jrM5dC//2AckeHAtIb8CpoLjgvaCvv65hey/3\nWFcXeUwQb+PX6AL3lyXt5csvS9awgkOaZYMCW3WXfrCt97viSmD/cfkUFd9yTla9\n/wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 142, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: false, + require_email_verification: false, + application_question: + "📢 Leider gibt es derzeit ein erhöhtes Spam-Aufkommen, daher haben wir uns entschieden, neue Konten *vorübergehend* von Hand freizuschalten. \\\nDies sollte i.d.R. nicht länger als ein paar Stunden dauern.\n\n🤖 Um Bots auszusortieren, verrate uns doch kurz etwas über dich, das Fediverse, oder wie du auf feddit gestoßen bist!", + private_instance: false, default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: + "# Privacy Policy\n\nWe provide this information according to the [EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679&from=EN) for those who consult the website https://feddit.de and request to register. Note that this information applies only to that website and not to other websites the user may consult through links.\n\n## Data controller\n\nThe data controller is [@wintermute@feddit.de](https://feddit.de/u/wintermute) pgcn5lz86@relay.firefox.com\n\n## What data is collected.\n\nRegarding this point, we must distinguish two steps.\n\n(a) Registration in the community: username, password, and email (optional);\n\n(b) Access to the community and user activities: IP address, username, password, (email).\n\nThe user data (username, password, and email) are recorded in the database, and specifically, the passwords are “hashed” (i.e., transformed into alphanumeric strings using the hash function).\n\n### Access to the community and user activities\n\nHaving completed the account creation process, the user can log in (Login) to the community through the browser, the IP address is acquired.\n\n**Each user is responsible for the content they intend to post on the Lemmy community**.\n\nIn that phase, the personal data of users collected are the **username**, **password**, **email address**, and **IP address**.\n\n### Who can access the data and for what activities.\n\nThe server administrator (instance) can read data of the activities performed on the community recorded on the server and precisely in the database or log files (username, email, IP address, community web address, type of activity - technically GET or POST).\n\nThe administrator only accesses users’ personal data for strictly technical reasons.\n\nWe should point out that access to users’ personal data, whether in the database or logs, is a specific activity that is not generally performed except to resolve particular conflicts or errors.\n\n## The purposes of the processing.\n\nThe purpose is to consult this website or interact by posting content, comments, or creating other communities. Accessing this website, and requesting to register as a user, means the user gave consent.\n\nFurthermore, the purposes are also related to server maintenance and system and application upgrades.\n\nThe optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site involves the acquisition of the sender’s address necessary for the replies and any other personal data contained in the message. These data are processed to respond to messages sent and handle related requests. Failure to provide personal data for communications with us or send requests will prevent evading them. We store data for the time strictly necessary for the purposes related to data processing.\n\n## Legal basis for the processing\n\nThe processing of personal data is based on consent - according to article 6, par. 1, letter a) of EU Regulation 2016/679 - expressed by the user by browsing this website and its consultation, thus accepting this information.\n\nConsent is optional, and the user can withdraw at any time by request sent by email to pgcn5lz86@relay.firefox.com, specifying that, in this case, whether the user does not consent, they cannot consult this website, either register or remain as a registered user.\n\nRegarding server maintenance and system and application upgrades, the legal basis is the legitimate interest according to Article 6, letter f) of the EU Regulation 2016/679.\n\n\n## Cookies\n\nThe only cookies are only **functional ones** and, therefore, no profiling or tracking activities.\n\n**Thus, this site does not use cookies other than functional cookies solely for the functional purposes described above, and their installation does not require the user’s consent**.\n\n## Data recipients\n\nWe do not communicate personal data collected from this website following its consultation to recipients or categories of recipients.\n\n## Period for storing personal data\n\nApart from what is specified above, the data collected by this website during its operation are stored for the time strictly necessary for the activities specified. The data will be deleted or anonymized at the expiry date unless there are no other purposes for storing the same.\n\n## Transferring personal data to a third country or international organization\n\nThe data controller, the administrator of Lemmy’s instance, does not transfer data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) if Lemmy is installed on the server located within the European Economic Area.\n\nWe feel it is appropriate to clarify this further.\n\nUsers registered on an instance are always solely responsible for their activities by creating communities or publishing posts or comments.\n\nThere is no transfer outside the SEE when registered users on an instance within the same EEA perform activities on the same server (instance). For example, our instance (https://feddit.de) is located in Germany and thus within the EEA. If users registered on our instance perform activities on our server, there is no data transfer outside the EEA. Similarly, there is no data transfer outside the EEA even if registered users on our instance subscribe, publish posts, or comments on other instances - for example - located outside the EEA. Indeed, in the latter case, our instance administrator can access the logs and see only the domain (and thus not even the full URL of the community on which activities are performed) and its IP address. No further user data is transferred outside the EEA by the administrator or automatically by the Lemmy platform. The user should be aware that their username in the form “@username@domainofcommunity” (e.g., in our case, @username@feddit.de) will be visible in the community in which they have intervened (e.g., to publish posts or comments).\n\nThere will be no transfer of data outside the EEA even if the user intends to create a community on the existing Lemmy instance within the same EEA.\n\nAll of this is because it is a proper function of the fediverse’s system and the ActivityPub protocol used by Lemmy.\n\n## Security measures\n\nVisitors’ or users’ data are processed lawfully and correctly by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of data. Your data in the communication session with this website are protected by a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that uses a cryptographic presentation protocol, encrypting the information.\n\n## Data subjects’ rights\n\nUsers (data subject) of this website may exercise the rights according to Articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation 2016/679. You can lodge all requests to exercise these rights by writing to pgcn5lz86@relay.firefox.com\n\n## Right to lodge a complaint\n\nWhether a data subject considers that the processing of personal data relating to them as performed via this website infringes the Regulation, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante according to Article 77 of the EU Regulation 2016/679.", + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: true, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2021-08-19T15:18:01.453879", + updated: "2023-02-10T09:29:04.228837", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-02-05T18:36:32.538529", + updated: null, }, counts: { id: 1, site_id: 1, - users: 869, - posts: 5288, - comments: 7473, - communities: 118, - users_active_day: 5, - users_active_week: 12, - users_active_month: 30, - users_active_half_year: 195, + users: 876, + posts: 5347, + comments: 7561, + communities: 121, + users_active_day: 7, + users_active_week: 13, + users_active_month: 29, + users_active_half_year: 199, }, }, admins: [ @@ -850,85 +4222,1020 @@ export const instance_stats = { admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 142, }, counts: { id: 1, person_id: 2, - post_count: 686, - post_score: 108, - comment_count: 445, - comment_score: 76, + post_count: 698, + post_score: 162, + comment_count: 455, + comment_score: 103, }, }, ], - online: 5, - version: "0.16.7", + online: 467, + version: "0.17.1", my_user: null, federated_instances: { linked: [ - "a.gup.pe", - "anonsys.net", - "baraza.africa", - "beehaw.org", - "bolha.social", - "community.nicfab.it", - "community.xmpp.net", - "diode.zone", - "enterprise.lemmy.ml", - "fapsi.be", - "federated.community", - "fedibb.ml", - "fediverse.ro", - "forum.friendi.ca", - "forum.purplerabbit.xyz", - "gtio.io", - "h3h3.club", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "horche.demkontinuum.de", - "jeremmy.ml", - "kino.schuerz.at", - "lemmy.161.social", - "lemmy.blahaj.zone", - "lemmy.ca", - "lemmy.cyberdelia.com.ar", - "lemmy.darcy.social", + "mastodon.bayern", + "octodon.social", + "lemmy.mentalarts.info", + "friendica.utzer.de", + "puntarella.party", + "incidentally.social", + "cybre.space", + "friendica.a-zwenkau.de", + "rollenspiel.group", + "urbanists.social", + "nfld.uk", + "classicalmusic.social", + "raccoon.place", + "toot.site", + "corteximplant.com", + "pawb.fun", + "mobiledevs.social", + "mastodontti.fi", + "m.sclo.nl", + "lemmy.jae.fi", + "kfem.cat", + "sironi.tk", + "indiepocalypse.social", + "wp-social.net", + "nullpointer.org", + "social.dorf-post.de", + "mstdn.spin-off.com", + "dis-le.de", + "social.wien.rocks", + "colorid.es", + "mastodon.sozialdemokratie.social", + "vue.land", + "jplocalization.social", + "creativewriting.social", + "social.ridetrans.it", + "monado.ren", + "occitania.social", + "writeout.ink", + "space.rick.gr", + "easy.saramara.ai", + "cyrix.matto.nl", + "travelpandas.fr", + "toki.social", + "bolha.one", + "rondoalive.xyz", + "social.anon-groups.de", + "bergstrasse.social", + "fe.disroot.org", + "masto.bike", + "social.msitc.de", + "august-don.site", + "muenchen.social", + "social.inhji.de", "lemmy.graz.social", - "lemmy.helvetet.eu", - "lemmy.metaversum.wtf", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.perthchat.org", - "lemmy.rimkus.it", - "lemmy.rollenspiel.monster", - "lemmy.saar.social", - "lemmy.schuerz.at", - "linkage.ds8.zone", - "links.artemai.art", - "loma.ml", - "mander.xyz", - "merv.news", - "midwest.social", - "mp-tube.de", - "news.deghg.org", - "nrsk.no", "sb17.space", + "ma.kaioken.space", + "social.piperswe.me", + "social.cologne", + "social.bim.land", + "kind.social", + "fedisabled.social", + "poggerinos.ml", + "functional.cafe", + "mastodon.se", + "linuxrocks.online", + "hub.tschlotfeldt.de", + "plethodon.nl", + "frenfiverse.net", + "piraten-partei.social", + "forum.friendi.ca", + "mastodon.arch-linux.cz", + "bildung.social", + "hexagons.social", + "dizl.de", + "mastodon.no2nd.earth", + "scl.clttr.info", + "mastodon.g2od.ch", + "pleroma.xprmnt42.de", + "machikadon.online", + "undernopretext.social", + "info.prou.be", + "dindon.one", + "mastodon.mindlesstux.com", + "social.thisisjoes.site", + "body.social", + "wargamers.social", + "mastodon.randomroad.social", + "fortean.social", + "privacy-error.it", + "smallcamp.art", + "opensocial.at", + "social.la10cy.net", + "lemmy.mrnet.pt", + "gladtech.social", + "social.khajiit.de", + "mastodon.acc.sunet.se", + "clvr.bfan.cc", + "queer.group", + "b-c.social", + "docviper.de", + "epicure.social", + "shelter.moe", + "voyager.lemmy.ml", + "fediverse.one", + "machteburch.social", + "social.chiefgyk3d.com", + "kafeneio.social", + "mathstodon.xyz", "slrpnk.net", - "social.hannebrook.info", - "sopuli.xyz", - "stammtisch.hallertau.social", - "t.roelroscamabbing.nl", + "cloud-native.social", + "sone.nrsk.no", + "h4.io", + "soc.ua-fediland.de", + "fediverse.ro", + "mindly.social", + "mastodon.green", + "blahaj.zone", + "die-partei.social", + "minohdon.jp", + "mastodon.nl", + "social.horrorhub.club", + "m.cmx.im", + "art1sec.uber.space", + "toad.social", + "mas.town", + "misskey.de", + "toot.community", + "masto.es", + "mastodonbooks.net", + "toot.io", + "ohai.social", + "cyberfurz.social", + "hashi.icu", + "feddit.de", + "brockha.us", + "microhive.net", + "mamot.fr", + "hub.oldkid.digital", + "genealysis.social", + "climatejustice.global", + "g0v.social", + "awscommunity.social", + "hub.brockha.us", + "mastodon.girino.org", + "mthie.net", + "walkman.social", + "mastodon.dragoncave.dev", + "federated.community", + "social.diva.exchange", + "idiomdrottning.org", + "arsenalfc.social", + "wikis.world", + "social.fbxl.net", + "lostvoid.cyberretards.xyz", + "laviadililith.social", + "fediscience.org", + "pony.social", + "kosmos.social", + "herkenhoff.com", + "weirder.earth", + "weedyverse.de", + "wp-punks.social", + "social.hergorn.com", + "neurodifferent.me", + "meteo.social", + "lou.lt", + "m.krbonne.net", + "mastodon.ftp.rip", + "social.arclight.pro", + "mastodon.uy", + "mastodon.f4n.de", + "dftba.club", + "nebbia.fail", + "mieth.social", + "lemmy.hostux.net", + "friendica.vrije-mens.org", + "todon.nl", + "mastodon.vhome.info", + "friends.mbober.de", + "mastodon.antisocial.science", + "lemmy.darcy.social", + "e.fo", + "collapse.cat", + "waarland.eu", + "mastodon.opportunis.me", + "zug.network", + "piipitin.fi", + "gruene.social", + "mastodon.trueten.de", + "schmidl.dev", + "wandel.social", + "toot.thomcat.rocks", + "enterprise.lemmy.ml", + "lemmy.161.social", + "hci.social", + "oceanplayground.social", + "cldsrv.duckdns.org", + "node9.org", + "plamo.social", + "mastodon.ml", + "nixnet.social", + "friends.brockha.us", + "voi.social", + "m.smenttech.com", + "queer.dev", + "zesummen.online", + "mastodon.zuto.ga", + "subversive.zone", + "mastodon.energy", + "mstdn.axtch.net", + "soc.citizen4.eu", + "friendica.myportal.social", + "boitam.eu", + "mastodon.me.uk", + "a-mastodon-instance.hosted-at-a.super-fukin.long-ass.fully-qualified.domain.name.bruh.lamp.wtf", + "dotnet.social", + "microblog.social", + "mastodon.eus", + "grischa.de", + "a.sc", + "aipi.social", "tilvids.com", + "graz.social", + "masto.therealblue.de", + "lor.sh", + "sociale.network", + "mstdn.id", + "unbound.social", + "tzcafe.com", + "newsbots.eu", + "mt.nightcore.monster", + "librosphere.fr", + "chirp.enworld.org", + "friendica.daniel-siepmann.de", + "thebased.club", + "h3h3.club", + "red.niboe.info", + "mstdn.plus", + "nightly.fedibird.com", + "social.lol", + "waldvogel.family", + "social.trom.tf", + "nerdica.net", + "links.artemai.art", + "thecanadian.social", + "mastodon.ie", + "mastodonners.nl", + "masto.ai", + "tooter.social", + "438punk.house", + "theblower.au", + "hometech.social", + "libretooth.gr", + "social.dev-wiki.de", + "mastodon.au", + "mastodo.fi", + "noc.social", + "mastodon.nu", + "mastodon.la", + "birds.town", + "stereophonic.space", + "social.tchncs.de", + "musicians.today", + "lesbian.solutions", + "lgbtqplus.social", + "hayu.sh", + "mastodon.ethibox.fr", + "social.diekershoff.de", + "dresden.network", + "sekretaerbaer.de", + "barcelona.social", + "stereodon.social", + "hacks.fi", + "onlyfeds.cc", + "social.johnassel.de", + "mastodon-uk.net", + "social.fedcast.ch", + "kirche.social", + "cave.mancave.de", + "berserker.town", + "mares.cafe", + "cx.cx", + "full-house.de", + "friendica.bachgau.social", + "mastodon.juggler.jp", + "social.caserio.de", + "friends.wimmer-edv.de", + "mastodon.online", + "real-escape.jp", + "expired.mentality.rip", + 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"lemmy.subtlefuge.com", + "bbs.9tail.net", + "community.hackliberty.org", + "delraymisfitsboard.com", + "elgiebety.pl", + "eope.xyz", + "exploding-heads.com", + "forum.nobigtech.es", "lemmy.tedomum.net", "lemmy.vip", "lemmy.wiredentrypoint.xyz", "lemider.me", "lemmygrad.com", "lemmygrad.ml", - "links.kaputt.cloud", "lm.korako.me", "mandacaru.caatinga.digital", "masr.social", - "mujico.org", "tabinezumi.net", "veganbtw.net", "wolfballs.com", @@ -963,1610 +5275,2592 @@ export const instance_stats = { "narwhal.city", ], }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 30608, - activeHalfyear: 3819, - activeMonth: 1456, - }, - posts: 190008, - comments: 194727, - }, - }, - { - domain: "sopuli.xyz", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Sopuli", - sidebar: - '![](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/V70PisIEg4.png)\nSuomalaisen pyörittämä yleinen instanssi - kaikki ovat tänne tervetulleita!\n\n# Rules\n1. Remember the human! (no harassment, threats, etc.)\n2. No racism or other discrimination\n3. No Nazis, QAnon or conspiracy whackos (extremists in general) and no endorsement of them\n4. No porn\n5. No ads\n6. No spam\n\n# Säännöt\n1. Muista ihminen! (ei häirintää, uhkailua, jne)\n2. Ei rasismia tai muuta syrjintää\n3. Ei natseja, QAnonia tai salaliittohörhöjä (ääriliikkeitä ylipäänsä) eikä heidän tukemistaan\n4. Ei pornoa\n5. Ei mainoksia\n6. Ei roskapostia\n\n[Matrix Space](https://matrix.to/#/!SJfHjWlTugnKyonyQi:matrix.org?via=matrix.org)\n\n[FAQ / UKK](https://sopuli.xyz/post/13531)\n\nSupport and meta discussion / Tuki ja metakeskustelu: [!meta@sopuli.xyz](https://sopuli.xyz/c/meta) \n\n-------------------\n\n"Liberal troll instance" \n(Lemmygrad)', - published: "2021-02-01T15:25:18.304303", - updated: "2022-11-15T09:52:02.314751", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/AjMQEWabkH.png", - banner: - "https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/87604318-9ad8-41b3-989d-2478cae8df6c.png", - description: - "A general-purpose instance run by a Finn - everyone is welcome here!", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Tell about yourself! Please also read the rules of the instance.\n\nKerro itsestäsi! Luethan myös instanssin säännöt.", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://sopuli.xyz/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-19T13:04:17.121409", - inbox_url: "https://sopuli.xyz/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtEq6Kfzy3RslVSOFCJO3\nYk3s1TSZZ3V19DcsBHZmHh3j1IeLOsmiLjv6eycumXErWs+R6UwunLKYvsXPCK6a\n/zDaoJAjA3xWlCs//7qwbtjjCXgzuuzhVOpKVti684VMeq3LIGRMpQCg7fUuDenY\nsU+KbN/sl+TdSJ+YsiFlmTYOmwxrwIwt7l2sPETA96dZbEP9II1fAifzpHUfkX0s\naurgphKn8Msb9g6bsHL7ii4jAosfAiPb/JfCsMNqX00ABHsLw52Xs1/5qqi3uG2w\ngjtpUIo5t8xJUMy14DDXRCgPEByu8hW6+cSuq6sKodP+dUZFS3PRK4r2Yi2QYF3u\nUQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "darkly", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 648, - posts: 3134, - comments: 2830, - communities: 87, - users_active_day: 7, - users_active_week: 10, - users_active_month: 18, - users_active_half_year: 48, - }, - }, - admins: [ + all_languages: [ { - person: { - id: 2, - 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213845, - comments: 224135, + posts: 163153393, + comments: 148077, }, }, { - domain: "exploding-heads.com", + domain: "mander.xyz", site_info: { site_view: { site: { id: 1, - name: "Exploding Heads", + name: "Mander", sidebar: - "We are a community of free people tired of propaganda fed to us government, media, big tech, crony capitalists, and self anointed elites.\n\nHelp us hold the best of the left and the best of the right accountable for their promises and claims. Are they delivering?\n\nWe also maintain the [Tyranny Prevention Project](http://tyranny.exploding-heads.com/) wiki where we take ideas discussed on Exploding Heads and lay out a set of foundations we need to put in place to protect us from tyrannical rule.\n\n**Rules**\n- Be authentic.\n- Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.\n- No porn.\n- No ads / spamming.\n- No doxing\n- No threats or personal insults\n- No discrimination\n", - published: "2022-02-27T17:24:00.976189", - updated: "2022-12-31T00:54:16.901943", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: null, - banner: null, - description: "Help hold the ruling class accountable", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: false, - application_question: null, - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://exploding-heads.com/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-13T01:36:45.318430", - inbox_url: "https://exploding-heads.com/site_inbox", + "\n\nWe follow Lemmy's [code of conduct](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/code_of_conduct.html). \n\nPlease be respectful to each other. \n\nThe main focus of this instance is the natural sciences. \n\nAs a member of the fediverse, you can create your account here and interact with any other federated community!\n", + published: "2021-12-19T00:53:57.527346", + updated: "2023-02-02T20:23:45.954013", + icon: "https://mander.xyz/pictrs/image/2fc86ef3-797e-4bcd-bcca-e75cdf0959f9.png", + banner: + "https://mander.xyz/pictrs/image/288152cb-69ea-48dc-9b44-7135291458ee.png", + description: "An instance dedicated to nature and science.", + actor_id: "https://mander.xyz/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-05-27T14:38:53.171255", + inbox_url: "https://mander.xyz/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAq4uWnOwo/xZ4I9PFz3T7\nR58hvesJUR57GhYq/UJYArQGeUoJk88SH3D2TdDTWXOwFC3xHm7NhOVOybrWEwsf\ncEwks9DTloiMDuWGowRd1vmLP2k2fc8/BCLS0apmzISz1vT7Ae8RhlI9FzsK7FLo\nmD4EWIeo+JO8RNnbLQ3frSD4m5XfUSMGLdZ1HyoZd44t1XMvSa67h143drl7vs38\ne8QuXzDAb55bYNRcnQxwLieXd5dDtOex1VZ6tMwhl9Q8Z6WuRy0LcdWMpPgd/5X+\noYyns1Ma1z9YFJ0QlrS3XQFL2sdPnW2d5fUeXBZWlv5gyHnbeKiAW4a7xv6PPok2\n2wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "litera", + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsSp7KHrdWCSXhUukIKJj\nFurLuNJG3BjIPcH64vNvdEJXsbxSbBTgzcZsQT/RxJq81mnBpC02cHe5sJJVGFej\npwtNPmVF6os79/iJkD+j1yAHVsT/HOzrhYlf1aDACxpTd7nNrQM/IKYVaWRgeB6D\nDcY8fftjtE0YBR8i20o5E8O1mLTTZYpIE6Z4mkoggeOrkk15lIv2L7hLuKQ2uM3h\njajGIM0VtYQxdtSfw10HsRVTS8PGmRXAv0utBm+U1+Dx0ZfxdjQPop/U2mi51dAd\nvNaUJwg9edtuTlQ2NdElOIW0xKu5sdF5jdeOzTsRbGwIXqjkrcUYgmPHByrNDOvA\nawIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 385, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: false, + require_email_verification: false, + application_question: + "Because most new accounts go on to post spammy ads, I have had to implement an application filter. You can leave a short message stating why you would like to join this instance and I will accept your application as soon as possible. \n\nIf you included an e-mail with your application you will receive an e-mail when the application is accepted - possibly delivered to your 'spam' folder.", + private_instance: false, + default_theme: "zenburn", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: null, + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: false, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "open", + published: "2021-12-19T00:53:57.527346", + updated: "2023-02-02T20:23:45.955084", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-01-31T20:43:08.887201", + updated: null, }, counts: { id: 1, site_id: 1, - users: 142, - posts: 11780, - comments: 686, - communities: 275, - users_active_day: 8, - users_active_week: 11, - users_active_month: 14, - users_active_half_year: 29, + users: 206, + posts: 453, + comments: 1366, + communities: 53, + users_active_day: 2, + users_active_week: 4, + users_active_month: 8, + users_active_half_year: 13, }, }, admins: [ { person: { id: 2, - name: "admin", - display_name: "Kapow", - avatar: null, + name: "Sal", + display_name: "Salamander", + avatar: + "https://mander.xyz/pictrs/image/ab03025b-9319-4be8-9a59-17d8ef766a60.png", banned: false, - published: "2022-02-27T17:20:27.414369", - updated: "2023-01-15T16:57:17.044276", - actor_id: "https://exploding-heads.com/u/admin", + published: "2021-12-19T00:53:57.196566", + updated: "2023-01-20T09:09:55.181588", + actor_id: "https://mander.xyz/u/Sal", bio: null, local: true, banner: null, deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://exploding-heads.com/u/admin/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://exploding-heads.com/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@freethinking:matrix.org", + inbox_url: "https://mander.xyz/u/Sal/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://mander.xyz/inbox", + matrix_user_id: null, admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 385, }, counts: { id: 1, person_id: 2, - post_count: 11720, - post_score: 813, - comment_count: 551, - comment_score: 679, + post_count: 200, + post_score: 3, + comment_count: 662, + comment_score: 145, }, }, ], online: 9, - version: "0.16.7", + version: "0.17.1-1-gfa93008e", my_user: null, federated_instances: { linked: [ - "baraza.africa", - "beehaw.org", - "bolha.social", - "buckeyestate.social", - "collapse.cat", - "community.hackliberty.org", - "community.nicfab.it", - "community.xmpp.net", - "exploding-heads.com", - "fapsi.be", - "feddit.de", - "federated.community", - "goldandblack.us.to", + "scicomm.xyz", "group.lt", - "gtio.io", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "info.prou.be", - "lemmy.ca", - "lemmy.juggler.jp", - "lemmy.mesh.party", - "lemmy.ml", + "fediverse.one", + "mastodon.technology", + "nrw.social", + "glowers.club", + "botsin.space", "lemmy.perthchat.org", - "lemmy.pt", + "techhub.social", + "mastodonapp.uk", + "sopuli.xyz", + "sfba.social", + "tooot.im", + "friends.brockha.us", + "vers.hermes2020.de", + "im.allmendenetz.de", "lemmy.saar.social", - "lemmy.tedomum.net", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "links.artemai.art", - "lm.korako.me", - "lotide.fbxl.net", - "mander.xyz", - "merv.news", - "midwest.social", - "nrsk.no", - "slrpnk.net", - "sopuli.xyz", - "veganbtw.net", - "verity.fail", - "wolfballs.com", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 31815, - activeHalfyear: 2202, - activeMonth: 786, - }, - posts: 153553, - comments: 358726, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemmy.ca", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Lemmy.ca", - sidebar: - '### Welcome to Lemmy.ca!\n\n"Lemmy.ca" is so named due to it running the [Lemmy software](https://join-lemmy.org/), in [the Fediverse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse), and it\'s (somewhat) geared toward Canadians, hosted in Canada, and run by a Canadian. It is, however, not at all restricted to Canadians, or Canadian culture/topics/etc. All are welcome!\n\n#### We have some rules here:\n\n- No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.\n- Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.\n- No porn.\n- No Ads / Spamming.\n\n#### Getting Started\n\n[Popular communities and their alternatives](https://lemmy.ca/post/226267)', - published: "2020-12-12T23:59:08.349434", - updated: "2022-10-13T14:26:31.435037", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/AX0BZv78yT.png", - banner: null, - description: - "A canadian-run community, geared towards canadians, but all are welcome!", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Please write a short description containing:\n\n* Why you would like to join [lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/)\n* What communities you would most like to participate in\n* How or why you chose the username you did\n\nWe use these questions to screen for and discourage spammers and trolls. We will try our best to review your application as soon as possible.", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.ca/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-19T03:07:52.435847", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.ca/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA7gZ5VB/jUVXUmpdd0QSy\nkD8UIdkapEgX3r5bMZSgO74vfZHw0wK5+JcZeRfy7Hay8lE7ZWaB8CyPaEu6tBEE\ntIHjMdMezwlSumzJnS0NLTUm0vtiWdhk7N6i7XGhYVbMbFcW4NL8+Eu+a9cqCAon\nUCT5cDBFeiidbPEShlmtYbby0ZLWw8tyjnI5NZkjgVxoZw6Phr4+3vboHstxmxHN\nAYn9GcMFXXn5WjHyd9VDI3+5sJ/h4KkzO9AMra428AarjefmLSuntrVYdu24vEw+\nVItM2HgbM2real44sV5M6uTYuKWE8067TJqU2PYCsUNCO8opjPB4gCuAWRQwJ+je\nxwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 455, - posts: 769, - comments: 1145, - communities: 111, - users_active_day: 3, - users_active_week: 7, - users_active_month: 14, - users_active_half_year: 33, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 3, - name: "kinetix", - display_name: "Kinetix", - avatar: "https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/Y2exKgUpg8.png", - banned: false, - published: "2020-12-13T00:14:53.385865", - updated: "2021-02-09T20:37:12.039880", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.ca/u/kinetix", - bio: "lemmy.ca admin and general fediverse lurker\n\nOther accounts:\n- [Peertube](https://video.mycrowd.ca/accounts/kinetix/video-channels)\n- [Pleroma](https://mycrowd.ca/kinetix)\n- [Friendica](https://social.isurf.ca/profile/kinetix)", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.ca/u/kinetix/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.ca/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@kinetix:matrix.isurf.ca", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 3, - person_id: 3, - post_count: 66, - post_score: 199, - comment_count: 259, - comment_score: 582, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 43448, - name: "smorks", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/47de3dd7-0dbd-4fea-87db-787ea222fdf7.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2021-11-18T18:08:43.931879", - updated: "2023-01-31T16:32:57.916824", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.ca/u/smorks", - bio: "fediverse enthusiast, lurker, [lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/) admin", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.ca/u/smorks/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.ca/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@smorks:40to.ca", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 3964, - person_id: 43448, - post_count: 11, - post_score: 36, - comment_count: 71, - comment_score: 188, - }, - }, - ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "anonsys.net", - "beehaw.org", - "f.freinetz.ch", - "fapsi.be", - "feddit.de", - "fediverse.ro", - "forum.friendi.ca", - "framatube.org", - "group.lt", - "gtio.io", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "lemmy.161.social", - "lemmy.glasgow.social", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.perthchat.org", - "lemmy.schuerz.at", - "libranet.de", - "mander.xyz", - "midwest.social", - "narwhal.city", - "nrsk.no", - "peertube.tv", - "rollenspiel.group", - "slrpnk.net", - "sopuli.xyz", - "talk.thomcat.rocks", - "verity.fail", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: [ - "kenstroller.fedi.bzh", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "lemmygrad.com", - "wolfballs.com", - "mujico.org", - "lemmy.tedomum.net", - "bbs.9tail.net", - ], - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 25051, - activeHalfyear: 2831, - activeMonth: 1321, - }, - posts: 471484, - comments: 249221, - }, - }, - { - domain: "fedibb.ml", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "fediBB", - sidebar: - "Rules:\n- Be respectful, everyone should feel welcome here\n- No porn, ads or spam\n\nSpanish, German and English are allowed.\n\nYou can also join the [Matrix chat](https://matrix.to/#/#lemmybb:matrix.org)\n\n[Source code](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmyBB)", - published: "2022-10-19T09:07:55.877877", - updated: "2022-12-13T14:31:50.927259", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: false, - icon: "https://fedibb.ml/pictrs/image/288fbf17-071a-4b51-afa0-36d759b274bf.png", - banner: null, - description: "Flagship instance for lemmyBB", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To verify that you are human, please explain why you want to create an account on this site", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://fedibb.ml/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-10-19T09:07:55.876740", - inbox_url: "https://fedibb.ml/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAy2ZreoPg0S1DOCNwE0sm\nkYoUS1GwEo4EB/De8qknTbS9Kv0WcLVncPTuQorAtZPz9iiTG2M2DEmRI2VRvcpJ\nfZiKd0K447jsepnO+9C/C74xImIvEFD9lV5vGg/enx7Ks5K6X+tqoyodHDRq/ngD\ntOzapo0Dcvq0Uj3jyH9XJtJGKLcb5rFCkeQtOoXuaVWgWJnqDR7aMzjd0YTdR00s\n5Rv0HZlUjT8K99g1JxRBU+5JnYbbATD/p/nS5Ggn81+yqGmNiS/IEHh+7L/KFa3J\neS8uPFitfRAfjwT13Se+Iob5iTAp5XUE5hPaCnFSDcr4ZMgTWbmBTtoI/OJYxpGG\nZwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 95, - posts: 19, - comments: 58, - communities: 2, - users_active_day: 3, - users_active_week: 4, - users_active_month: 10, - users_active_half_year: 34, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "nutomic", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://fedibb.ml/pictrs/image/cfc2b051-7d5e-4b54-9206-38d410f8b157.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2022-10-19T09:07:55.077949", - updated: "2022-10-27T12:34:36.026722", - actor_id: "https://fedibb.ml/u/nutomic", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://fedibb.ml/u/nutomic/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://fedibb.ml/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 3, - post_score: 1, - comment_count: 17, - comment_score: 18, - }, - }, - ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "beehaw.org", - "exploding-heads.com", - "feddit.de", + "diaspodon.fr", + "climatejustice.rocks", + "a.tide.tk", + "lemmy.odat.xyz", + "douzepoints.social", + "lyannaj.o-k-i.net", + "urusai.social", + "darkfriend.social", + "librosphere.fr", + "social.defcon42.net", + "mastodon.art", + "skinheads.social", + "geislingen.net", + "mastodon.radio", + "chaos.social", "fedibb.ml", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "info.prou.be", - "jeremmy.ml", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.rollenspiel.monster", - "sopuli.xyz", - "wolfballs.com", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 21118, - activeHalfyear: 1326, - activeMonth: 414, - }, - posts: 95179, - comments: 157556, - }, - }, - { - domain: "merv.news", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Merveilles", - sidebar: - "# Instance Values\n\n- A demand for technology and society to re-center around sustainability, longevity, and balance with an emphasis on renewable energy.\n\n- A focus on decentralization, community activism, social justice, and civic empowerment.\n\n- A recognition that economic, social, and ecological injustices are all deeply interconnected.\n\n# Instance Rules\n\n- One must respect the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/merveilles/Resources/blob/master/CONDUCT.md).\n\n- One must remember the [Three Gates Of Speech](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/discourse.html).\n\n- One must wear a Black & White avatar.\n\n## Merveilles is Invite Only\n\nWe want to keep the instance small. The aim is to facilitate discussions on the various projects created by members of the Merveilles community. So, that is why we are keeping things invite-only for the time being. This is intentional to reduce the overhead on the moderation team and to focus on our existing members more. You may only receive an invite if someone already on the instance recommends you to the moderation team for review.\n\n# Privacy\n\n**Deleted posts remain accessible with the url forever, deleting a post\\comment only removes it from the feed. Everything posted is also federated automatically to the merveilles.town mastodon instance. DMs are not end to end encrypted.**\n\nIP addresses aren't stored, they are only temporarily used in memory for rate limiting. ", - published: "2022-09-25T23:41:04.133890", - updated: "2022-11-04T03:34:14.578588", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://merv.news/pictrs/image/9d27c2e7-e8f5-4e34-aa5e-ae796c89b7fe.png", - banner: null, - description: - "We are a collective of forward-thinking individuals who strive to better ourselves and our surroundings through constant creation.", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Please post on the town or slack mentioning your merv.news username attached to this application and add a link to that post here so we can quickly verify you own the town\\slack account. DM @nx on merveilles.town if you have any issues", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://merv.news/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-09-25T23:41:04.132969", - inbox_url: "https://merv.news/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwXkTxuaXuNg5YHYLbyB+\nJVhMYNh1zkAcn0pRRi6mzohGIbDs4K2visPtRK+YvKDlgszFn4zW+ew/CMbhyHVf\nGbro4ScSwDuO6zedyvE/aYuf+UeS1fdrJ2/9cTnX/dBfpHiipv8SrJ500QwYeBiw\n0azsmZp9A8JEXletYJ5eZRlj3eaVHV/3StUHvWeUXodpVLMQu5awvTftBpUCRCKC\nQLUa+hKptMDX4mKXkNbtqJicHTKm5Hi9tkejqSCe3FxBUitW4xLpH/CZNmGPRBOW\nQ1bQiaTqTIRHGR8tCtoy7bEAf/RcRxyDU+MTS3FvEfneNwpFQkBqpxrDO5Q03gZs\nDQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 76, - posts: 118, - comments: 58, - communities: 18, - users_active_day: 5, - users_active_week: 8, - users_active_month: 10, - users_active_half_year: 28, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "mayer", - display_name: "Mayer", - avatar: - "https://merv.news/pictrs/image/535bbde2-c7e3-4cbe-84cd-0845303c7430.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2022-09-25T23:35:30.700213", - updated: "2022-09-26T00:37:51.889696", - actor_id: "https://merv.news/u/mayer", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://merv.news/u/mayer/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://merv.news/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 0, - post_score: 0, - comment_count: 1, - comment_score: 1, - }, - }, - ], - online: 3, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: ["merveilles.town"], - allowed: ["merveilles.town"], - blocked: ["string"], - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 693, - activeHalfyear: 503, - activeMonth: 391, - }, - posts: 406657, - comments: 58, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemmy.eus", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Lemmy.eus", - sidebar: - "**Ongi etorri** euskarazko web-foro libre eta federatuetara [kaixo.lemmy.eus](https://kaixo.lemmy.eus/)!\n\nNetiketa arauak:\n1. Adeitsua izan. Jendea ongietorria sentitzea, denon onurarako da.\n2. Ez inor iraindu edo jazarri. Eduki eta jarrera intoleranteak debekatuta daude.\n3. Publizitaterik ez.\n4. Euskaraz aritu.\n5. Ezagutu [arau guztiak](https://kaixo.lemmy.eus/edukiak/netiketa/).\n\nKomunitate osoaren txata (biak lotuta daude):\n- Matrix: [#lemmyeus_komunitatea](https://matrix.to/#/#lemmyeus_komunitatea:sindominio.net)\n- Telegram: [@lemmyeus_komunitatea](https://t.me/lemmyeus_komunitatea)\n\nHarremanetan jartzeko: [info@lemmy.eus](mailto:info@lemmy.eus)", - published: "2020-11-28T17:58:52.225777", - updated: "2022-07-22T17:02:35.148510", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://lemmy.eus/pictrs/image/R55fPm9RfM.png", - banner: null, - description: - "Euskarazko web-foro libre eta federatuak. Euskalmemeak, software librea, fedibertsoa, etimologiak...", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Instantzia honetan izen ematea mugatu behar izan dugu Lemmy sarean azkenaldian agertu diren zabor bidaltzaileei eta trollei aurre egiteko. Mesedez, azaldu *zergatik nahi duzun Lemmy.eus-en izena eman*. Eskariak ahalik azkarren artatzen saiatuko gara. Barkatu eragozpenak.", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.eus/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-05-28T16:45:41.072341", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.eus/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqKMlvfl0qM9DLxBwb+Xt\neGiSBlcQF1DyS0Ns1gzL2GkKXjEKxoyPvx+cGXEQwS8xmGUSry9jVm48f8qSNbkS\nLY89z+rEaTqES9IbXHiIfxEg8iEwaLn4glkqp7u4xbwUvmoECJIShnP4IqqNgE4p\nwW90aJtAyIuhMnexZ4mAELco1k8vireWkbj8QJMMRNNVeWWPuQGEqlZr0YHko//S\nPZeU/tlDm/35+Rm9av+T2B7hJZbX8pcsRgekSkBGMJMy1o9Yo0e4yJYRGMGdcPVn\nhlQbhHoga07rmwa0vvtqsO41ljH4lArpLdiyuSpCsVdoba/8mxtWVd29sNV6KFyz\nywIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 654, - posts: 844, - comments: 1358, - communities: 60, - users_active_day: 2, - users_active_week: 4, - users_active_month: 8, - users_active_half_year: 17, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "lemmy", - display_name: null, - 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Follow the golden rule, do unto others as you would have done unto you\n2. Smut, Porn, Gore etc. will result in Ban without warning\n3. No Spamming, Trolling or Unsolicited Ads (There are marketplaces in matrix and telegram you can use) \n4. Stay on topic in a community. If you would like a new community made, reach out to an admin and the creation of a net new community can be discussed. \n#### Note\nLemmy ***does not yet fully support Tor*** or being ran as a hidden service. Logging in and posting over the onion address will not work. However, you can share pages and view pages via the onion address.\n", - published: "2022-05-27T22:34:32.123469", - updated: "2022-08-24T23:04:33.888308", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: false, - icon: "https://community.hackliberty.org/pictrs/image/a74f97c2-8a78-4bf5-8a94-0236fc669976.jpeg", - banner: - "https://community.hackliberty.org/pictrs/image/4a74de0b-cde4-4ef8-8fb4-e502052cd8c5.png", - description: - "We are a group of cypherpunks, privacy advocates, engineers, and philosophers dedicated to the pursuit of truth, liberty, and knowledge for all.", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: false, - application_question: "What does Liberty mean to you? ", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://community.hackliberty.org/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-08-06T16:00:42.095011", - inbox_url: "https://community.hackliberty.org/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA297td+mZHiXI8qrrFSjj\nmcDTF053WN8L34QMSE0z2aE23gV2HPza85AJ4MI70ky+PNTLm7THOQ5wa7IfrEj9\nQ7/+a55QnTIYX97mBXtiCrRLfb1IpY/IUmQFuC5ERLbOX09TON/mbHhj163RkaSi\n9CjKV0cZWpbZwxLf631EGh0q0/Jw01dCVVYKOi6+JWaVTL756kb0SbYS9+kFBjCw\nw+UbHhh4O4DPgCh8xT9lUtFb/DIYyW/gGAOALqU7OyIy00cwEKhtkrwNgwMtt437\no6bXPB/UA2IvmVXLP9GSxDRODUm3YELDRJHYpo/81SPK18PJSDVubaSuxi15rJzD\nwQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "cyborg", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 156, - posts: 323, - comments: 102, - communities: 13, - users_active_day: 1, - users_active_week: 3, - users_active_month: 7, - users_active_half_year: 34, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "Ackermann", - display_name: "Ackermann", - avatar: - "https://community.hackliberty.org/pictrs/image/c517c384-4d09-4165-9897-021439e2b58c.png", - banned: false, - published: "2022-05-27T22:34:31.380818", - updated: "2022-06-05T03:09:34.834710", - actor_id: "https://community.hackliberty.org/u/Ackermann", - bio: "∀x ¬∃y Legitimate(x,y), x ∈ all_time, y ∈ all_governments\n\nReach me on
Session: 0565ad6da0bfee2700c9dcfb7c1874bf5cb8e90167deb443758716e46d902fbd43", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: - "https://community.hackliberty.org/u/Ackermann/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://community.hackliberty.org/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@ackermann:hackliberty.org", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 4, - post_score: 7, - comment_count: 2, - comment_score: 4, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 3, - name: "c0mmando", - display_name: "c0mmando", - avatar: - "https://community.hackliberty.org/pictrs/image/f9f61bf6-332c-4691-87ea-a3ba4c3a7a59.png", - banned: false, - published: "2022-05-28T02:10:05.443364", - updated: "2022-10-18T18:01:52.996753", - actor_id: "https://community.hackliberty.org/u/c0mmando", - bio: "Session: 0597b3e4ac0454855e74bc8050e45bd00c24c44fe698d3b9100120f9ffc561db0a", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://community.hackliberty.org/u/c0mmando/inbox", - 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site: { - id: 1, - name: "SLRPNK", - sidebar: - "Solarpunk imagines a world in which today’s existential threat - the climate crisis - is being approached with camaraderie and adaptive ingenuity.\n\n[What is Solarpunk?](https://solarpunkanarchists.com/2016/05/27/what-is-solarpunk/)\n\n[A SolarPunk Manifesto](https://slrpnk.net/post/236) \n\n**Rules:**\n- **be constructive**: there is no need of another internet space full of competition, negativity, rage and so on;\n- **no bigotry**, including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia or xenophobia;\n- **be empathic**: empathy is more rebellious than a middle finger;\n- **no porn and no gore**: let's keep this place easy to manage;\n- **no ads / spamming / flooding**, we don't want to buy/consume your commodified ideas;\n- **occasional self-promotion** by active members is fine.\n\nFor any community related question or to just test some function: [!meta@slrpnk.net](https://slrpnk.net/c/meta)", - published: "2022-03-22T20:03:46.471272", - updated: "2022-10-16T21:15:15.608366", - 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It\'s here. We need to mitigate our emissions of greenhouse gases—and hope for progress—but we should also plan to adapt and get ready for a 2° global warming scenario. The only "community" here right now is "[**Hot Stuff**](https://news.deghg.org/c/main)." Post links!\n\nMods, help, etc. all welcomed. DM [@ftrain@news.deghg.org](https://news.deghg.org/u/ftrain).\n\nIf you\'re looking for a good grounding in climate change, check out: [Probable Futures](https://probablefutures.org). 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enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: false, + require_email_verification: true, + application_question: + "**まずはこちらをご確認ください**\n- [運営方針やお知らせ](https://lm.korako.me/post/77)\n- [Lemmyの使い方](https://lm.korako.me/post/5923)\n\n上記の説明を読んで問題ない場合は、「方針に同意できるため、許可をお願いします」などと**かならず日本語**で回答欄へ入力してください。\n\nその際にMastodon等のFediverseのアカウント名を書いてくれると判断が早くなる可能性があります。\n\nただし、私の経験則でスパムやBOTだと判断した場合は許可が降りません。\\\n本当に経験則で判断するので、もし却下された場合は連絡先までご連絡ください。\n\n**連絡先**\\\n[@karasu_sue@md.korako.me](https://md.korako.me/users/karasu_sue) \n\n\n※BOTアカウントを作りたい場合は、既にこのインスタンスで**活発に**活動していることが条件になります", + private_instance: false, default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: + "- 政治や宗教に関するコミュニティの作成は禁止しています\n- 日本の法律を遵守してください\n- 公序良俗に反する投稿はやめてください\n- 政治・宗教系の話はうちでは禁止とします(無駄なトラブルは起こしたくない)\n- スパムであると判断した場合は警告なしにBANとします\n- If it is determined to be spam, you will be banned without warning.\n- データの消失については責任を負いかねます\n- メンテナンスは告知なく行います\n- 連合先と重複するコミュがありますがご了承ください\n- 連合していないサーバがあるのでご注意ください\n- 管理者が認識している方であれば日本語以外のコミュニティも作成可能ですが、上記を守ってください\n- 登録に**国籍は問いません**が、**日本語を話せる(または勉強中でも可)こと**が前提となります\n- BOTアカウントの作成は既にこのインスタンスで活発に活動している方で、用途に問題が無いと判断した場合のみ許可されます", + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: true, + captcha_difficulty: "hard", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2021-02-16T13:17:39.786201", + updated: "2023-02-06T09:39:55.661943", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-02-01T00:51:52.019005", + updated: null, }, counts: { id: 1, site_id: 1, - users: 89, - posts: 406, - comments: 91, - communities: 19, + users: 33, + posts: 12505, + comments: 267, + communities: 34, users_active_day: 2, - users_active_week: 2, - users_active_month: 4, + users_active_week: 5, + users_active_month: 6, users_active_half_year: 7, }, }, @@ -2574,695 +7868,1498 @@ export const instance_stats = { { person: { id: 2, - name: "juggler", - display_name: null, - avatar: null, - banned: false, - published: "2020-12-15T04:32:19.262706", - updated: null, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.juggler.jp/u/juggler", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.juggler.jp/u/juggler/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.juggler.jp/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 2, - post_score: 2, - comment_count: 0, - comment_score: 0, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 3, - name: "tateisu", - display_name: null, + name: "karasu_sue", + display_name: "鴉河雛@Lemmy", avatar: - "https://lemmy.juggler.jp/pictrs/image/68bc95d3-7eed-4714-8a49-672fa8eb9149.jpeg", + "https://lm.korako.me/pictrs/image/f1aa484c-56ae-464d-886d-77eb990ca09e.png", banned: false, - published: "2020-12-15T04:34:30.903033", - updated: "2022-06-09T01:27:39.493881", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.juggler.jp/u/tateisu", - bio: null, + published: "2021-02-16T13:17:39.698012", + updated: "2023-01-06T07:25:58.773668", + actor_id: "https://lm.korako.me/u/karasu_sue", + bio: "- [Mastodonアカウント (メイン)](https://md.korako.me/@karasu_sue)\n\nためになる情報と言うよりは、自分のメモ的な奴をじゃんじゃん登録していくと思いまする。", local: true, - banner: null, + banner: "https://lm.korako.me/pictrs/image/Q6Pp7iQQ33.jpg", deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.juggler.jp/u/tateisu/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.juggler.jp/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@tateisu:matrix.juggler.jp", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 19, - person_id: 3, - post_count: 152, - post_score: 1, - comment_count: 89, - comment_score: 95, - }, - }, - ], - online: 1, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "baomi.tv", - "bar.southfox.me", - "baraza.africa", - "exploding-heads.com", - "lem.ph3j.com", - "lemmy.0px.io", - "lemmy.161.social", - "lemmy.cardina1.red", - "lemmy.fediverse.jp", - "lemmy.juggler.jp", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.shrieker.net", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "lm.korako.me", - "tabinezumi.net", - "wasurejio.link", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 27272, - activeHalfyear: 1594, - activeMonth: 610, - }, - posts: 135368, - comments: 334905, - }, - }, - { - domain: "links.esq.social", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "links.esq.social", - sidebar: - '# Links of Note\n[esq.social mastodon](https://esq.social)\n\n[esqstream.com streaming legal radio](https://esqstream.com)\n\n# Rules and Such\nWelcome to "esq.social links", a Lemmy link-sharing instance for legal professionals and other professionals in law-adjacent fields. This instance is affiliated with the esq.social Mastodon instance, but membership in one does not require membership in the other.\n\nAs a community, we have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech and harassment. Any form of hate speech or harassment will result in an immediate ban. Please keep in mind that "free speech" is not a valid excuse for such behavior.\n\nWe also have a few other rules that we would like to remind our community members of:\n\nBe respectful and courteous to your fellow users. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and perspectives, but this does not give you the right to be rude or dismissive towards others.\nDo not post content that is illegal or violates the rights of others. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, personal information, and threats of violence.\nDo not post spam or self-promote excessively. While we want to encourage sharing and discussion, excessive self-promotion or spamming will not be tolerated.\nKeep in mind that we reserve the right to ban users at any time for any reason. We will not hesitate to take action if a user is found to be violating these rules or making another user\'s day bad.\nWe hope that you will enjoy your time on links.esq.social and we look forward to seeing the discussions and links that you will share with the community. Remember, the community is here to help, learn and share knowledge and experiences, let\'s keep it that way.', - published: "2023-01-25T23:30:55.284328", - updated: "2023-01-28T14:14:37.227467", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://links.esq.social/pictrs/image/c84eb515-eb56-4799-8120-a833c756e140.png", - banner: - "https://links.esq.social/pictrs/image/f1965ea8-e9f1-44c1-b580-c3c7cfe736f5.jpeg", - description: - "A Lemmy instance for link sharing among legal professionals. ", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To verify that you are human, please explain why you want to create an account on this site", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://links.esq.social/", - last_refreshed_at: "2023-01-25T23:30:55.282561", - inbox_url: "https://links.esq.social/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0q4GxiiJ7prrcXVgV3BT\njKqCPp7lQQypag3MdaNooGzjDkCBtvoljNv0PjYPg7is+Dg3BpIoB+brS2smYaDB\nyDIOlK2kfUof0M+wJ7Hhu4HI63hGSpRvYEoeM49eb0tbx0XsiyQo6KKSW7j3+/Dq\nOANOdNRoIiugbpyHDoqDfglsZspdSKn+W4eS3Q9IV7LASwuy5usgxE5s0tIl80jP\nB/leBfM9rO0oFsNCNZvqYoMdVvkaVHOPTg77EWVMmUd670geZVDGdKpHQYauoynV\nAOd/pLSHA6SptR4gENa8Wg+4QBXaAZ59NHTYXzmThBZE/L4a+ofgEFyDMdRS/tGK\nfwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "united", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 9, - posts: 65, - comments: 11, - communities: 5, - users_active_day: 1, - users_active_week: 4, - users_active_month: 4, - users_active_half_year: 4, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "andrew", - display_name: "Andrew Leahey", - avatar: null, - banned: false, - published: "2023-01-25T23:28:03.705838", - updated: "2023-01-26T12:41:57.131423", - actor_id: "https://links.esq.social/u/andrew", - bio: "Tax and tech attorney. Sheriff round these parts. ", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://links.esq.social/u/andrew/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://links.esq.social/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, + inbox_url: "https://lm.korako.me/u/karasu_sue/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://lm.korako.me/inbox", + matrix_user_id: "@karasu_sue:matrix.fedibird.com", admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 118, }, counts: { id: 1, person_id: 2, - post_count: 59, - post_score: 68, - comment_count: 6, - comment_score: 8, + post_count: 602, + post_score: 10, + comment_count: 188, + comment_score: 4, }, }, ], - online: 1, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: ["group.lt", "lemmy.ml", "links.esq.social"], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 18853, - activeHalfyear: 899, - activeMonth: 301, - }, - posts: 73190, - comments: 142651, - }, - }, - { - domain: "fediverse.ro", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Fediversul Românesc", - sidebar: - "Follow the [Code of Conduct](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/code_of_conduct.html).\n\n**Allowed Languages: English and Romanian.**\n\n# Rules:\n- Be respectful, just because everyone should feel welcome here.\n- No Doxing.\n- No illegal content. \n\nThe following Content is banned from this instance:\n- Porn.\n - Ads / Spamming.\n- Bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.", - published: "2022-12-29T13:21:51.045272", - updated: "2023-01-25T03:30:44.099366", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: null, - banner: null, - description: "Links for the Romanian Fediverse", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To verify that you are human, please explain why you want to create an account on this site", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://fediverse.ro/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-12-29T13:21:51.043822", - inbox_url: "https://fediverse.ro/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqlXEvLdRC0JR3E/kqqt9\nsFBIiZIUfnHoD5O2ut4E1o23jJ/S3C/GdD6Y9PrOERVV2/Ne7CWn3ywg9feZavlK\nuVGvujHgpZ3ibDUMTKEDuhbrhtdJEwcl+QCi9BnfVHxwNXzAEndQ0EGujlIJxW87\ny2734w7KLV51/JVki1BHWOVek5Ur9ZV1XNCli/VtAfb1zauy8xj0uRkKys9SWin6\nRljZ3txX3FHfuY668OUCThceKDA3MH3bbTdMjZUWrZaOCs4TS4baMdGOMIgeWMqp\nyx3PfZY+T6saNC3pUngYadN3zoCYzsokimp9KeqBcRr/1NzsT6Mc5dwkl2l+1pU7\n7QIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "sketchy", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 5, - posts: 130, - comments: 89, - communities: 13, - users_active_day: 1, - users_active_week: 3, - users_active_month: 4, - users_active_half_year: 4, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "alexio", - display_name: "alexio", - avatar: null, - banned: false, - published: "2022-12-29T13:20:37.048543", - updated: "2022-12-29T17:58:26.936360", - actor_id: "https://fediverse.ro/u/alexio", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://fediverse.ro/u/alexio/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://fediverse.ro/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@alexio:matrix.trom.tf", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 81, - post_score: 220, - comment_count: 11, - comment_score: 16, - }, - }, - ], - online: 1, - version: "0.16.7", + online: 37, + version: "0.17.1", my_user: null, federated_instances: { linked: [ - "baraza.africa", - "beehaw.org", - "bolha.social", - "code4lib.net", - "collapse.cat", - "community.hackliberty.org", - "community.nicfab.it", - "community.xmpp.net", - "donky.social", - "exploding-heads.com", - "fapsi.be", - "feddit.de", - "feddit.it", - "federated.community", - "fediverse.ro", - "foros.fediverso.gal", - "forum.nobigtech.es", - "group.lt", - "gtio.io", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "info.prou.be", - "jeremmy.ml", - "lem.ph3j.com", - "lemmy.ca", - "lemmy.cyberdelia.com.ar", - "lemmy.darcy.social", + "astoundingteam.com", + "berlin.social", + "eldritch.cafe", + "shufudon.com", + "baraag.net", + "101010.pl", + "mastodon.im", + "otadon.com", + "col.social", + "toot.wales", + "fuckreddit.tryp.digital", + "social.wake.st", + "lemmy.cat", + "mastodon.binaryfour.de", + "linkage.ds8.zone", + "o3o.ca", + "md.korako.me", + "akkoma.eniehack.net", + "st.mstdn.b-shock.org", + "wandering.shop", + "mastodon.art", + "union.place", + "poliverso.org", + "lemmygrad.com", + "sopuli.xyz", + "eletusk.club", + "hello.2heng.xin", "lemmy.eus", - "lemmy.graz.social", - "lemmy.juggler.jp", - "lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.otakufarms.com", - "lemmy.perthchat.org", - "lemmy.pt", - "lemmy.rollenspiel.monster", - "lemmy.saar.social", - "lemmy.schuerz.at", - "lemmy.sysctl.io", - "lemmy.tedomum.net", - "lemmy.utopify.org", - "lemmy.wiredentrypoint.xyz", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "lemur.fedisphere.net", - "links.artemai.art", - "links.roobre.es", - "lm.korako.me", - "mander.xyz", - "merv.news", + "mastodon.li", + "cupoftea.social", + "idiomdrottning.org", + "misskey.t-asa2000.net", + "real-escape.jp", + "don.yasi2.com", + "genau.qwertqwefsday.eu", + "oransns.com", + "p.helene.moe", + "social.meissa-gmbh.de", + "activism.openworlds.info", + "mujico.org", + "mastodon.cloud", + "ani.work", + "mstdn.simple-gear.com", + "hispagatos.space", + "mastodon.gamedev.place", + "udon.red", + "eope.xyz", + "bae.st", + "p.median.moe", + "justicewarrior.social", + "nerdculture.de", + "mastodon.spin-2.net", + "mastodon.online", + "mastodon.arch-linux.cz", + "p1.a9z.dev", + "mindly.social", "midwest.social", - "news.deghg.org", - "read.widerweb.org", - "slrpnk.net", - "sopuli.xyz", - "stammtisch.hallertau.social", - "szmer.info", + "lemmy.fediverse.jp", + "subversive.zone", + "twiddon.com", + "indiepocalypse.social", + "mannheim.social", + "video.chalec.org", + "mitra.social", + "mastodon.com.pl", + "mastodon.nz", + "toot.site", + "botsin.space", + "mastodon.neo0717.com", + "h4.io", + "lemmy.pt", + "rytter.me", + "bookwor.ms", + "urusai.social", + "mstdn.asterism.xyz", + "freeatlantis.com", + "social.fuzaxx.de", + "fedibird.com", + "misskey.io", + "abyss.fun", + "mastodon.xyz", + "sfba.social", + "plamo.social", + "dev.narwhal.city", + "b-c.social", + "mstdn.io", + "fosstodon.org", + "kfem.cat", + "gamingjp.org", + "mastodon.iriseden.eu", "wolfballs.com", - "zoo.splitlinux.org", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 34802, - activeHalfyear: 2525, - activeMonth: 926, - }, - posts: 185144, - comments: 381061, - }, - }, - { - domain: "collapse.cat", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Col·lapse / Colapso", - sidebar: - "ES: Colapso, emergéncia climática y tematicas relacionadas.\n\n### Tamb(i)é(n) a/en:\n - **Matrix**: [#collapse.cat:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#collapse.cat:matrix.org)\n- **Telegram**: [collapse_cat](https://t.me/collapse_cat)\n\n### Fedivers(o) (Mastodon, Hubzilla, etc) \n\n- ca: Podeu seguir a cada comunitat usant els usuaris: nom_comunitat@collapse.cat\n- es: Podéis seguir a cada comunidad usando los usuarios:\nnombre_comunidad@collapse.cat\n - Ex/ej: meta@collapse.cat \n\n## Android app:\n\n- [Lemmur](https://github.com/krawieck/lemmur/)\n\n## Regles i dubtes / Reglas y dudas:\n\n- [/c/meta](https://collapse.cat/c/meta)\n\nCada comunitat és lliure d'establir les seves pròpies regles de moderació, que s'han d'encabir en les genèriques d'aquesta àgora.\n\n**Sigueu bons minyons i seguiu la netetiquette.**\n\n![](https://collapse.cat/pictrs/image/Tr7SJVSWg6.jpg)\n\n## Missatge en una ampolla / mensaje en una botella\n\nPretenien una funció **exponencial** en un planeta rodó... I van malbaratar-ho tot per la seva cobdícia.\n\nHem arribat aquí aplegats perquè ens sabem en l'hora greu, o potser només la intuïm. Volem informació, estem angoixats, emprenyats, desanimats... També busquem confort, mirem de trobar sortides, de fer obrir els ulls i fer reaccionar una societat que balla al so de l'orquestra mentre el seu món, de dispendi, està començant a sotsobrar. \n\nLa informació ens cal, però també ens cal no desesperar-nos o caure en el desànim. Val més caure caminant, mirant de construir el món de demà que no pas esperar en la desesperança. **No estàs sol/a. Si et tremolen les cames, demana ajuda.**\n\n## Contacte\n\narbocenc (arroba) calbasi (punt) net\n", - published: "2021-11-23T02:50:24.628003", - updated: "2022-07-31T18:01:17.204466", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://collapse.cat/pictrs/image/NUpYQehEdv.png", - banner: "https://collapse.cat/pictrs/image/tz6WMAHFuZ.jpg", - description: - "Col·lapse, emergència climàtica i temes relacionats", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "ca: Quins temes t'interessen més de la web?\nes: ¿Qué temas te interesan más de la web?\nen: Why are you interested in this website? ", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "http://changeme_gnv6cavn4bbpwvrpmjs5/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-31T11:24:30.587599", - inbox_url: "http://changeme_abmz1fedzlo72nsdjaab/", - private_key: null, - public_key: "http://changeme_3h9am4paivfg4zqkyup5", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 192, - posts: 1042, - comments: 107, - communities: 42, - users_active_day: 3, - users_active_week: 3, - users_active_month: 4, - users_active_half_year: 15, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "joan", - display_name: "arbocenc", - avatar: "https://collapse.cat/pictrs/image/8A7hlbRuxZ.jpg", - banned: false, - published: "2021-11-23T02:16:34.971149", - updated: "2021-11-23T05:21:06.468430", - actor_id: "https://collapse.cat/u/joan", - bio: "https://personal.calbasi.net", - local: true, - banner: "https://collapse.cat/pictrs/image/P8CiFIv8V2.jpg", - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://collapse.cat/u/joan/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://collapse.cat/inbox", - 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You can follow communities in other instances and vice versa, following the [fediverse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse) protocol.\n\n**More info:** \n\n- [Lemmy's official site](https://join-lemmy.org/)\n- [How to use Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/index.html)\n- [About fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/)\n\nAt the moment the option to create a community by the user is disabled to have a better moderation of the instance since we are currently a small team. If you want to create a community you can make the request in [Jeremmy's community](https://jeremmy.ml/c/main).\n \n---\n\n#### Rules\n\nJeremmy strictly adheres to [Lemmy's Code of Conduct](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/code_of_conduct.html).\n\n1. No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or xenophobia.\n2. Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.\n3. No porn.\n4. No Ads / Spamming.\n5. No politics (Political Communities).\n\n##### Why no politics?\n\nThere are many [instances of Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) out there, some of them are completely dedicated to political issues, so you can comfortably follow those communities using Jeremmy.\n\n**Important:** Jeremmy does not approve or disapprove instances. The communities and content within the instances with which Jeremmy federates are the sole responsibility of its administrators. Therefore, carefully read the rules of each instance/community you subscribe to.\n\n---\n\n#### Donate\n\n**Jeremmy stays online thanks to everyone's support.** It is a collective project; always available for free (both zero cost & [FOSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software)) and without ads or other kind of stuff that can harm the user experience.\nIf you like our work and are financially able please consider donating. Your support allows us to dedicate more time and resources to this project, your project :)\n\n###### **Monero XMR:**\n\n82TqGpiy8GC11e17mjnZdwgZhiGWBtyVXEJYj8D59FZYihH5YT1xfzafciWW8PgBWjBL64S2c8w6uGyuvRBKo2k972sRcYH\n\n###### **Ethereum ETH:** \n\n0xeF70F5dE09E104EC2F7be747c2cc6dD6e4147AfB\n\n---\n\n#### Contact\n\n- Mastodon: [@Jeremmy@im-in.space](https://im-in.space/@jeremmy)\n- Matrix Chat: [#jeremmy:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#jeremmy:matrix.org)\n- Our Community: [main@jeremmy.ml](https://jeremmy.ml/c/main)", - published: "2022-04-12T14:20:19.747222", - updated: "2022-12-07T23:42:28.936323", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://jeremmy.ml/pictrs/image/f2cd4f3d-1c9b-4f17-9d34-a4cb63853ee7.png", - banner: null, - description: "The community of communities", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To combat brigading, we have restricted user registration on this instance. Please write a short description containing:\n- Why you would like to join [Jeremmy](https://jeremmy.ml)\n- What communities you would most like to participate in, and\n- How or why you chose the username you did.\n\nWe use these questions to screen for and discourage spammers and trolls. We will try our best to review your application as soon as possible.\n", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://jeremmy.ml/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-05T09:35:05.194324", - inbox_url: "https://jeremmy.ml/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA1EW1+7dJvj/tEj1wGCvE\ne4S6YnsbESQoPIQcLaT8UoyxbMXFMH7f6xF+T1k+EouvfudQsiyxPgGeCQSOm6pf\n7vryUYtzIviEoUv+OBEG3P8EwwqOP8SsxkmnsCdiztVST/4laThVaCXHGZk/l5/i\nS1qnaWDRqKpSL9OavqIE00tg0k8zYMHfEYIfkE5KjOHPludxMmfS7J+Adpq4NJVO\nDm/fKGKdx8MynbjRdbRHlGepmOjQf7NocdnFOkODs6OVFz9Z7AUrBnise82austF\npkld+6dTnCum0pQWPA6P65xdtKPlzwhHEpW1Z4myUALg8zglvLcqEklpR0X+Jenr\nOQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 66, - posts: 194, - comments: 157, - communities: 19, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 3, - users_active_month: 3, - users_active_half_year: 14, - }, - }, - admins: [ + 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No porn.\n2. No bigotry, hate speech.\n3. No ads / spamming.\n4. No conspiracies / QAnon / antivaxx sentiment\n\nPlease either use the web app, Jerboa for Android ([Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jerboa), [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.jerboa/)), or Remmel for [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/remmel-for-lemmy/id1547988171) mobile app. Lemmur does not work very well at the moment.\n\nCommunities from our friends:\n- Memes -> [!memes@sopuli.xyz](https://sopuli.xyz/c/memes) \n- Science -> [!science@beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org/c/science) \n- News -> [!news@beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org/c/news) \n- Technology -> [!technology@beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org/c/technology) \n- Creative -> [!creative@beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org/c/creative)\n- Privacy -> [!privacy@lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/c/privacy) \n- Fedizens -> [!fedizens@lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/c/fedizens)\n- Political Memes -> [!politicalmemes@lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/c/politicalmemes)\n- Rust Programming -> [!rust@heapoverflow.ml](https://heapoverflow.ml/c/rust) ", + published: "2021-08-04T23:06:11.478061", + updated: "2023-02-02T12:41:39.388076", + icon: "https://midwest.social/pictrs/image/Rbal22EuF8.png", + banner: "https://midwest.social/pictrs/image/mx5qNVtBHi.jpg", + description: + "A lemmy server for, but not limited to, leftists in the Midwest USA", + actor_id: "https://midwest.social/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-14T11:46:28.046234", + inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAveaqZbA1C8FnPyH+BjrR\n/kGVsBgKlYNs461FPaxBkYuu+/2B6S9QzkMiVZt2xCshnBQTvaJcgnkubk+KFQ7G\n4HFAuqi6mxIND9NCwl1u1kLEHgJyCA3E2P6j+43a1v4TU0GexDCMy7BDp7pDSSOf\ngl1c/L/4tjPuzpbu/OC6aef70dYi+FN79WcqVjto2oJZqIHdDB/ondfc7OYAPs4m\n4rVwbOzsZM5ZQ/ErfTm2lzYM+NAlYr9+58xHPnrsfAk4bySDalZhtomT83KgDy7w\n4ygYNNCI7w9bAxjzg4GFASiwdI9aYvhB6WcLSU0/FjKwIk8t9JA52p1ymQbBYoVP\nmQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "litely-red", + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAu/UYBHH+zAsxuiDwZLxF\nBmgoWAX2hhWUW5tGwK25X4RaSqQ9aqBTnseZJpPC65hPpdm9ZLV4JUrsC0wDhNcG\nL++Zus3PIAMBUtZsvSjnNfXqh8051o5bqLLfExRyxQJke3A8R8nV4nhjd79D48rx\nWS5t4020KADuiDQhyOswXl5WV1kwHZpEJ5AeEBKrJwjqs9GjR3O2SnIM/BDNgV0D\nbpLWj0+JoOcAXtysNrdjj1sugRBfd4Rw/NuHe694PJS4ksI3XAg9g3pUCWnJfuqN\n6mGRa0qEZHmKU114P64vX3jYlrF1mA9GP7+9Dmk1OhLk/R6oYB1agVxNnPBlWwqn\nwQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 446, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: false, + require_email_verification: false, + application_question: + "Enter an email address above if you want to be notified when you are approved.\n\nWhy do you want to join this instance?\n\nWhy did you choose the username you did?\n", + private_instance: false, + default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "All", + legal_information: null, + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: true, + captcha_difficulty: "easy", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2021-08-04T23:06:11.478061", + updated: "2023-02-02T12:41:39.393859", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-01-31T23:56:12.857182", + updated: null, }, counts: { id: 1, site_id: 1, - users: 2, - posts: 7, - comments: 0, - communities: 7, + users: 246, + posts: 1174, + comments: 1176, + communities: 35, users_active_day: 2, - users_active_week: 2, + users_active_week: 3, + users_active_month: 6, + users_active_half_year: 19, + }, + }, + admins: [ + { + person: { + id: 2, + name: "seahorse", + display_name: null, + avatar: + "https://midwest.social/pictrs/image/abc683d8-b47e-47d2-a12c-52cb48acb938.jpeg", + banned: false, + published: "2021-08-04T23:06:11.078538", + updated: "2022-08-10T10:45:02.916499", + actor_id: "https://midwest.social/u/seahorse", + bio: "I run the midwest.social instance. I'm also active on lemmy.ml. [@seahorse@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/u/seahorse) ", + local: true, + banner: null, + deleted: false, + inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/u/seahorse/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/inbox", + matrix_user_id: "@seahorse09:matrix.org", + admin: true, + bot_account: false, + ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 446, + }, + counts: { + id: 1, + person_id: 2, + post_count: 372, + post_score: 1339, + comment_count: 398, + comment_score: 9, + }, + }, + { + person: { + id: 45303, + name: "Redpandalovely", + display_name: "Redpandalovely ", + avatar: + "https://midwest.social/pictrs/image/58abad8a-7cdc-4537-b085-2b231dca44c3.jpeg", + banned: false, + published: "2022-02-09T19:53:42.926425", + updated: "2022-04-16T01:14:36.894346", + actor_id: "https://midwest.social/u/Redpandalovely", + bio: "OHIO", + local: true, + banner: null, + deleted: false, + inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/u/Redpandalovely/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/inbox", + matrix_user_id: null, + admin: true, + bot_account: false, + ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 446, + }, + counts: { + id: 3346, + person_id: 45303, + post_count: 101, + post_score: 964, + comment_count: 205, + comment_score: 447, + }, + }, + { + person: { + id: 130790, + name: "simsymbiote", + display_name: "simsym", + avatar: + "https://midwest.social/pictrs/image/356004b2-c887-4620-aa86-d47ce72ae182.png", + banned: false, + published: "2022-08-16T13:40:33.285919", + updated: "2022-12-29T05:51:12.356105", + actor_id: "https://midwest.social/u/simsymbiote", + bio: null, + local: true, + banner: null, + deleted: false, + inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/u/simsymbiote/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/inbox", + matrix_user_id: null, + admin: true, + bot_account: false, + ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 446, + }, + counts: { + id: 6321, + person_id: 130790, + post_count: 45, + post_score: 163, + comment_count: 54, + comment_score: 145, + }, + }, + { + person: { + id: 148168, + name: "BendingUnit", + display_name: null, + avatar: null, + banned: false, + published: "2022-09-28T16:08:57.083356", + updated: null, + actor_id: "https://midwest.social/u/BendingUnit", + bio: null, + local: true, + banner: null, + deleted: false, + inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/u/BendingUnit/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/inbox", + matrix_user_id: null, + admin: true, + bot_account: false, + ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 446, + }, + counts: { + id: 6582, + person_id: 148168, + post_count: 4, + post_score: 15, + comment_count: 106, + comment_score: 315, + }, + }, + { + person: { + id: 184698, + name: "JackFromWisconsin", + display_name: null, + avatar: + "https://midwest.social/pictrs/image/cf4597bf-78b0-4a33-a49e-7807d2cb3dc4.png", + banned: false, + published: "2022-12-01T14:47:34.097771", + updated: "2023-01-06T21:54:57.875446", + actor_id: "https://midwest.social/u/JackFromWisconsin", + bio: "Hey there! I am a science/technology enthusiast and regular contributor to Wikipedia. Elsewhere you may find me with the [@JackFromWisconsin@wikis.world](https://wikis.world/users/JackFromWisconsin) handle.", + local: true, + banner: null, + deleted: false, + inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/u/JackFromWisconsin/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://midwest.social/inbox", + matrix_user_id: "@jackfromwisconsin:matrix.org", + admin: true, + bot_account: false, + ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 446, + }, + counts: { + id: 18702, + person_id: 184698, + post_count: 284, + post_score: 173, + comment_count: 101, + comment_score: 331, + }, + }, + ], + online: 2536, + version: "0.17.1", + my_user: null, + federated_instances: { + linked: [ + "sself.co", + "dev.narwhal.city", + "mastodon.uno", + "bbs.9tail.net", + "verity.fail", + "embers.social", + "chaos.social", + "zoo.splitlinux.org", + "mastodon.art", + "mastodon.bentasker.co.uk", + "hub.netzgemeinde.eu", + "typo.social", + "librosphere.fr", + "layer8.space", + "lewacki.space", + "fosstodon.org", + "mastodon.eus", + 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name: "dansk", + }, + { + id: 32, + code: "de", + name: "Deutsch", + }, + { + id: 33, + code: "dv", + name: "ދިވެހި", + }, + { + id: 34, + code: "dz", + name: "རྫོང་ཁ", + }, + { + id: 35, + code: "ee", + name: "Eʋegbe", + }, + { + id: 36, + code: "el", + name: "Ελληνικά", + }, + { + id: 37, + code: "en", + name: "English", + }, + { + id: 38, + code: "eo", + name: "Esperanto", + }, + { + id: 39, + code: "es", + name: "Español", + }, + { + id: 40, + code: "et", + name: "eesti", + }, + { + id: 41, + code: "eu", + name: "euskara", + }, + { + id: 42, + code: "fa", + name: "فارسی", + }, + { + id: 43, + code: "ff", + name: "Fulfulde", + }, + { + id: 44, + code: "fi", + name: "suomi", + }, + { + id: 45, + code: "fj", + name: "vosa Vakaviti", + }, + { + id: 46, + code: "fo", + name: "føroyskt", + }, + { + id: 47, + code: "fr", + name: "Français", + }, + { + id: 48, + code: "fy", + name: "Frysk", + }, + { + id: 49, + code: "ga", + name: "Gaeilge", + }, + { + id: 50, + code: "gd", + name: "Gàidhlig", + }, + { + id: 51, + code: "gl", + name: "galego", + }, + { + id: 52, + code: "gn", + name: "Avañe'ẽ", + }, + { + id: 53, + code: "gu", + name: "ગુજરાતી", + }, + { + id: 54, + code: "gv", + name: "Gaelg", + }, + { + id: 55, + code: "ha", + name: "هَوُسَ", + }, + { + id: 56, + code: "he", + name: "עברית", + }, + { + id: 57, + code: "hi", + name: "हिन्दी", + }, + { + id: 58, + code: "ho", + name: "Hiri Motu", + }, + { + id: 59, + code: "hr", + name: "Hrvatski", + }, + { + id: 60, + code: "ht", + name: "Kreyòl ayisyen", + }, + { + id: 61, + code: "hu", + name: "magyar", + }, + { + id: 62, + code: "hy", + name: "Հայերեն", + }, + { + id: 63, + code: "hz", + name: "Otjiherero", + }, + { + id: 64, + code: "ia", + name: "Interlingua", + }, + { + id: 65, + code: "id", + name: "Bahasa Indonesia", + }, + { + id: 66, + code: "ie", + name: "Interlingue", + }, + { + id: 67, + code: "ig", + name: "Asụsụ Igbo", + }, + { + id: 68, + code: "ii", + name: "ꆈꌠ꒿ Nuosuhxop", + }, + { + id: 69, + code: "ik", + name: "Iñupiaq", + }, + { + id: 70, + code: "io", + name: "Ido", + }, + { + id: 71, + code: "is", + name: "Íslenska", + }, + { + id: 72, + code: "it", + name: "Italiano", + }, + { + id: 73, + code: "iu", + name: "ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ", + }, + { + id: 74, + code: "ja", + name: "日本語", + }, + { + id: 75, + code: "jv", + name: "basa Jawa", + }, + { + id: 76, + code: "ka", + name: "ქართული", + }, + { + id: 77, + code: "kg", + name: "Kikongo", + }, + { + id: 78, + code: "ki", + name: "Gĩkũyũ", + }, + { + id: 79, + code: "kj", + name: "Kuanyama", + }, + { + id: 80, + code: "kk", + name: "қазақ тілі", + }, + { + id: 81, + code: "kl", + name: "kalaallisut", + }, + { + id: 82, + code: "km", + name: "ខេមរភាសា", + }, + { + id: 83, + code: "kn", + name: "ಕನ್ನಡ", + }, + { + id: 84, + code: "ko", + name: "한국어", + }, + { + id: 85, + code: "kr", + name: "Kanuri", + }, + { + id: 86, + code: "ks", + name: "कश्मीरी", + }, + { + id: 87, + code: "ku", + name: "Kurdî", + }, + { + id: 88, + code: "kv", + name: "коми кыв", + }, + { + id: 89, + code: "kw", + name: "Kernewek", + }, + { + id: 90, + code: "ky", + name: "Кыргызча", + }, + { + id: 91, + code: "la", + name: "latine", + }, + { + id: 92, + code: "lb", + name: "Lëtzebuergesch", + }, + { + id: 93, + code: "lg", + name: "Luganda", + }, + { + id: 94, + code: "li", + name: "Limburgs", + }, + { + id: 95, + code: "ln", + name: "Lingála", + }, + { + id: 96, + code: "lo", + name: "ພາສາລາວ", + }, + { + id: 97, + code: "lt", + name: "lietuvių kalba", + }, + { + id: 98, + code: "lu", + name: "Kiluba", + }, + { + id: 99, + code: "lv", + name: "latviešu valoda", + }, + { + id: 100, + code: "mg", + name: "fiteny malagasy", + }, + { + id: 101, + code: "mh", + name: "Kajin M̧ajeļ", + }, + { + id: 102, + code: "mi", + name: "te reo Māori", + }, + { + id: 103, + code: "mk", + name: "македонски јазик", + }, + { + id: 104, + code: "ml", + name: "മലയാളം", + }, + { + id: 105, + code: "mn", + name: "Монгол хэл", + }, + { + id: 106, + code: "mr", + name: "मराठी", + }, + { + id: 107, + code: "ms", + name: "Bahasa Melayu", + }, + { + id: 108, + code: "mt", + name: "Malti", + }, + { + id: 109, + code: "my", + name: "ဗမာစာ", + }, + { + id: 110, + code: "na", + name: "Dorerin Naoero", + }, + { + id: 111, + code: "nb", + name: "Norsk bokmål", + }, + { + id: 112, + code: "nd", + name: "isiNdebele", + }, + { + id: 113, + code: "ne", + name: "नेपाली", + }, + { + id: 114, + code: "ng", + name: "Owambo", + }, + { + id: 115, + code: "nl", + name: "Nederlands", + }, + { + id: 116, + code: "nn", + name: "Norsk nynorsk", + }, + { + id: 117, + code: "no", + name: "Norsk", + }, + { + id: 118, + code: "nr", + name: "isiNdebele", + }, + { + id: 119, + code: "nv", + name: "Diné bizaad", + }, + { + id: 120, + code: "ny", + name: "chiCheŵa", + }, + { + id: 121, + code: "oc", + name: "occitan", + }, + { + id: 122, + code: "oj", + name: "ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ", + }, + { + id: 123, + code: "om", + name: "Afaan Oromoo", + }, + { + id: 124, + code: "or", + name: "ଓଡ଼ିଆ", + }, + { + id: 125, + code: "os", + name: "ирон æвзаг", + }, + { + id: 126, + code: "pa", + name: "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ", + }, + { + id: 127, + code: "pi", + name: "पाऴि", + }, + { + id: 128, + code: "pl", + name: "Polski", + }, + { + id: 129, + code: "ps", + name: "پښتو", + }, + { + id: 130, + code: "pt", + name: "Português", + }, + { + id: 131, + code: "qu", + name: "Runa Simi", + }, + { + id: 132, + code: "rm", + name: "rumantsch grischun", + }, + { + id: 133, + code: "rn", + name: "Ikirundi", + }, + { + id: 134, + code: "ro", + name: "Română", + }, + { + id: 135, + code: "ru", + name: "Русский", + }, + { + id: 136, + code: "rw", + name: "Ikinyarwanda", + }, + { + id: 137, + code: "sa", + name: "संस्कृतम्", + }, + { + id: 138, + code: "sc", + name: "sardu", + }, + { + id: 139, + code: "sd", + name: "सिन्धी", + }, + { + id: 140, + code: "se", + name: "Davvisámegiella", + }, + { + id: 141, + code: "sg", + name: "yângâ tî sängö", + }, + { + id: 142, + code: "si", + name: "සිංහල", + }, + { + id: 143, + code: "sk", + name: "slovenčina", + }, + { + id: 144, + code: "sl", + name: "slovenščina", + }, + { + id: 145, + code: "sm", + name: "gagana fa'a Samoa", + }, + { + id: 146, + code: "sn", + name: "chiShona", + }, + { + id: 147, + code: "so", + name: "Soomaaliga", + }, + { + id: 148, + code: "sq", + name: "Shqip", + }, + { + id: 149, + code: "sr", + name: "српски језик", + }, + { + id: 150, + code: "ss", + name: "SiSwati", + }, + { + id: 151, + code: "st", + name: "Sesotho", + }, + { + id: 152, + code: "su", + name: "Basa Sunda", + }, + { + id: 153, + code: "sv", + name: "Svenska", + }, + { + id: 154, + code: "sw", + name: "Kiswahili", + }, + { + id: 155, + code: "ta", + name: "தமிழ்", + }, + { + id: 156, + code: "te", + name: "తెలుగు", + }, + { + id: 157, + code: "tg", + name: "тоҷикӣ", + }, + { + id: 158, + code: "th", + name: "ไทย", + }, + { + id: 159, + code: "ti", + name: "ትግርኛ", + }, + { + id: 160, + code: "tk", + name: "Türkmençe", + }, + { + id: 161, + code: "tl", + name: "Wikang Tagalog", + }, + { + id: 162, + code: "tn", + name: "Setswana", + }, + { + id: 163, + code: "to", + name: "faka Tonga", + }, + { + id: 164, + code: "tr", + name: "Türkçe", + }, + { + id: 165, + code: "ts", + name: "Xitsonga", + }, + { + id: 166, + code: "tt", + name: "татар теле", + }, + { + id: 167, + code: "tw", + name: "Twi", + }, + { + id: 168, + code: "ty", + name: "Reo Tahiti", + }, + { + id: 169, + code: "ug", + name: "ئۇيغۇرچە‎", + }, + { + id: 170, + code: "uk", + name: "Українська", + }, + { + id: 171, + code: "ur", + name: "اردو", + }, + { + id: 172, + code: "uz", + name: "Ўзбек", + }, + { + id: 173, + code: "ve", + name: "Tshivenḓa", + }, + { + id: 174, + code: "vi", + name: "Tiếng Việt", + }, + { + id: 175, + code: "vo", + name: "Volapük", + }, + { + id: 176, + code: "wa", + name: "walon", + }, + { + id: 177, + code: "wo", + name: "Wollof", + }, + { + id: 178, + code: "xh", + name: "isiXhosa", + }, + { + id: 179, + code: "yi", + name: "ייִדיש", + }, + { + id: 180, + code: "yo", + name: "Yorùbá", + }, + { + id: 181, + code: "za", + name: "Saɯ cueŋƅ", + }, + { + id: 182, + code: "zh", + name: "中文", + }, + { + id: 183, + code: "zu", + name: "isiZulu", + }, + ], + discussion_languages: [0, 37], + taglines: null, + }, + federated_counts: { + users: { + total: 2830674, + activeHalfyear: 1997916, + activeMonth: 667505, + }, + posts: 143698160, + comments: 182432, + }, + }, + { + domain: "lemmy.pt", + site_info: { + site_view: { + site: { + id: 1, + name: "Lemmy Portugal 🇵🇹", + sidebar: + '## Bem-vindo(a)!\n\nEsta é a [Lemmy Portugal](https://lemmy.pt), uma instância de [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org) direcionada a utilizadores e comunidades Portuguesas, ou de Língua Portuguesa. \n\n*Fazemos parte dos [Serviços Radicais](https://servicosradicais.tech)!*\n\n---\n\n#### Regras\n\nPara o bom funcionamento deste espaço, existem regras e um código de conduta que deve ser sempre seguido.\n\n1. **Respeita todos e mantém uma atitude acolhedora.** Isto implica mão recorrer a insultos, humilhações, ataques pessoais, etc. Sê tolerante.\n2. **Publicação ou ameaças de publicação de informações privadas ([*doxxing*](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxing), mensagens diretas, etc) é estritamente proibido.**\n3. **Usa linguagem percetível por todos e uma gramática correta.** Este espaço pretende ser inclusivo, e isso só é possível se todos formos capazes de comunicar bem.\n4. **Nada de NSFW.**\n5. **Qualquer conteúdo de teor traumático, perturbador ou que conte o enredo de algum filme, série ou jogo deve ser marcado como tal e escondido (*spoiler*).**\n6. **É inaceitável tentar passar por uma outra pessoa.**\n\nPor fim, usa senso comum.\n\nO incumprimento de qualquer uma destas regras resultará num aviso, porém, caso o problema persista, o utilizador será banido.\n\n> ℹ️ *Estas regras serão expandidas e um documento de código de conduta redigido, na comunidade [Regras](https://lemmy.pt/c/regras), quando o Lemmy suportar melhores controlos de moderação para comunidades.*\n\n---\n\n#### Registo de contas e criação de comunidades\n\nDevido ao aparecimento de [*trolls*](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trol_(internet)) e de contas automáticas que poluem a rede com conteúdo indesejado, o registo de novas contas foi restringido, sendo agora necessário não só um endereço de correio eletrónico, como o preenchimento de uma pequena "candidatura" que terá que ser aprovada por um administrador antes da conta ser ativada.\n\nPelo mesmo motivo, a criação de comunidades está sujeita a uma restrição semelhante. Será necessário fazer uma publicação na comunidade [Meta](https://lemmy.pt/c/meta), com título e corpo adequados, para requisitar a criação de uma nova comunidade. \n\nPor fim, é igualmente possível requisitar a posição de moderador numa das comunidades originais ou numa que não possua nenhum moderador ativo.\nEm qualquer dos casos, haverá um processo de avaliação antes da promoção, por motivos de segurança.\n\nPara mais informações, deves ler a barra lateral da comunidade [Meta](https://lemmy.pt/c/meta).\n\n---\n\n#### Matrix\n\nExiste uma sala na rede Matrix dedicado a esta instância de Lemmy. Junta-te a [`#tuga-lemmy:matrix.org`](https://matrix.to/#/#tuga-lemmy:matrix.org) para participares na conversa!\n\nExistem também outras salas portuguesas que podes ver aderindo ao espaço [`#espacotuga:matrix.org`](https://matrix.to/#/#espacotuga:matrix.org)\n\n---\n\n#### Traduzir o Lemmy\n\nSendo apologistas do movimento de software livre e da ideia de redes federadas, temos contribuído para o projecto através da tradução para Português. Este processo é realizado através da instância de Weblate (uma ferramenta de tradução, também ela livre) do projecto Lemmy, e que pode ser econtrada em https://weblate.yerbamate.ml. \nQualquer sugestão de tradução é bem-vinda!\n\nDiscussão sobre a tradução do projecto pode ser feita na sala de Matrix acima referida, ou, alternativamente, numa outra sala sobre tradução em geral, em [`#tuga-traducao:matrix.org`](https://matrix.to/#/#tuga-traducao:matrix.org)\n\n--- \n\n#### Ajudar a correr esta instância\n\nDe momento, correr a instância é bastante barato, uma vez que se encontra num servidor onde estão alojadas outras pequenas coisas, custando no total ~5€ por mês. Não prevejo uma atualização de plano num futuro próximo, o Lemmy é bastante leve.\nAinda assim, fica aqui a página de LiberaPay onde é possível fazer um donativo: https://liberapay.com/NadaRadical \n~~Deprecado: https://liberapay.com/lemmy.pt/~~\n\n> **Atenção!** ⚠️ \n> Ninguém se deve sentir no dever de doar o quer que seja. A página existe para a eventualidade de alguém poder e querer muito ajudar. Por agora, consigo cobrir os custos do servidor sem problema, portanto não há que preocupar.\n\n---\n\n#### [WebTejo](https://webtejo.pt)\n\nEsta instância corre num servidor da WebTejo, uma empresa de alojamento web independente e nacional. Deem uma vista de olhos 😉 ', + published: "2021-09-10T19:37:20.934711", + updated: "2023-01-31T19:17:24.128675", + icon: "https://lemmy.pt/pictrs/image/fHkiLTfJNO.png", + banner: null, + description: + "Uma instância pública de Lemmy dedicada a Portugal e à Língua Portuguesa.", + actor_id: "https://lemmy.pt/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-08-26T19:16:19.030224", + inbox_url: "https://lemmy.pt/site_inbox", + private_key: null, + public_key: + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0011rX8NtMHdJzvp8U+F\nDPXmXN6CELv8RhYE4zJxiiW/BEUdg1S3R94OprG5/E6Ptsft3qQMYRSZMErm8Isz\ny7UrTNpW23qWV3DGlHfzE/iVzp103n6Z0uPJa7DThJmDuvEsjN5XLNXJ24yYuSg3\n+MW3DcLsaTyasNLUxjQHBqrF4/4GYabmEyrbUbKe3EHORoPfROjq4Keb9QmwAyY+\nPI3M+/MYg+Ne80OBZd20Q9siq7VJ4aHbi5G5P0xIeVqD5Dd7TpVmlcT0imQeShsK\nP8WeR3AL3ZZCZ9KQVMw9lSjbcom5KVwwdXRla/qaXTM8E9Ytw96QJQFVv9HV6AFT\nlQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 5, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: false, + community_creation_admin_only: true, + require_email_verification: true, + application_question: + 'Esta medida serve para "filtrar" trolls e contas automáticas, pelo que não existe nenhum grande questionário. Basta responder à seguinte questão:\n\n> **Onde se situa o Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês?**\n>\n> 1. Norte\n> 2. Sul\n> 3. Madeira\n\nA confirmação da candidatura não deve demorar mais que um dia. \n\nAgradecemos a compreensão.', + private_instance: false, + default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: "(a ser redigido no futuro)", + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: true, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2021-09-10T19:37:20.934711", + updated: "2023-01-31T19:17:24.136891", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 10, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 20, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 30, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 30, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-01-31T17:26:55.142606", + updated: null, + }, + counts: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + users: 156, + posts: 440, + comments: 635, + communities: 30, + users_active_day: 0, + users_active_week: 1, + users_active_month: 3, + users_active_half_year: 4, + }, + }, + admins: [ + { + person: { + id: 2, + name: "tmpod", + display_name: "Tmpod", + avatar: "https://lemmy.pt/pictrs/image/gIPQUt3mxw.png", + banned: false, + published: "2021-09-10T19:37:20.367073", + updated: "2022-08-04T16:23:06.747838", + actor_id: "https://lemmy.pt/u/tmpod", + bio: "Estudante de Engenharia Informática apaixonado pela área; algures em Portugal.\n\nAdministrador da instância lemmy.pt.\n\n---\n\nComputer Science student, passionate about the field; somewhere in Portugal.\n\nlemmy.pt instance administrator.\n\n---\n\nhttps://tmpod.dev", + local: true, + banner: "https://lemmy.pt/pictrs/image/iLIlqIIuaW.jpg", + deleted: false, + inbox_url: "https://lemmy.pt/u/tmpod/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.pt/inbox", + matrix_user_id: 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+ { + id: 6, + local_site_id: 1, + content: + "Boas!\n\nA instância acabou de ser atualizada para a versão [0.17.0](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/blob/main/RELEASES.md#lemmy-v0170-release-2023-01-31), que necessitou de uma grande migração da base de dados e intervenção manual.\nDeste modo, agradecemos que nos notifiquem de quaisquer problemas.\n\nObrigado! ", + published: "2023-01-31T19:17:24.178842", + updated: null, + }, + ], + }, + federated_counts: { + users: { + total: 2079382, + activeHalfyear: 1353305, + activeMonth: 466654, + }, + posts: 90630947, + comments: 120704, + }, + }, + { + domain: "lemmy.coupou.fr", + site_info: { + site_view: { + site: { + id: 1, + name: "Lemmy Coupou.fr", + sidebar: + "Règles:\n\n- Pas de racisme, sexisme, homophobie, ni quelconque autre forme de discrimination\n- Soyez respectueux\n- Pas de porno\n- Pas de contenu choquant, gore\n- Pas de publicité ni spam\n\nGlobalement, faites pas les cons.", + published: "2021-10-28T23:49:43.667811", + updated: "2023-02-09T21:33:13.623489", + icon: null, + banner: null, + description: + "Une instance Lemmy gérée par un fan de technologies libres.", + actor_id: "https://lemmy.coupou.fr/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-12-05T17:52:30.708065", + inbox_url: "https://lemmy.coupou.fr/site_inbox", + private_key: null, + public_key: + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAzjB5LvdMosZuzeAZhE9d\n7kwQVQVSh2dhVP5VypmuKixu2euvkZ1Nggdq2V60uH3I9rsjxBzO9nMe/jSTChB8\nStBTv1AvtVElZFnhrrhtkr6EHB8+P72r8+r6zCA5udpiAoL/e6bagk6vNkjVSvGT\na0ups0U4iU8834wPI+ps19Icd2pCZZ67RuVvsj30SPlGyXve/nRl7/BXOj5qB4R5\nfSf8b78Ooos33+T+sh8bq11RS9Z7qJXEJSs27FFuDAFHaUnEljLrr6By82MZYskn\ntE7YDe4Ut+k/JROvjIIBItNQXGF7ZTIy+R4WGMH4WDSfPXArpBbtrK6yUDBp1bVy\npwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 314, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: false, + require_email_verification: true, + application_question: + "Pourquoi vous avez choisi cette instance Lemmy?", + private_instance: false, + default_theme: "darkly", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: null, + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: false, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: false, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "closed", + published: "2021-10-28T23:49:43.667811", + updated: "2023-02-09T21:33:13.630819", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-02-06T18:35:56.257136", + updated: null, + }, + counts: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + users: 83, + posts: 7, + comments: 148, + communities: 2, + users_active_day: 1, + users_active_week: 1, users_active_month: 2, users_active_half_year: 2, }, @@ -3351,797 +13514,9185 @@ export const instance_stats = { { person: { id: 2, - name: "lancehomer", - display_name: null, - avatar: null, - banned: false, - published: "2023-01-27T21:10:51.281789", - updated: "2023-01-27T22:06:23.026300", - actor_id: "https://links.fintech.eco/u/lancehomer", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://links.fintech.eco/u/lancehomer/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://links.fintech.eco/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 3, - post_score: 3, - comment_count: 0, - comment_score: 0, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 5, - name: "paymentologist", - display_name: null, - avatar: null, - banned: false, - published: "2023-01-27T22:10:36.546931", - updated: null, - actor_id: "https://links.fintech.eco/u/paymentologist", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://links.fintech.eco/u/paymentologist/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://links.fintech.eco/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 4, - person_id: 5, - post_count: 4, - post_score: 4, - comment_count: 0, - comment_score: 0, - }, - }, - ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: ["links.esq.social", "links.fintech.eco"], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 11, - activeHalfyear: 6, - activeMonth: 6, - }, - posts: 72, - comments: 11, - }, - }, - { - domain: "community.xmpp.net", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "XMPP Community", - sidebar: - "Welcome to the XMPP Community Lemmy instance! Please be kind. All communities in this space should be at least tangentially related to XMPP.\n\nPlease abide by our [code of conduct][coc]. To report a CoC violation, message one of the admins.\n\n[![Contributor Covenant](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-2.1-4baaaa.svg)][coc] \n\n[coc]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct/", - published: "2022-04-11T15:23:46.791420", - updated: "2022-04-19T18:00:51.173869", - enable_downvotes: false, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: false, - icon: "https://community.xmpp.net/pictrs/image/35c85076-7971-4e2a-b5d1-18ef437366ff.png", - banner: null, - description: - "A community space for projects and users of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Hi there, to prevent spam please tell us why you want to join this instance and what XMPP communities you're a part of (if any); thanks!", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://community.xmpp.net/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-05T09:35:06.655096", - inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3z3T6kn54prc2OZtA+H1\nIjUHFARFLLcR2AiTMXKeqXSIorEjiUQnYIRRbIq4LDwQUp7JuvL2vIqNgHESAu0e\nnmf7N6VqmjBOii0akWyfov6vajKnRub1hX6QOG6YbRR0pfnoosJS53VB6T5LwTcW\n7dgp0RRvAGNVWZZ4pQtUiEfGNTliulwBCGZgvLtNA6TY9BuJX0naNfzwuXXiZjjx\narVjYIonPxZr2JJ1f2yEN0T249emic7Vf4sJj4kBXz7jGnTuZaioxQAgWlhIjL3i\nczfVm2MPlDeXEQpFjm/OL9/EC4Sd5Ndv42IXGqvEgLxe8lVqEvKPdHhA8U2TQPHd\nWwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 119, - posts: 107, - comments: 99, - communities: 16, - users_active_day: 1, - users_active_week: 2, - users_active_month: 2, - users_active_half_year: 9, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 3, - name: "samwhited", - display_name: null, + name: "lionel", + display_name: "Lionel C-R", avatar: - "https://community.xmpp.net/pictrs/image/1cc71dcc-f5fe-46b8-aa15-1e1fba4c8d80.jpeg", + "https://lemmy.coupou.fr/pictrs/image/132c71ff-7663-4526-87f6-a13c1b89d1cc.jpeg", banned: false, - published: "2022-04-12T17:03:31.067980", - updated: "2022-04-13T13:36:52.647774", - actor_id: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/samwhited", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: true, - inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/samwhited/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 2, - person_id: 3, - post_count: 4, - post_score: 10, - comment_count: 2, - comment_score: 4, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 4, - name: "pep", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://community.xmpp.net/pictrs/image/9b98d86f-6b87-4fce-b136-bf3a580b3eec.png", - banned: false, - published: "2022-04-12T17:51:00.738194", - updated: "2022-04-12T19:44:11.702667", - actor_id: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/pep", + published: "2021-10-28T23:49:43.388199", + updated: "2022-12-05T18:24:49.742982", + actor_id: "https://lemmy.coupou.fr/u/lionel", bio: null, local: true, banner: null, deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/pep/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 3, - person_id: 4, - post_count: 4, - post_score: 12, - comment_count: 16, - comment_score: 32, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 6, - name: "MattJ", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://community.xmpp.net/pictrs/image/1beec86e-06ee-41d0-b11c-86f9429bc89f.png", - banned: false, - published: "2022-04-12T18:55:19.449672", - updated: "2022-04-14T16:03:30.589780", - actor_id: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/MattJ", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/MattJ/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 5, - person_id: 6, - post_count: 1, - post_score: 5, - comment_count: 7, - comment_score: 10, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 143, - name: "sam", - display_name: "Sam", - avatar: - "https://community.xmpp.net/pictrs/image/08401dfb-64ce-4576-884a-83af94513265.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2022-04-13T13:37:13.506336", - updated: "2022-06-19T12:13:02.280235", - actor_id: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/sam", - bio: "I work on the Mellium project and sometimes on XEPs. Bike mechanic during the day, but also sometimes freelance software development.\n\n**Hire me:** https://willowbark.org/", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/u/sam/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://community.xmpp.net/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 102, - person_id: 143, - post_count: 56, - post_score: 197, - comment_count: 49, - comment_score: 113, - }, - }, - ], - online: 2, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "beehaw.org", - "community.nicfab.it", - "community.xmpp.net", - "exploding-heads.com", - "feddit.de", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "lemmy.ca", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "lemur.fedisphere.net", - "libranet.de", - "loma.ml", - "midwest.social", - "privacy.nicfab.it", - "slrpnk.net", - "sopuli.xyz", - "szmer.info", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 33733, - activeHalfyear: 3300, - activeMonth: 1374, - }, - posts: 550319, - comments: 475419, - }, - }, - { - domain: "bolha.social", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "bolha.social (beta)", - sidebar: - "Here we follow the Bolha Rules (https://bolha.us/about)", - published: "2022-12-21T10:45:48.091300", - updated: "2022-12-25T05:17:36.554463", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: null, - banner: null, - description: - "This is a Brazilian Lemmy Instance. Bolha is a Tech community in Brazil. 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Nesta instancia se debatirá sobre temas que teñan que ver do fediverso, ademais pertas axuda nos diferentes servizos de [fediverso.gal](https://foros.fediverso.gal) e de falar sobre cousas xerais referentes a comunidade galega no fediverso.", + published: "2022-11-27T22:27:25.350476", + updated: "2023-02-10T07:35:42.537662", + icon: "https://foros.fediverso.gal/pictrs/image/f0e6b13c-84f4-4841-bff7-8ebfccb3d306.png", + banner: null, + description: + "foros.fediverso.gal é unha instancia de Lemmy para a comunidade galega.", + actor_id: "https://foros.fediverso.gal/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-11-27T22:27:25.349722", + inbox_url: "https://foros.fediverso.gal/site_inbox", + private_key: null, + public_key: + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxWbZtE0mXR5yms8axpH7\nXfP0YZtuEJI+B/8bgohY2U2XhoIGXk8VoakLOT8hi9By050RuP7kfY+voh8zb7Kr\nhY5/WvG/eYfweZnRhAcDS/zbYD6NGoEzH/OvR4e1UfFThhDhtsPmt7tB4mdyesft\nEsP3huqjN2fw2JV+75KY1wPgMuJMUaOnHHLBM417W1xmaLH5HNSG9T9fNl88Q7Tu\n0A17N4k7OuUSzwaV+orNW9jfZPw5LD8Lm7ppFd8ootWKW9a9fwJEK9w2NPI+mKSY\nf3XU5csXpY+zKk63jQ95dx0H2bHxheqUppH5/bYlQkl2FjSCDKhMlrPI1h9xZHD9\nRQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 20, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, enable_nsfw: false, - icon: "https://lemmy.helvetet.eu/pictrs/image/c52e8c7c-1dc4-4285-a647-f6193bbf4069.png", - banner: - "https://lemmy.helvetet.eu/pictrs/image/ae19cba9-6cd9-4526-81cd-7d4050111cdb.png", - description: "Helvetet Lemmy Server", + community_creation_admin_only: true, + require_email_verification: false, + application_question: + "Por que queres unirte? Isto axúdanos a verificar que non es un bot.", + private_instance: false, + default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: "Prueba", + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: false, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2022-11-27T22:27:25.350476", + updated: "2023-02-10T07:35:42.542158", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-02-05T19:46:18.397954", + updated: null, + }, + counts: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + users: 16, + posts: 13, + comments: 21, + communities: 19, + users_active_day: 0, + users_active_week: 2, + users_active_month: 2, + users_active_half_year: 6, + }, + }, + admins: [ + { + person: { + id: 2, + name: "nekerafa", + display_name: "🌧️ ê/o Rafa ", + avatar: + "https://foros.fediverso.gal/pictrs/image/3636c4d0-83fa-4473-b608-b8b93ac4e128.jpeg", + banned: false, + published: "2022-11-27T22:20:04.953652", + updated: "2022-12-01T17:59:51.602521", + actor_id: "https://foros.fediverso.gal/u/nekerafa", + bio: "Boas!!\n\nMeu nome é Rafa, son da Coruña, fun aos dominicos e logo estudiei na facultade de informática da Universidade da Coruña. Actualmente traballo coma desenvolvedore en react e dotnet.\n\nSon actualmente e administradore de [foros.fediverso.gal](https://foros.fediverso.gal)", + local: true, + banner: null, + deleted: false, + inbox_url: "https://foros.fediverso.gal/u/nekerafa/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://foros.fediverso.gal/inbox", + matrix_user_id: "@nekerafa:matrix.org", + admin: true, + bot_account: false, + ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 20, + }, + counts: { + id: 1, + person_id: 2, + post_count: 5, + post_score: 41, + comment_count: 3, + comment_score: 9, + }, + }, + ], + online: 9, + version: "0.17.1", + my_user: null, + federated_instances: { + linked: [ + "mander.xyz", + "troet.cafe", + "slrpnk.net", + "social.chinwag.org", + "jeremmy.ml", + "foros.fediverso.gal", + "lm.korako.me", + "lemmy.schuerz.at", + "ioc.exchange", + "toot.wales", + "mastodon.ml", + "post.lurk.org", + "mastodon.bida.im", + "mastodon.online", + "cybre.space", + "helladoge.com", + "hachyderm.io", + "metalhead.club", + 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јазик", + }, + { + id: 104, + code: "ml", + name: "മലയാളം", + }, + { + id: 105, + code: "mn", + name: "Монгол хэл", + }, + { + id: 106, + code: "mr", + name: "मराठी", + }, + { + id: 107, + code: "ms", + name: "Bahasa Melayu", + }, + { + id: 108, + code: "mt", + name: "Malti", + }, + { + id: 109, + code: "my", + name: "ဗမာစာ", + }, + { + id: 110, + code: "na", + name: "Dorerin Naoero", + }, + { + id: 111, + code: "nb", + name: "Norsk bokmål", + }, + { + id: 112, + code: "nd", + name: "isiNdebele", + }, + { + id: 113, + code: "ne", + name: "नेपाली", + }, + { + id: 114, + code: "ng", + name: "Owambo", + }, + { + id: 115, + code: "nl", + name: "Nederlands", + }, + { + id: 116, + code: "nn", + name: "Norsk nynorsk", + }, + { + id: 117, + code: "no", + name: "Norsk", + }, + { + id: 118, + code: "nr", + name: "isiNdebele", + }, + { + id: 119, + code: "nv", + name: "Diné bizaad", + }, + { + id: 120, + code: "ny", + name: "chiCheŵa", + }, + { + id: 121, + code: "oc", + name: "occitan", + }, + { 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"ไทย", + }, + { + id: 159, + code: "ti", + name: "ትግርኛ", + }, + { + id: 160, + code: "tk", + name: "Türkmençe", + }, + { + id: 161, + code: "tl", + name: "Wikang Tagalog", + }, + { + id: 162, + code: "tn", + name: "Setswana", + }, + { + id: 163, + code: "to", + name: "faka Tonga", + }, + { + id: 164, + code: "tr", + name: "Türkçe", + }, + { + id: 165, + code: "ts", + name: "Xitsonga", + }, + { + id: 166, + code: "tt", + name: "татар теле", + }, + { + id: 167, + code: "tw", + name: "Twi", + }, + { + id: 168, + code: "ty", + name: "Reo Tahiti", + }, + { + id: 169, + code: "ug", + name: "ئۇيغۇرچە‎", + }, + { + id: 170, + code: "uk", + name: "Українська", + }, + { + id: 171, + code: "ur", + name: "اردو", + }, + { + id: 172, + code: "uz", + name: "Ўзбек", + }, + { + id: 173, + code: "ve", + name: "Tshivenḓa", + }, + { + id: 174, + code: "vi", + name: "Tiếng Việt", + }, + { + id: 175, + code: "vo", + name: "Volapük", + }, + { + id: 176, + code: "wa", + name: "walon", + }, + { + id: 177, + code: "wo", + name: "Wollof", + }, + { + id: 178, + code: "xh", + name: "isiXhosa", + }, + { + id: 179, + code: "yi", + name: "ייִדיש", + }, + { + id: 180, + code: "yo", + name: "Yorùbá", + }, + { + id: 181, + code: "za", + name: "Saɯ cueŋƅ", + }, + { + id: 182, + code: "zh", + name: "中文", + }, + { + id: 183, + code: "zu", + name: "isiZulu", + }, + ], + discussion_languages: [ + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, + 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, + 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, + 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, + 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, + 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, + 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, + 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, + 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, + 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, + 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, + 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, + 181, 182, 183, + ], + taglines: null, + }, + federated_counts: { + users: { + total: 2634937, + activeHalfyear: 1838442, + activeMonth: 619297, + }, + posts: 134687885, + comments: 114377, + }, + }, + { + domain: "community.nicfab.it", + site_info: { + site_view: { + site: { + id: 1, + name: "Privacy Community", + sidebar: + "### **Welcome!**\n\nWelcome to the **NicFab Community Lemmy instance**! \\\nPlease be kind. \\\nAll communities in this space should be at least related to Privacy and innovation.\n\n### **Matrix Space**\nWe are also on Matrix Space [by clicking here](https://matrix.to/#/#privacycommunity:matrix.nicfab.it).\n\n### **Privacy Policy**\nHere you can find our [**Privacy Policy**](https://community.nicfab.it/legal).\n\n### **Code of Conduct**\nPlease abide by the [code of conduct](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct/). \n\nTo report a CoC violation, message one of the admins.\n\n***\n\n#### Partnerships:\n- [**Lemmy.ca - Privacy**](https://lemmy.ca/c/privacy)\n\n***\n\n### **Benvenuto!**\n\nBenvenuto nella instanza Lemmy **NicFab Community**! \\\nVi invitiamo ad essere gentili. \\\nTutte le comunità in questo spazio dovrebbero essere almeno legate alla privacy e all'innovazione.\n\nQuesto è uno spazio comune per progetti e utenti interessati alla privacy, alla protezione dei dati e alle soluzioni innovative.\n\n### **Matrix Space**\nSiamo anche su Matrix Space [clicando qui](https://matrix.to/#/#privacycommunity:matrix.nicfab.it).\n\n### **Informativa Privacy**\nQui puoi trovare la nostra **[Informativa sulla privacy](https://www.nicfab.it/it/pages/ppolicy-lemmy-privacy-community/)**.\n\n### **Codice di condotta**\nSiete invitati a rispettare il [codice di condotta](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/it/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/). \n\nPer segnalare una violazione del codice di condotta, invia un messaggio a uno degli amministratori.\n\n***\n\n#### Partnerships:\n- [**Lemmy.ca - Privacy**](https://lemmy.ca/c/privacy)\n\n\n", + published: "2022-05-11T11:17:09.368040", + updated: "2023-02-01T12:59:24.871792", + icon: "https://community.nicfab.it/pictrs/image/eb6d6ec8-45bf-43de-8ec3-6dfb6a0df4b4.png", + banner: null, + description: + "This is a community space for projects and users interested in privacy, data protection, cybersecurity, and innovative solutions.", + actor_id: "https://community.nicfab.it/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-19T17:56:19.522797", + inbox_url: "https://community.nicfab.it/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA20VLeakODQEJOvuHO2WY\nSfW+mf12pzOG2OgZucl32dZgKEKQL38NEu1VvikfB/ZAtBeu3Z5p1xrxL64ePx2Z\nBvEMlx7tajr3ezeW+Xi6AzHc9Is7lTxcLe1ApwqUT9f7GwWSONhtGlRcQnl2JMvV\nMrq2JJmVsYABNd+JxRPk7KtB8KKbAjIzRHQ8mnAAs7bQPDg2MBw1seWWfvluySSw\n/K6JzGNefz537rFliedeeDx9D6DZcDf5+QNjb06SxqjDI0ihcnWaPZQRavg476mK\nTRx9ooI2QLLe13tH2bUdHGfUItoV+FEbvD5wKuoYSZe/rOBk4CWWQr1PQBWrhet0\nUQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAzI5V2+F21BfxwnQUoM1c\n78a1+7F4ByxVo555Zma1vNzQpje7rs08L+JGzHySD7i+B89MjlCJYvXDuPuOKgGC\nWgcd56NTKXaX9cGuKqtfh/IG4DPRjtosUqPEaTu8ex1TCPX7DsnXUWtgWc+TLUTI\nOqsqhPWHvXB/cEdQdzcUWw4h+L9uYfv/lORo3EWppLuxkciai9BIpOlLEFczvyu6\nO0FmKuoz7/a50Ne2iBvxhtM90od4CxPlxXg7HGigSxRSe42pQ4m/pe7Wo7Zo2fUz\ncjn8McCR197QOT6UKhMyg04Heyk4Eqfd9ihHbDcezL5LNGe0yu/IQdMJN76JyWt0\nSwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 322, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: true, + enable_nsfw: true, + community_creation_admin_only: true, + require_email_verification: true, + application_question: + "Please, explain why you want to join this community. ", + private_instance: false, + default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "Local", + legal_information: + "# Privacy Policy\nWe provide this information according to the [EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679&from=EN) for those who consult the website https://community.nicfab.it and request to register. Note that this information applies only to that website and not to other websites the user may consult through links. \n\n## Data controller \nThe data controller is Nicola Fabiano (privacy [at] nicfab.it). \n\n## What data is collected.\nRegarding this point, we must distinguish two steps.\n\n(a) Registration in the community: username, password, and email;\n\n(b) Access to the community and user activities: IP address, username, password, and email.\n\nThe user data (username, password, and email) are recorded in the database, and specifically, the passwords are \"hashed\" (i.e., transformed into alphanumeric strings using the hash function).\n\n### Access to the community and user activities\nHaving completed the account creation process, the user can log in (Login) to the community through the browser, and then the IP address is acquired.\n\n**Each user is responsible for the content they intend to post on the Lemmy community**.\n\nIn that phase, the personal data of users collected are the **username**, **password**, **email address**, and **IP address**. \n\n### Who can access the data and for what activities.\nThe server administrator (instance) can read data of the activities performed on the community recorded on the server and precisely in the database or log files (username, email, IP address, community web address, type of activity - technically GET or POST). \n\nThe administrator only accesses users' personal data for strictly technical reasons (system analysis, updating application packages, maintenance needs). \n\nWe should point out that access to users' personal data, whether in the database or logs, is a specific activity that is not generally performed except to resolve particular conflicts or errors. \n\n## The purposes of the processing.\nThe purpose is to consult this website or interact by posting content, comments, or creating other communities.\nAccessing this website, and requesting to register as a user, means the user gave consent.\n\nFurthermore, the purposes are also related to server maintenance and system and application upgrades.\n\nThe optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site involves the acquisition of the sender's address necessary for the replies and any other personal data contained in the message. These data are processed to respond to messages sent and handle related requests. Failure to provide personal data for communications with us or send requests will prevent evading them. We store data for the time strictly necessary for the purposes related to data processing. \n\n## Legal basis for the processing\nThe processing of personal data is based on consent - according to article 6, par. 1, letter a) of EU Regulation 2016/679 - expressed by the user by browsing this website and its consultation, thus accepting this information. \n\nConsent is optional, and the user can withdraw at any time by request sent by email to privacy [at] nicfab.it, specifying that, in this case, whether the user does not consent, they cannot consult this website, either register or remain as a registered user.\n\nRegarding server maintenance and system and application upgrades, the legal basis is the legitimate interest according to Article 6, letter f) of the EU Regulation 2016/679. \n\nThe processing of personal data is necessary to pursue the data controller's legitimate interest in providing information about studies and research, according to article 6, par. 1, letter f) of EU Regulation 2016/679, in compliance with the provisions of the same Regulation. \n\n## Cookies\nThe only cookies are only **functional ones** and, therefore, no profiling or tracking activities.\n\n**Thus, this site does not use cookies other than functional cookies solely for the functional purposes described above, and their installation does not require the user's consent**. \n\n## Data recipients\nWe do not communicate personal data collected from this website following its consultation to recipients or categories of recipients. \n\n## Period for storing personal data \nApart from what is specified above, the data collected by this website during its operation are stored for the time strictly necessary for the activities specified. The data will be deleted or anonymized at the expiry date unless there are no other purposes for storing the same. For analytics purposes (statistics), we use Matomo but on the condition that you have agreed to this by providing consent once you have reached this site. \n\n## Transferring personal data to a third country or international organization\nThe data controller, the administrator of Lemmy's instance, does not transfer data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) if Lemmy is installed on the server located within the European Economic Area.\n\nWe feel it is appropriate to clarify this further.\n\nUsers registered on an instance are always solely responsible for their activities by creating communities or publishing posts or comments.\n\nThere is no transfer outside the SEE when registered users on an instance within the same EEA perform activities on the same server (instance). For example, our instance (https://community.nicfab.it) is located in Italy and thus within the EEA. If users registered on our instance perform activities on our server, there is no data transfer outside the EEA. Similarly, there is no data transfer outside the EEA even if registered users on our instance subscribe, publish posts, or comments on other instances - for example - located outside the EEA. Indeed, in the latter case, our instance administrator can access the logs and see only the domain (and thus not even the full URL of the community on which activities are performed) and its IP address. No further user data is transferred outside the EEA by the administrator or automatically by the Lemmy platform. The user should be aware that their username in the form \"@username@domainofcommunity\" (e.g., in our case, @username@community.nicfab.it) will be visible in the community in which they have intervened (e.g., to publish posts or comments).\n\nThere will be no transfer of data outside the EEA even if the user intends to create a community on the existing Lemmy instance within the same EEA.\n\nAll of this is because it is a proper function of the fediverse's system and the ActivityPub protocol used by Lemmy.\n\n## Security measures\nVisitors' or users' data are processed lawfully and correctly by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of data. Your data in the communication session with this website are protected by a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that uses a cryptographic presentation protocol, encrypting the information. \n\n## Data subjects' rights \nUsers (data subject) of this website may exercise the rights according to Articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation 2016/679. You can lodge all requests to exercise these rights by writing to privacy [at] nicfab.it\n\n## Right to lodge a complaint \nWhether a data subject considers that the processing of personal data relating to them as performed via this website infringes the Regulation, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante according to Article 77 of the EU Regulation 2016/679.", + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: true, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: false, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2022-05-11T11:17:09.368040", + updated: "2023-02-01T12:59:24.873371", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + 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"infosec.exchange", + "social.vivaldi.net", + "baraza.africa", + "hachyderm.io", + "disabled.social", + "mastodon.world", + "mstdn.io", + "raru.re", + "hashi.icu", + "digitalcourage.social", + "mastodon.online", + "woof.group", + "mastodon.sdf.org", + "lemmy.coupou.fr", + "fortean.social", + "jasette.facil.services", + "mastodon.scot", + "lotide.fbxl.net", + "gnulinux.social", + "wandering.shop", + "stereodon.social", + "ohai.social", + "legal.social", + "foxsay.southfox.me", + "fedi.sabatino.pro", + "glasgow.social", + "social.linux.pizza", + "kolektiva.social", + "social.trom.tf", + "mastodon.think-privacy.com", + "fediverse.town", + "mastodon.com.py", + "mstdn.social", + "activism.openworlds.info", + "mastodon.ml", + "nwb.social", + "donphan.social", + "mindly.social", + "social.coop", + "sfba.social", + "neurodifferent.me", + "masto.pt", + "techhub.social", + "chitter.xyz", + "fairy.id", + "soc.citizen4.eu", + "indieweb.social", + "det.social", + "zork.social", + "nrsk.no", + "social.yesterweb.org", + "tech.lgbt", + "social.anoxinon.de", + "bitcoinhackers.org", + "fosstodon.org", + "libranet.de", + "puntarella.party", + "fapsi.be", + "mastodon.coffee", + "functional.cafe", + "tkz.one", + "idiomdrottning.org", + "pettingzoo.co", + "baraag.net", + "jawns.club", + "m.quaoar.xyz", + "wikis.world", + "unfediverse.com", + "toot.aquilenet.fr", + "laviadililith.social", + "octodon.social", + "xoxo.zone", + "dftba.club", + "mastodon.bayern", + "nebbia.fail", + "ruhr.social", + "eigenmagic.net", + "toot.cat", + "sb17.space", + "wue.social", + "snabelen.no", + "helvede.net", + "subversive.zone", + "socialpa.ws", + "community.xmpp.net", + "post.lurk.org", + "stereophonic.space", + "lemmy.ca/c/privacy", + "mastodon.com.br", + "law.builders", + "feddit.it", + "home.social", + "toki.social", + "m.krbonne.net", + "poliverso.org", + "mastodon.art", + "mastodon.nzoss.nz", + "mastodon.uno", + "cr8r.gg", + "shelter.moe", + "toot.cafe", + "midwest.social", + "veganbtw.net", + "masto.quebec", + "senigallia.one", + "social.opendesktop.org", + "mastodon.bida.im", + "c.im", + "fuzzy.directory", + "fandom.ink", + "lor.sh", + "community.hackliberty.org", + "mastodon.cysioland.pl", + "bologna.one", + "liker.social", + "mastodon.me.uk", + "ravenation.club", + "muenchen.social", + "group.lt", + "hackers.town", + "social.cologne", + "colorid.es", + "tiny.tilde.website", + "sironi.tk", + "mastodon.green", + "mastodon.bentasker.co.uk", + "mastodon.girino.org", + "linkage.ds8.zone", + "social.freetalklive.com", + "lemmy.ml", + "todon.nl", + "social.snopyta.org", + "s.zholnay.name", + "mstdn.dk", + "masto.1146.nohost.me", + "seafoam.space", + "mastodon.acc.sunet.se", + "mastodon.com.pl", + "socialhome.network", + "mastodon.la", + "t00t.it", + "kanoa.de", + "rytter.me", + "frenfiverse.net", + "cybre.space", + "donky.social", + "social.sndevs.com", + "meow.social", + "livellosegreto.it", + "o3o.ca", + "mastodon.ktachibana.party", + "cathode.church", + "metalhead.club", + "bolha.us", + "pony.social", + "feddit.de", + "mstdn.party", + "tooting.ch", + "noc.social", + "lm.korako.me", + "mast.dragon-fly.club", + "thepit.social", + "mastodon.li", + "thecanadian.social", + "lemmy.cat", + "freundica.de", + "privacy-error.it", + "social.wien.rocks", + "m.sclo.nl", + "5280.city", + "mstdn.fr", + "libretooth.gr", + "oldbytes.space", + "lemider.me", + "poliversity.it", + "simbasocial.com", + "hostux.social", + "friendica.hellquist.eu", + "masto.nobigtech.es", + "szmer.info", + "mujico.org", + "mitra.social", + "mastodon.nz", + "webs.node9.org", + "sunbeam.city", + "ieji.de", + "m.cmx.im", + "mastodon.nu", + "dizl.de", + "el5.net", + "me.ns.ci", + "lemmy.rollenspiel.monster", + "social.dev-wiki.de", + "toot.wales", + "mspsocial.net", + "nerdculture.de", + "universeodon.com", + "foros.fediverso.gal", + "kosmos.social", + "mastodon.org.uk", + "101010.pl", + "nrw.social", + "venera.social", + "mstdn.jp", + "banana.dog", + "mastodon.xyz", + "hello.2heng.xin", + "xarxamontgri.masto.host", + "mastodon.cloud", + "cyberplace.social", + "realsocial.life", + "mastodon.social", + "fedi.vern.cc", + "mstdn.mx", + "mstdn.starnix.network", + "phpc.social", + "sociale.network", + "mastodon.au", + "historians.social", + "top.ofthe.top", + "mastodon.technology", + "datawizards.net", + "aachen.social", + "mastodon.se", + "aipi.social", + "idic.social", + "macaw.social", + "lemmy.cyberdelia.com.ar", + "todon.eu", + "lemmygrad.ml", + "exploding-heads.com", + "autonomous.zone", + "veganism.social", + "jeremmy.ml", + "dadalo.pl", + "seaofog.com", + "mastodon.pirateparty.be", + "pawoo.net", + "bsd.network", + "mastodon.cisti.org", + "freeradical.zone", + "fedisabled.social", + "zesummen.online", + "eldritch.cafe", + "mastodon.com.tr", + "lemmy.ca", + "aus.social", + "pouet.chapril.org", + "mastodon.cipherbliss.com", + "simonlucas.social", + "masto.4lgorhythm.io", + "koyu.space", + "social.deadsuperhero.com", + "lemmy.subtlefuge.com", + "mastodon.iriseden.eu", + "lemmy.eus", + "fedi.at", + "piaille.fr", + "mander.xyz", + "poketopia.city", + "social.tchncs.de", + "jorts.horse", + "anonsys.net", + "rollenspiel.social", + "mastodontech.de", + "fulda.social", + "mastodontti.fi", + "mas.to", + "theres.life", + "kenstroller.fedi.bzh", + "mastodon.nicfab.it", + "info.prou.be", + "mastodon.lol", + "bgme.me", + "c18.masto.host", + "barcelona.social", + "l.kretschmann.social", + "dresden.network", + "ioc.exchange", + "tube.nicfab.it", + "mastodon.xsoftware.it", + "f.haeder.net", + "freiburg.social", + "lemmy.helvetet.eu", + "social.lol", + "g0v.social", + "nerdica.net", + "literatur.social", + "nutmeg.social", + "metapowers.org", + "bne.social", + "lemmy.wiredentrypoint.xyz", + "pooper.social", + "scicomm.xyz", + "hayu.sh", + "darmstadt.social", + "fuckreddit.tryp.digital", + "stammtisch.hallertau.social", + "lemmy.tedomum.net", + "gruene.social", + "mamot.fr", + "lemmy.schuerz.at", + "mastodon.nl", + "social.michaelbrooks.co.uk", + "recurse.social", + 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why you want to create an account on this site", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.saar.social/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-08-15T20:53:34.505920", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.saar.social/site_inbox", + description: null, + actor_id: "https://linkage.ds8.zone/", + last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-18T07:21:26.289842", + inbox_url: "https://linkage.ds8.zone/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3WHEOUttuNLl9t1b/L9M\nSkPDuZXfuSPGpYelnBwLZ/DzYF34xt4ZCzHr4V1JkD7wTzFbuZJp5piXwGQpl7nA\nfevhOiX6xsboKFMImRs383LNdc3AO06ci9S1KMFjLYe1v5d/8friNqcuSVuwixQV\nK3kD23YseiXX8xKjm5xdpL8M9CLb7iNNibBI9AjQZJkGGXgoLRqPhjTNbeP6KY+R\ndALfVrAn6+GbAOjwxW7pcqKwI73bG+0y9y8/MRdRkHma+T0GHDz1sCzUgsaI2kO9\nu3+fVvixFN/Iamc1lNQZJi4u9zK6C90cgF5IA/TtyuPLeDDH76ZHu5rriL4pVz46\nYwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "vaporwave-dark", + "-----BEGIN PUBLIC 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"2022-08-15T22:11:57.696921", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.saar.social/u/achim", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.saar.social/u/achim/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.saar.social/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 54, - post_score: 86, - comment_count: 6, - comment_score: 9, - }, - }, - ], - online: 1, - version: "0.16.6", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: ["feddit.de", "lemmy.saar.social"], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 872, - activeHalfyear: 197, - activeMonth: 32, - }, - posts: 5342, - comments: 7480, - }, - }, - { - domain: "fapsi.be", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Fapsi", - sidebar: - "###### Community guidelines:\n* No bigotry — including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or xenophobia\n* No illegal content\n* No unmarked NSFW\n* No spamming / spam accounts\n* No extremism\n* No fake news\n* Be nice\n* Use English or German language!\n* Please try to avoid controversial topics like politics or religion\n\n---\n[Fapsi](https://fapsi.be) is offered by [BKA.li](https://bka.li). For support, please open a ticket at [support.bka.li](https://support.bka.li/index.php?a=add&catid=13) or send a mail to [support@bka.li](mailto:support@bka.li).\n\n--- \n[Terms](https://bka.li/tos) | [Imprint](https://bka.li/tos) | [Privacy Policy](https://bka.li/dataprivacy) | [Statuspage](https://status.fapsi.be/)\n \nReasons for the instances on the blacklist can be found at https://fapsi.be/post/10597", - published: "2021-05-25T10:25:42.487218", - updated: "2022-12-23T13:46:33.613018", - enable_downvotes: false, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://fapsi.be/pictrs/image/jUD7V242rr.png", - banner: "https://fapsi.be/pictrs/image/QcxBC6i44r.png", - description: - "This instance is for all the creative. No matter if you're a writer, author or illustrator.", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To combat spam and advertising, we currently have restricted user registration on this instance. Please write a short description containing:\n\n- Why you would like to join fapsi.be\n- What communities you would most like to participate in, and\n- How or why you chose the username you did.\n\nWe use these questions to screen for and discourage spammers and trolls. We will try our best to review your application as soon as possible.\n", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://fapsi.be/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-20T07:16:10.896836", - inbox_url: "https://fapsi.be/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4ZMsIJIYiAI+Tg+pODOb\nGohxRIbpEojgLBYiIZxzVGY9Q6LBMrO2/qtHyqM0KWw9gSsnoQS0+S6aMwFL1X27\nPxKSYK8DimHB+6e9ZlgmoVQxuy5KlsIK3x0f7avsaack/0sQnPnWgzU8dej2t/ln\nmRVoq0KTgK1j+hVgUrxcL0gzfOxTBjNgm1PNsC7vBa7CBcwfliILJD1YHHJ6LT0R\nBFUTVO70PfQ9XnVpummQoLee6Bl9Tuq5GDC7opViNpEttvJkHWbGDD6u4kRhqZU/\nE0IopiBi5A+6Z9jdgbbWh2jwMvzl7J3HCHM/SdOtUoKFQJmzvoyL+voax7Eszd85\nZwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "winternord", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 231, - posts: 368, - comments: 495, - communities: 6, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 1, - users_active_month: 2, - users_active_half_year: 11, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "kromonos", - display_name: "Kromonos", - avatar: - "https://fapsi.be/pictrs/image/5bcc402e-1629-48fe-b2b8-673af29489ee.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2021-05-25T10:25:42.146049", - updated: "2022-11-15T19:01:23.405822", - actor_id: "https://fapsi.be/u/kromonos", - bio: "Head of the Teleyal family \nWriter of the DnD story at https://teleyal.blog \nTZ: Europe/Berlin \nCharacters on the website are owned by me!\n\n[![Mastodon badge](https://drow.be/mastodon-badge)](https://drow.be/mastodon)", - local: true, - banner: "https://fapsi.be/pictrs/image/yl0wjQvMZq.png", - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://fapsi.be/u/kromonos/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://fapsi.be/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@kromonos:kde.org", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 273, - post_score: 40, - comment_count: 293, - comment_score: 72, - }, - }, - ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "anonsys.net", - "beehaw.org", - "community.xmpp.net", - "feddit.de", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "lemmy.161.social", - "lemmy.ca", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.perthchat.org", - "lemmy.rollenspiel.monster", - "lemmy.schuerz.at", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "loma.ml", - "mander.xyz", - "midwest.social", - "sopuli.xyz", - "stammtisch.hallertau.social", - "veganbtw.net", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: [ - "mastodon.art", - "gab.com", - "rage.love", - "slime.global", - "hackers.town", - "weirder.earth", - "tenforward.social", - "preview.goatpen.co", - "legbeard.xyz", - "wolfballs.com", - "mentalhealth.social", - "narwhal.city", - "lotide.fbxl.net", - "a.tide.tk", - "b.tide.tk", - "c.tide.tk", - "dev.narwhal.city", - "social.naln1.ca", - "treehouse.systems", - "merveilles.town", - "plural.cafe", - "mspsocial.net", - "tech.lgbt", - "gts.fedi.tech", - "soc.eena.me", - "sitedethib.com", - "ondergrond.org", - "goblin.technology", - "goblin.camp", - "mandacaru.caatinga.digital", - "chaos.social", - "lemmy.paxanimi.club", - "szmer.info", - "lemmy.blahaj.zone", - ], - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 30658, - activeHalfyear: 2437, - activeMonth: 928, - }, - posts: 183004, - comments: 378900, - }, - }, - { - domain: "info.prou.be", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "info.prou.be", - sidebar: - "##### Objectius\n1. organitzar la **transformació** social radical\n2. fomentar **debats** informats i crítics\n3. compartir **contrainformació** d'actualitat\n4. arxivar **material formatiu**\n\n##### Valors\n* contra tota forma d'**opressió**\n* respecte mutu, **escolta** i assertivitat\n\n##### Limitacions\n* **territori**: instància centrada però no limitada a barcelona → catalunya → espanyes → mediterrani nord\n* **llengües**: ca/es/en. No podem moderar contingut que no entenem\n\n##### Funcionament\n* el **registre** va sota demanda. En la soŀlicitud, explica les teves motivacions i digues _«he passat per l'infopoint»_ perquè sapiguem que has llegit aquestes normes i que les comparteixes.\n* com a membre, pots crear **comunitats noves**\n\n::: spoiler copyleft\n* el contingut generat a info.prou.be s'assumeix lliure, sota la [llicència feminista de producció entre iguals](https://labekka.red/licencia-f2f/)\n* imatge original del [bosc de hambach](https://www.flickr.com/photos/hambacherforst/34670543161/)\n:::\n", - published: "2022-02-10T21:24:29.684411", - updated: "2022-02-12T13:49:10.793754", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://info.prou.be/pictrs/image/82e736ba-6dee-423b-b06b-b47f994ce6b6.png", - banner: - "https://info.prou.be/pictrs/image/d0a16160-9731-4456-9f2d-ee9a53d86687.png", - description: "infopoint virtual", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "> Hola! \n> Escriu 2 línies explicant què t'agradaria fer aquí, si us plau . \n> Respondrem la soŀlicitud de seguida que puguem. \n> Salut!\n", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://info.prou.be/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-12-10T09:39:36.566528", - inbox_url: "https://info.prou.be/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2WGxfQ1TAFdjhR7voRED\n8DgJDB43LNOE8hJRxRh3aeL1WE4tgof5YbpWi1+3THVArum/u7iSpznqRKK1DSky\nEoYHZO7CF0HJANP6BH/y7dXPmZrEJJWJZits18VXIYDmu6RIQhqrPQihmwcLznE4\nvi+50Ua5hBoTlHR8wvD0/HREz2bRYoTjl3M+mi1Jw9qVrIXpqHcduGZ0w+lfOFA+\nZl23lrmkbL+anVldnvLZ885SpIQZbkNtLMMMbQhYsSA1BQykKUKYcoFPK5zBJSo+\nhowrT8LGr3J2+cpXb6qZrEQlpOFDFx2U/rBcsPUqhSRK1WMTprX6/FOhmjRwHnDt\nwQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 30, - posts: 86, - comments: 32, - communities: 7, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 1, - users_active_month: 2, - users_active_half_year: 5, + users_active_week: 0, + users_active_month: 0, + users_active_half_year: 1, }, }, admins: [ @@ -4152,25 +22703,26 @@ export const instance_stats = { display_name: null, avatar: null, banned: false, - published: "2022-02-10T21:24:28.254631", + published: "2021-03-27T08:58:30.039677", updated: null, - actor_id: "https://info.prou.be/u/lemmy", + actor_id: "https://namek.monarch-pass.net/u/lemmy", bio: null, local: true, banner: null, deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://info.prou.be/u/lemmy/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://info.prou.be/inbox", + inbox_url: "https://namek.monarch-pass.net/u/lemmy/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://namek.monarch-pass.net/inbox", matrix_user_id: null, admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 54, }, counts: { id: 1, person_id: 2, - post_count: 1, - post_score: 2, + post_count: 0, + post_score: 0, comment_count: 0, comment_score: 0, }, @@ -4178,1318 +22730,1166 @@ export const instance_stats = { { person: { id: 3, - name: "fadelkon", - display_name: null, + name: "beyond", + display_name: "Captain Beyond", avatar: null, banned: false, - published: "2022-02-10T21:33:50.798877", - updated: null, - actor_id: "https://info.prou.be/u/fadelkon", - bio: null, + published: "2021-03-27T09:01:09.748608", + updated: "2022-12-25T06:32:26.292781", + actor_id: "https://linkage.ds8.zone/u/beyond", + bio: "Caretaker of DS8.ZONE. Free (Libre) Software enthusiast and promoter. Pronouns: any\n\nAlso /u/CaptainBeyondDS8 on reddit and CaptainBeyond on libera.chat.", local: true, banner: null, deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://info.prou.be/u/fadelkon/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://info.prou.be/inbox", + inbox_url: "https://linkage.ds8.zone/u/beyond/inbox", + shared_inbox_url: "https://linkage.ds8.zone/inbox", matrix_user_id: null, admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 29, }, counts: { id: 2, person_id: 3, - post_count: 46, - post_score: 58, - comment_count: 23, + post_count: 2, + post_score: 1, + comment_count: 11, comment_score: 29, }, }, ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.4", + online: 7, + version: "0.17.1", my_user: null, federated_instances: { linked: [ - "collapse.cat", - "foro.markoop.org", - "forum.nogafam.es", - "info.prou.be", - "kolektiva.media", - "lemmy.cat", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "szmer.info", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 28476, - activeHalfyear: 1806, - activeMonth: 699, - }, - posts: 159102, - comments: 353899, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemmy.perthchat.org", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "PerthChat", - sidebar: - "All chill people welcome!\n\nCheck out perthchat.org!\n\n[Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#perth:matrix.org)\n\n[Discord](https://discord.gg/Qth5vG3)\n\n[Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/Michael5Collins)\n\nTelegram - pending user submission\n\nTIktok - pending user submission", - published: "2022-03-28T21:18:34.796771", - updated: "2023-01-30T16:10:12.334800", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/pictrs/image/d3728083-9d5f-4311-8c9b-d9dda43f7413.png", - banner: - "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/pictrs/image/79577da9-f558-4c9b-aef9-d2f0818e0a2f.png", - description: "Chillest instance on the Lemmyverse", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To combat abuse, we have restricted user registration on this instance. Please answering the following:\n\n Why you would like to join lemmy?\n How or why you chose the username you did?\n\nand/or have another user vouch for you by having a user \nDM [@camelia@lemmy.perthchat.org](https://lemmy.perthchat.org/u/camelia) or [@michael@lemmy.perthchat.org](https://lemmy.perthchat.org/u/michael) and state your desired username.\n\nWe will review your application ASAP.\n\nYou can contact us on Matrix for a faster reply:\nhttps://matrix.to/#/@michael:perthchat.org\nhttps://matrix.to/#/@camelia:perthchat.org", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-07-05T09:35:05.786211", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2v+HAXGeu95UYoXq/+hE\nNb96RAFKM6IC/+xPzBwwOIwHQzMWhTdFtXu8KT8hwUYLBmJ18okC4659/Nb9+n9l\nkBVI4TQH04Uym9UGbWwHOFSuTOBo8lfjcXO0CYVV+bOoYzScOPJBf+OxYqvZ0J2h\nzYAqZ3N1V2gDaEW2+wXo4Z/YZNiJayBFeLEvMbtrZzzSVh1zoI52SrNP6RjJlVF8\nIL22I8J/6DcEBqEu+72HRbV5KypD60KlBN5rAG4iwYaBWNcKWX9ospWmTAzuJA6E\nZi+3rMJ4C0D3Ee/HnOsM+EIrbhtyhGmcK0qjZHLmTLPqWRk6bLauvY7UeniaPGWt\npQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 60, - posts: 488, - comments: 570, - communities: 8, - users_active_day: 1, - users_active_week: 1, - users_active_month: 2, - users_active_half_year: 8, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "camelia", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/pictrs/image/07c1b231-bdd0-4263-8d19-917a96968c32.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2022-03-28T21:18:13.230566", - updated: "2022-03-29T21:11:31.813076", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/u/camelia", - bio: "Mods are sleep, upload cats", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/u/camelia/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 9, - post_score: 9, - comment_count: 1, - comment_score: 0, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 3, - name: "michael", - display_name: "Michael", - avatar: - "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/pictrs/image/b6dedc01-fb4d-4e76-aa9d-54ecb6fc9997.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2022-03-29T05:19:10.149753", - updated: "2022-03-30T07:13:11.590318", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/u/michael", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/u/michael/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.perthchat.org/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@michael:perthchat.org", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 2, - person_id: 3, - post_count: 1, - post_score: 1, - comment_count: 7, - comment_score: 10, - }, - }, - ], - online: 1, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "beehaw.org", - "community.nicfab.it", - "community.xmpp.net", - "exploding-heads.com", - "fapsi.be", - "feddit.de", - "gtio.io", - "heapoverflow.ml", - "jeremmy.ml", - "kolektiva.media", - "lemmy.blahaj.zone", - "lemmy.ca", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.nekrofilie.ga", - "libranet.de", - "mander.xyz", - "midwest.social", - "nrsk.no", - "poggerinos.ml", - "slrpnk.net", - "sopuli.xyz", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: [ - "legbeard.xyz", - "wolfballs.com", - "lemmy.services.coupou.fr", - "lemmy.glasgow.social", - "narwhal.city", - "lotide.fbxl.net", - "a.tide.tk", - "b.tide.tk", - "c.tide.tk", - "dev.narwhal.city", - "kenstroller.fedi.bzh", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "mujico.org", - "lemmy.subtlefuge.com ", - ], - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 24733, - activeHalfyear: 2361, - activeMonth: 937, - }, - posts: 461988, - comments: 244560, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemmy.mrnet.pt", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "lemmy", - sidebar: null, - published: "2023-01-15T00:13:44.895137", - updated: "2023-01-18T10:37:51.574529", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://lemmy.mrnet.pt/pictrs/image/53e96ead-65fe-43f6-a4da-d4eadf5235b8.jpeg", - banner: null, - description: "Paulo Laureano's Lemmy Server", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To verify that you are human, please explain why you want to create an account on this site... ", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.mrnet.pt/", - last_refreshed_at: "2023-01-15T00:13:44.894196", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.mrnet.pt/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtYm7xWaPc4bJ9J3EHpgB\nzXnjaWBaLcshlLIqcaQQ00MU8r77HYz0wEHoQ/ha1LDOWNitQbboQUPZ6Kk1YA3M\n5g+FiyKpyr0TDPQlfpt4BvpLKf5kTNIWTItjhp5O5B4cL7RR09p0SxgX83awfrBq\ntbQSMvXDYWRNhaM/GrIPt5Ppk1vvv+7KQI9cOqPAsJuY2Zn0YPF7axsxWDF7xGPA\n2trv6SXh6pKO8MdL2aDM4hg8hE1fWvTFAWYV4fjNoI2TqgeDAHK6IPm6Bk34Ndzv\nrjlztoKmxdW4RrN4NX0gCSeC1EVAL4rrGVCVDoljqVWflrayo/29xTv8Trw5AGga\nLQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "darkly", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 2, - posts: 6, - comments: 1, - communities: 2, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 0, - users_active_month: 1, - users_active_half_year: 1, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "pls", - display_name: "Paulo Laureano", - avatar: - "https://lemmy.mrnet.pt/pictrs/image/40bfd1d3-c576-45e8-8639-56a41c439c0b.jpeg", - banned: false, - published: "2023-01-15T00:13:00.877719", - updated: "2023-01-15T01:22:17.852499", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.mrnet.pt/u/pls", - bio: "Husband, dog person, likes tech, arcade games, and rock music.", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.mrnet.pt/u/pls/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.mrnet.pt/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@pls:lemmy.mrnet.pt", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 6, - post_score: 6, - comment_count: 1, - comment_score: 1, - }, - }, - ], - online: 3, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: ["beehaw.org", "lemmy.ml", "lemmy.mrnet.pt"], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 19224, - activeHalfyear: 991, - activeMonth: 337, - }, - posts: 74604, - comments: 145979, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemur.fedisphere.net", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Lemmy Fedisphere", - sidebar: null, - published: "2022-11-06T12:12:46.427850", - updated: null, - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: null, - banner: null, - description: null, - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To verify that you are human, please explain why you want to create an account on this site", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemur.fedisphere.net/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-11-06T12:12:46.426737", - inbox_url: "https://lemur.fedisphere.net/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEArS8NlNuxjsfyI8EFaxVl\nA7/b+ina3le8cwYzA31b0Dg4vNUmLYn1oDkJRv4q0cCavTmvi57i9DnRTfsujNlA\nX/EaaeX79hKrQXiwaIvOeZV0wpTAsyxLi+2aRxersiAhRwaUIi38YbDGtp7svw98\nPVv0QvbQcvZIPnju4G3qdndf0poNv4rjdXlt3YRtx1nXrCdxBGHUlJdujnaqiKqI\nkaIUhgox57oTCeYSQszI/OiWLTjA6zTqe2LqrIGCqG1tBH1yFPlpr9x/KwhnxeGj\noO47UGJyYIb/QjHmTl7k2rNYMPkryBiT/VItmqhVJCKio9XXg7YiZybtEAwzPgew\nKQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 1, - posts: 13, - comments: 0, - communities: 6, - users_active_day: 1, - users_active_week: 1, - users_active_month: 1, - users_active_half_year: 1, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "m1k3", - display_name: "M1k3", - avatar: null, - banned: false, - published: "2022-11-06T12:10:44.897908", - updated: "2023-01-14T10:56:53.420320", - actor_id: "https://lemur.fedisphere.net/u/m1k3", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemur.fedisphere.net/u/m1k3/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemur.fedisphere.net/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@m1k3:fedisphere.net", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 13, - post_score: 13, - comment_count: 0, - comment_score: 0, - }, - }, - ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: ["community.xmpp.net", "lemur.fedisphere.net"], - allowed: null, - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 120, - activeHalfyear: 10, - activeMonth: 3, - }, - posts: 120, - comments: 99, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemmy.rollenspiel.monster", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "RollenspielMonster", - sidebar: - "# Regeln\n\n- Keine Fanatismus - einschließlich Rassismus, Sexismus, Behindertenfeindlichkeit, Homophobie oder Fremdenfeindlichkeit.\n- Sei respektvoll. Jeder sollte sich hier willkommen fühlen.\n- Keine Pornos.\n- Keine Werbung / Spamming.\n\n## Weiterführende Links\n\n- [Charta](https://rollenspiel.monster/charta)\n- [Nutzungsbedingungen](https://rollenspiel.monster/terms)\n- [Impressum](https://rollenspiel.monster/imprint)\n- [Datenschutzerklärung](https://rollenspiel.monster/privacy)\n- [Spenden](https://rollenspiel.monster/donate)", - published: "2022-04-14T18:13:59.830117", - updated: "2022-09-27T10:32:40.192484", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://lemmy.rollenspiel.monster/pictrs/image/040c05a3-ba7c-4e66-a225-5209dd4893f9.png", - banner: - "https://lemmy.rollenspiel.monster/pictrs/image/bb5c9566-a03c-4100-9c5d-77440256ab42.png", - description: - "Eine deutschsprachige Instanz für Rollenspieler. Wir bieten einen platz für Rollenspiel, Pen & Paper, Tabletop, TCG und vieles mehr.", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: false, - application_question: null, - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.rollenspiel.monster/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-06-09T21:26:37.801441", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.rollenspiel.monster/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2iczm0mYzh2Lkn31TO9A\nY++DMcgF3ehuZkgWO16wP09VQ5wAwjqaWTNBy20x3x5kESK2y7c+cxKQFktxVo/G\ndF+IkTtJKh+bxHVOSCqM1+Tb4D5CNjzPFzTu+/NE6lF2o4jBn6bsACI+ZQnOho8/\nSHLtR0J9JcRXsqkJ5QQxnmqRqYte0V5Iwnyd1J/2krLvEyBKBryssPAguku2cBbQ\nfnkz73CwgmJCht9OGw8YRMd8lbDprmNkkf8qaU4/YWqO6BQz+ma8tnOxAo4EqtwV\n3fe4WtW4Q5LAKzS7QZT4dRB+4Y7AiUNo5JiBFVRnEhCgm5+mpqYK3VzmeZciExu8\noQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 46, - posts: 80, - 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gathered from *baraza* only. \n\nCommunities in this space can take whichever direction they wish, as long as they uphold these rules:\n\n1. No bigotry -- including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or xenophobia. \n2. Be respectful -- this is a safe space where everyone and their ideas should be heard, just as they are also responsible for them.\n3. Be conscious -- while the community might answer some or all of your questions, low-effort questions that can be easily searched online are a waste of everyone's time. \n4. No pornography. \n5. No ads/spamming/soliciting or providing personal details like emails or phone numbers. \n\nThis instance is powered by Lemmy, a federated link-aggregator, and is connected to Mastodon, another fediverse project. \n\nFeel free to ask questions over at the [chat post](https://baraza.africa/post/137). ", - published: "2020-10-22T17:30:15.467638", - updated: "2022-05-28T00:52:27.590307", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://baraza.africa/pictrs/image/qFpb6BEV2c.png", - banner: null, - description: - "A community mostly sharing content about Africa and its relations with the world. Karibu.", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "To stem the tide of spam accounts, we have started, as per v0.15.1, to request new sign ups to very briefly (20 words or less) mention why they want to join Baraza. This is not ideal, and we hope to keep improving the sign up process, and ideally remove this application step. If you do not get the email, check spam/junk folder for confirmation. \n\nSo, why do you want to join Baraza?", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://baraza.africa/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-05-28T00:10:32.293486", - inbox_url: "https://baraza.africa/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4ys2OR0VshWD2n+A+z+L\nRngco+adBLQK/Pf7T0ZzQO8lo6UN1cMjH+CXXdgWBrEXY5aovLaa3cQj3gm4ipQP\nau9OyxdeI3JOaO9OJX6FZ8aQ1KauzNJic+1NSmgXeXGCUGP9/JzGJFs8UZoDQr63\n9uKqTj9e+HYz7w4hW7tQwhrO0JBsrcuZl/QZBICqD112Kz7QNRbWeHu6L8gGkAxB\nQfo7HOVjFrEaq2rx1IeA3ZgvfRw+TJ1MgmlypoEY94LJf/h0eDteKqLFM29ACF47\nd3blPRib7U7DhaoeDDkUR+zbZvBAm0m5z2dbUpcsstU4RdoMgh3BET8GMKO2OrTk\nTQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "darkly", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 529, - posts: 673, - comments: 370, - communities: 56, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 1, - users_active_month: 1, - users_active_half_year: 4, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "publictech", - display_name: "mtumishi", - avatar: "https://baraza.africa/pictrs/image/6CBMMp1eQf.jpg", - banned: false, - published: "2020-10-22T17:27:38.224853", - updated: "2021-11-28T00:48:25.380091", - actor_id: "https://baraza.africa/u/publictech", - bio: "A centralized web ain't worth fighting for. ", - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://baraza.africa/u/publictech/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://baraza.africa/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@karanja:matrix.org", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 52, - post_score: 154, - comment_count: 59, - comment_score: 180, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 3, - name: "mkulima", - display_name: null, - avatar: "https://baraza.africa/pictrs/image/CSx2IMrJwc.png", - banned: false, - published: "2020-10-29T06:05:47.225651", - updated: "2021-11-28T06:24:35.172536", - actor_id: "https://baraza.africa/u/mkulima", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://baraza.africa/u/mkulima/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://baraza.africa/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 2, - person_id: 3, - post_count: 21, - post_score: 61, - comment_count: 13, - 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Gepflegt wird ein respektvoller Umgang - **ohne Hass, Hetze, Diskriminierung**.\n\nDiese Community befindet sich im Aufbau und lebt von deiner Mitwirkung!\n\nEs gelten die selben Regeln, wie auf unserer Mastodon Instanz unter https://graz.social", published: "2022-09-25T08:35:39.034997", updated: "2022-11-08T18:29:46.628455", - enable_downvotes: false, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: false, icon: "https://lemmy.graz.social/pictrs/image/4f46c386-5b21-4abb-a60e-209823cf7d67.png", banner: "https://lemmy.graz.social/pictrs/image/020c80c6-d4d0-4b9d-abff-0a9875cdcc65.png", description: "Lemmy Instanz mit Fokus auf den Grazer Raum", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Um zu überprüfen, dass du ein Mensch bist, erkläre bitte, warum du ein Konto auf dieser Plattform erstellen möchtest.", - private_instance: false, actor_id: "https://lemmy.graz.social/", last_refreshed_at: "2022-09-25T08:35:39.034210", inbox_url: "https://lemmy.graz.social/site_inbox", private_key: null, public_key: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAplv3adnISRVtQPI7mnyk\nGj/IQNW7/tfHrfdaz4X9oAQ+XvvEyy71yoGzF8QTojRDSNWK4/zQkQmSf44nBE/P\n4JaHe7+9GLgk1jrH5pGRuAAGKrjb4yOmQgJZpcC4LHInhIjvc7vcgtb6e9t40Mzb\nu1UaXC9pNy2kDbqCl5pN7OijZv17oqP9NiOEn/w9CnlFq/dFCoFraugADa8iVcbA\npKqVXS8jv+P6MmdH/UD5XoMA44ecGoDs0+7MTGv0tyi0KakCIsN/GEgt/XizeGMh\nfmwqtPxIVA/RETetpXZLcEOAmc91Bq6zAvexeTRc/sg2cQnjhu1uW8Sbe6xorZ08\nYwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", + instance_id: 62, + }, + local_site: { + id: 1, + site_id: 1, + site_setup: true, + enable_downvotes: false, + enable_nsfw: false, + community_creation_admin_only: false, + require_email_verification: true, + application_question: + "Um zu überprüfen, dass du ein Mensch bist, erkläre bitte, warum du ein Konto auf dieser Plattform erstellen möchtest.", + private_instance: false, default_theme: "browser", + default_post_listing_type: "All", + legal_information: "https://graz.social/about/more", + hide_modlog_mod_names: true, + application_email_admins: false, + slur_filter_regex: null, + actor_name_max_length: 20, + federation_enabled: true, + federation_debug: false, + federation_worker_count: 64, + captcha_enabled: false, + captcha_difficulty: "medium", + registration_mode: "requireapplication", + published: "2022-09-25T08:35:39.034997", + updated: "2022-11-08T18:29:46.628455", + }, + local_site_rate_limit: { + id: 1, + local_site_id: 1, + message: 180, + message_per_second: 60, + post: 6, + post_per_second: 600, + register: 3, + register_per_second: 3600, + image: 6, + image_per_second: 3600, + comment: 6, + comment_per_second: 600, + search: 60, + search_per_second: 600, + published: "2023-02-06T19:43:42.754645", + updated: null, }, counts: { id: 1, @@ -5533,7 +23969,7 @@ export const instance_stats = { communities: 0, users_active_day: 0, users_active_week: 0, - users_active_month: 1, + users_active_month: 0, users_active_half_year: 5, }, }, @@ -5558,6 +23994,7 @@ export const instance_stats = { admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 62, }, counts: { id: 1, @@ -5589,6 +24026,7 @@ export const instance_stats = { admin: true, bot_account: false, ban_expires: null, + instance_id: 62, }, counts: { id: 2, @@ -5600,1308 +24038,1069 @@ export const instance_stats = { }, }, ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "community.xmpp.net", - "feddit.de", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.saar.social", - "lemmy.schuerz.at", - ], - allowed: null, - blocked: [ - "community.hackliberty.org", - "elgiebety.pl", - "eope.xyz", - "exploding-heads.com", - "forum.nobigtech.es", - "freefedifolk.com", - "goldandblack.us.to", - "kenstroller.fedi.bzh", - "legbeard.xyz", - "lem.ph3j.com", - "lemmy.fediverse.jp", - "lemmy.juggler.jp", - "lemmy.mesh.party", - "lemmy.otakufarms.com", - "lemmy.services.coupou.fr", - "lemmy.shrieker.net", - "lemmy.tedomum.net", - "lemmy.vip", - "lemmy.wiredentrypoint.xyz", - "lemider.me", - "lemmygrad.com", - "lemmygrad.ml", - "links.kaputt.cloud", - "lm.korako.me", - "mandacaru.caatinga.digital", - "masr.social", - "tabinezumi.net", - "wolfballs.com", - "a.tide.tk", - "b.tide.tk", - "c.tide.tk", - "dev.narwhal.city", - "lotide.fbxl.net", - "lotide.exopla.net.eu.org", - "narwhal.city", - ], - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 19864, - activeHalfyear: 1097, - activeMonth: 329, - }, - posts: 78154, - comments: 150414, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Lemmy de Kaouenn-noz", - sidebar: - "Les sujets de l'instance : \n+ sciences, \n+ science et société, \n+ biologie, \n+ DIY, BIohacking, Biologie amat⋅eur⋅rice\n+ Tiers-lieux, cultures locales, \n+ informatique et liberté, \n+ éducation populaire\n\nCette instance est ouverte aux personnes désireuses d’interagir.\n\n**Les règles de vivre et de faire ensemble sont décrites [ici](https://wiki.kaouenn-noz.fr/regles_de_vivre_et_de_faire_ensemble)**. L'animation, la modération et l'administration ce cette instance Lemmy utilisent ces règles.\n\nPour [Conditions Générales de la Contribution (CGC), CGU, données et confidentialité](https://wiki.kaouenn-noz.fr/cgu), nous travaillons actuellement (08/02/2022) à mettre en compatibilité l'instance Lemmy du Biohackerspace et les autres services fournis par le Biohackerspace Kaouenn Noz.", - published: "2022-02-08T07:55:02.610185", - updated: "2022-02-08T10:00:36.552706", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/pictrs/image/2QHEAbbwQI.jpg", - banner: - "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/pictrs/image/yneeuKf86i.png", - description: "Espace Francophone (fourni par un Biohackerspace)", - community_creation_admin_only: true, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "Sur invitation seulement, ou demande effectuée par courriel.\n\nN'hésitez pas à nous écire.", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/", - last_refreshed_at: "2023-01-22T15:28:22.422424", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwAu2LBKbGETBVfsgbpks\nWvDzVlq9535Ks3QPJZMztzW8HfHYrvaDyc5dFvFZBQHuvQTRuLtHYrB8qEyQhNFk\nxiIUDseA2RY2wtGnAXnYv8qHYwq/RaKBV7TNDMbgWpH4D3NXV6qMYs0925CeGPWv\nZ+66rx3vwA1+9L3KSFI0/b8UkwJBZfKauboK20S2M8EgT1oEOA5bnuCEWfInlZrF\nb2kyxYzIp2cxFEZyxd36duegJw6rEWAw7kv5b/MYmiuU8T/bil8JtplD6YMa7lPG\nOdZsWlpm07wJVnBX9st7fQYT7uwSg0zGWMeahGv+It97pYZWV85ZPOHvGPNx73jh\ndQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 5, - posts: 6, - comments: 6, - communities: 4, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 0, - users_active_month: 0, - users_active_half_year: 0, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "Ewen", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/pictrs/image/xqdyeQMpHs.jpg", - banned: false, - published: "2022-02-08T07:55:02.261093", - updated: "2022-02-09T08:59:54.168719", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/u/Ewen", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/u/Ewen/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 2, - post_count: 2, - post_score: 2, - comment_count: 0, - comment_score: 0, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 6, - name: "xavcc", - display_name: "XavCC", - avatar: - "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/pictrs/image/pK2KFKgRCT.png", - banned: false, - published: "2022-02-08T09:08:18.120658", - updated: "2022-02-08T09:14:36.947525", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/u/xavcc", - bio: "Human Collider .|\n\nBiohacktiviste Indiscipliné\n\nné en 339 ppm de CO2 atmosphérique\n\nUndisciplined Biohackitivist\n\nborn in 339 ppm of atmospheric CO2.", - local: true, - banner: - "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/pictrs/image/TyT0Rco315.jpg", - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/u/xavcc/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 5, - person_id: 6, - post_count: 4, - post_score: 3, - comment_count: 6, - comment_score: 7, - }, - }, - ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.4", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: [ - "kayii.goe.land", - "lemmy.kaouenn-noz.fr", - "lemmy.ml", - "lemmy.tedomum.net", - "mander.xyz", - "todon.eu", - ], - allowed: [ - "lemmy.ml", - "todon.eu", - "kayii.goe.land", - "lemmy.tedomum.net", - ], - blocked: null, - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 23333, - activeHalfyear: 4250, - activeMonth: 1292, - }, - posts: 408977, - comments: 143935, - }, - }, - { - domain: "lemmy.utopify.org", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "lemmy.utopify.org", - sidebar: - "I am testing lemmy to figure out if it could be used to replace a blog or use it for a comment section of blog articles.\n\nOnly good friends and patrons can get an account on this instance, other applications will be declined. \n", - published: "2022-10-12T20:20:27.688928", - updated: "2022-10-13T16:32:02.694381", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: "https://lemmy.utopify.org/pictrs/image/a1bf6e07-066e-455d-9ea0-10b018573710.png", - banner: - "https://lemmy.utopify.org/pictrs/image/887d6436-88d5-4946-8d80-07e12642c859.webp", - description: "Utopia begins with 'U'", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: false, - require_application: true, - application_question: - "**ATTENTION!** Only good friends and patrons can get an account on this instance, other applications will be declined. \n\nPlease give me more information to identify you.", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.utopify.org/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-10-12T20:20:27.687683", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.utopify.org/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvodS60MCTcBmd9cEO/YH\nnCg5XrJ7hp3yh5jNQnJ+i0iT0Q+omlYZ2vL3xl0Vq8UQD6gdCapvjcvZoc+lyxlA\n27S1yZGP8is8PW2wist8T/JnLGaKr6OFmSVGc3MkrouLIrmPJZRow6lKHFwqlfrR\nUC9G0wXFiMI49nVGVM6OW+HfrU3rebjlfnAEzNQT7r0fL/r5zaVRDXGRUSwc41J2\nTn1r+1ZoB5MpXLgo7kmw/OdgmsNNGiNlYSv6TtiUNcysXkif+cM+asWN0phaAtq9\nx2fx3i5haZ/ro76OVR467BmkfFlSCfgpxaIMx4gFabBLgvxMWKcB1JyW9fkRY//z\noQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "nord", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 1, - posts: 0, - comments: 0, - communities: 0, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 0, - users_active_month: 0, - users_active_half_year: 0, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "maxmoon", - display_name: null, - avatar: - "https://lemmy.utopify.org/pictrs/image/29623923-36eb-4743-8102-e84fcdad3f3c.png", - 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description: - "Otaku Farms is a network of Fediverse instances created for the sole purpose of letting individuals express themselves.", - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: false, - application_question: null, - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.otakufarms.com/", - last_refreshed_at: "2023-01-16T23:57:21.051219", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.otakufarms.com/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtRTNeRff5UOJrbGGbvHg\nC84YG4UdU0dJtnKk7RNcfL8E6putpQf+SXld3BC77OsMtklWXj0GEzxCNwfu27HS\nxV/G2phayHL9dbstuOpkDg7n7Gz8sFdwXZX2IAaznhksEh43fvXp9qzXl7IjULN+\n+xmkl58nv7EU3/XZp3ZwTC73rBGVSOFqIXrGp1wv/3sllpqkBz+hL/2qJ5CrTgAJ\n2PPLD/QLuNZQ0kaqd+2SVR4zN4SJrfCecFNLI5t+RgrmdbhrZNUEso371vb16rR2\nbmCr5qyXyS+4zGhdZGi5B1yO+9cgp8GJhwOBHYcydBxh33s05jTcfAXASLGrcb2f\nNwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "darkly", - }, - counts: { - 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private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://read.widerweb.org/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-08-28T22:46:00.076376", - inbox_url: "https://read.widerweb.org/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAzk3c322dTC1kgEM2JFT6\naD7/HCxFRj5/2UBzdJp4GZF4pChArnA7oucS74AFQb8jgNmqZXVHG8HfOBHCIP3n\nXRHRi+LkzyZtuBp1LY5JNDXXKSQinjMjrT6IgKaY3sQewWDKsDoI1W11oN11Vlpm\n6Qal6Jd5Hhzp7ohnGf2DDJsc+ItlF/a3oBp3QQsQOzhgCMC7KfaYvhT8/QIUnHVf\nuAJEzWs27arFlhevWlP6BnvJOHqOQyDt19/cLXSnezRGqRkGnG8q1auIZwBj6iZO\n6CuuxHtAk0npZaxNRq+qjpnef4G7ePTE5u6MY+t861wCQ/p438dNoz+xMehnWpUi\nEQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "darkly", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 9, - posts: 43, - comments: 21, - communities: 1, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 0, - users_active_month: 0, - users_active_half_year: 3, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "trevorflowers", - display_name: "Trevor Flowers", - 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Also, by signing up, you pledge to adhere to our [Code of Conduct](https://darcy.is/code-of-conduct/).", - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-11-23T18:01:11.037707", - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA15VNDEDALmfm8P6KWdPB\nlHZAfK2Atcq6R4XxjkgBPY++S7HJ+3vI8/Xp3wwE3nlKkaq31faZwtWOmxwa1nKz\nmRMOyAcFonsTuZ2AmRDpDpO/ePggyXCGdfWKipkY1aJ5QiBuggKmyrrhfcsqckZJ\nmh1giWVua9M0MbptiX4y70Q1XP2RQDEV9O6QgObucMIVj3ewV67Yy/I+WblTPxWD\neVhrygg6OC6OFNha5/SAX/pYF9dFxsSqy1N12FXy4QtICAyB7AqOUHv2Hsws74ck\nB/KtZfByON9CRYHqI8om16s2UVvnwBVdP6OBEIGkP118lyCvPfSNnKHNDuKeqeyS\nFQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "browser", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 21, - posts: 21, - comments: 5, - communities: 4, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 0, - users_active_month: 0, - users_active_half_year: 5, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 34, - name: "admin", - display_name: null, - avatar: null, - banned: false, - published: "2022-11-23T18:01:10.691890", - updated: "2022-11-27T16:03:26.314878", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/u/admin", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/u/admin/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/inbox", - matrix_user_id: null, - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - person_id: 34, - post_count: 1, - post_score: 0, - comment_count: 0, - comment_score: 0, - }, - }, - { - person: { - id: 67, - name: "JollyOrc", - display_name: "Christian Buggedei", - avatar: - "https://lemmy.darcy.social/pictrs/image/61130bbf-b71d-4ccf-957f-5eae9148656b.png", - banned: false, - published: "2022-11-24T08:16:03.135392", - updated: "2022-11-27T12:53:37.931171", - actor_id: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/u/JollyOrc", - bio: null, - local: true, - banner: null, - deleted: false, - inbox_url: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/u/JollyOrc/inbox", - shared_inbox_url: "https://lemmy.darcy.social/inbox", - matrix_user_id: "@jollyorc:matrix.org", - admin: true, - bot_account: false, - ban_expires: null, - }, - counts: { - id: 34, - person_id: 67, - post_count: 16, - post_score: 14, - comment_count: 3, - comment_score: 3, - }, - }, - ], - online: 0, - version: "0.16.7", - my_user: null, - federated_instances: { - linked: ["fediverse.ro", "lemmy.ml"], - allowed: null, - blocked: [ - ".activitypub-troll.cf,", - ".misskey-forkbomb.cf,", - ".repl.co,", - ".activitypub-proxy.cf", - ], - }, - }, - federated_counts: { - users: { - total: 18840, - activeHalfyear: 893, - activeMonth: 296, - }, - posts: 72646, - comments: 142647, - }, - }, - { - domain: "stammtisch.hallertau.social", - site_info: { - site_view: { - site: { - id: 1, - name: "Stammtisch", - sidebar: - "Der dezentrale Stammtisch für die Hallertau auf Basis von lemmy.ml.\n\nRegeln\n\nSeids nett zueinander, gell?! Wer se ned zu benehmen weiß, fliegt. Ganz einfach. Aufbassn, wos du do schreibst.\n\nMia wuin koan Rassismus, koa Gewalt, koan Hass, koan Porn, Werbung höchstens für hayfidelity, Herbstschild, hayretic oder Hallertau.Social und reissts eich bitte zam, wenns Richtung Verschwörungstheorien gäd. Mia kennan gern drüber redn, oba ned überdreibn bidsche. Immer schee locker bleibn.", - published: "2021-01-18T11:00:26.709474", - updated: "2022-03-19T17:38:44.436486", - enable_downvotes: true, - open_registration: true, - enable_nsfw: true, - icon: null, - banner: - "https://stammtisch.hallertau.social/pictrs/image/TbUbi4vFwZ.jpg", - description: null, - community_creation_admin_only: false, - require_email_verification: true, - require_application: true, - application_question: null, - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://stammtisch.hallertau.social/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-08-02T11:38:28.486689", - inbox_url: "https://stammtisch.hallertau.social/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC 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receive an "accepted" email so check back soon)', - private_instance: false, - actor_id: "https://gtio.io/", - last_refreshed_at: "2022-09-01T20:21:04.700065", - inbox_url: "https://gtio.io/site_inbox", - private_key: null, - public_key: - "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA6NBePP92jTgJdGtGpNBx\nHYSM/8nU0KebvunXCdIzCU6d7Rj2AC3ayKonXMg6jf/wYnPD2k9ID6UbtCaZcLL0\nrbobbUOLY+qKe91FQXM0fvgBgpLkn0rz/0pyRDK3s68UO1ruW/6GZp+e/phBSqiN\n2tv0X581z2agJd0Els6hAOqDYvt4iiKaPiuAFtNDMSIGVMg+Y6S27OaVVymJq62r\nNqO7m3OEjpady55cCY+qjI02PZu1rClv6TODKDlcoOdziTdiBdAYBuiXPqUF8vEF\nlvbZneBXQajLuVAfYANe7+t1igv/QLKk4fETMAIoTRPrwZ6MWZGqTd7nhSv3Slkx\nBQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", - default_theme: "darkly", - }, - counts: { - id: 1, - site_id: 1, - users: 33, - posts: 24, - comments: 159, - communities: 6, - users_active_day: 0, - users_active_week: 0, - users_active_month: 0, - users_active_half_year: 0, - }, - }, - admins: [ - { - person: { - id: 2, - name: "BigWilly", 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+ id: 103, + code: "mk", + name: "македонски јазик", + }, + { + id: 104, + code: "ml", + name: "മലയാളം", + }, + { + id: 105, + code: "mn", + name: "Монгол хэл", + }, + { + id: 106, + code: "mr", + name: "मराठी", + }, + { + id: 107, + code: "ms", + name: "Bahasa Melayu", + }, + { + id: 108, + code: "mt", + name: "Malti", + }, + { + id: 109, + code: "my", + name: "ဗမာစာ", + }, + { + id: 110, + code: "na", + name: "Dorerin Naoero", + }, + { + id: 111, + code: "nb", + name: "Norsk bokmål", + }, + { + id: 112, + code: "nd", + name: "isiNdebele", + }, + { + id: 113, + code: "ne", + name: "नेपाली", + }, + { + id: 114, + code: "ng", + name: "Owambo", + }, + { + id: 115, + code: "nl", + name: "Nederlands", + }, + { + id: 116, + code: "nn", + name: "Norsk nynorsk", + }, + { + id: 117, + code: "no", + name: "Norsk", + }, + { + id: 118, + code: "nr", + name: "isiNdebele", + }, + { + id: 119, + code: "nv", + name: "Diné bizaad", + }, + { + id: 120, + code: "ny", + name: "chiCheŵa", + }, + { + id: 121, + code: "oc", + name: "occitan", + }, + { + id: 122, + code: "oj", + name: "ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ", + }, + { + id: 123, + code: "om", + name: "Afaan Oromoo", + }, + { + id: 124, + code: "or", + name: "ଓଡ଼ିଆ", + }, + { + id: 125, + code: "os", + name: "ирон æвзаг", + }, + { + id: 126, + code: "pa", + name: "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ", + }, + { + id: 127, + code: "pi", + name: "पाऴि", + }, + { + id: 128, + code: "pl", + name: "Polski", + }, + { + id: 129, + code: "ps", + name: "پښتو", + }, + { + id: 130, + code: "pt", + name: "Português", + }, + { + id: 131, + code: "qu", + name: "Runa Simi", + }, + { + id: 132, + code: "rm", + name: "rumantsch grischun", + }, + { + id: 133, + code: "rn", + name: "Ikirundi", + }, + { + id: 134, + code: "ro", + name: "Română", + }, + { + id: 135, + code: "ru", + name: "Русский", + }, + { + id: 136, + code: "rw", + name: "Ikinyarwanda", + }, + { + id: 137, + code: "sa", + name: "संस्कृतम्", + }, + { + id: 138, + code: "sc", + name: "sardu", + }, + { + id: 139, + code: "sd", + name: "सिन्धी", + }, + { + id: 140, + code: "se", + name: "Davvisámegiella", + }, + { + id: 141, + code: "sg", + name: "yângâ tî sängö", + }, + { + id: 142, + code: "si", + name: "සිංහල", + }, + { + id: 143, + code: "sk", + name: "slovenčina", + }, + { + id: 144, + code: "sl", + name: "slovenščina", + }, + { + id: 145, + code: "sm", + name: "gagana fa'a Samoa", + }, + { + id: 146, + code: "sn", + name: "chiShona", + }, + { + id: 147, + code: "so", + name: "Soomaaliga", + }, + { + id: 148, + code: "sq", + name: "Shqip", + }, + { + id: 149, + code: "sr", + name: "српски језик", + }, + { + id: 150, + code: "ss", + name: "SiSwati", + }, + { + id: 151, + code: "st", + name: "Sesotho", + }, + { + id: 152, + code: "su", + name: "Basa Sunda", + }, + { + id: 153, + code: "sv", + name: "Svenska", + }, + { + id: 154, + code: "sw", + name: "Kiswahili", + }, + { + id: 155, + code: "ta", + name: "தமிழ்", + }, + { + id: 156, + code: "te", + name: "తెలుగు", + }, + { + id: 157, + code: "tg", + name: "тоҷикӣ", + }, + { + id: 158, + code: "th", + name: "ไทย", + }, + { + id: 159, + code: "ti", + name: "ትግርኛ", + }, + { + id: 160, + code: "tk", + name: "Türkmençe", + }, + { + id: 161, + code: "tl", + name: "Wikang Tagalog", + }, + { + id: 162, + code: "tn", + name: "Setswana", + }, + { + id: 163, + code: "to", + name: "faka Tonga", + }, + { + id: 164, + code: "tr", + name: "Türkçe", + }, + { + id: 165, + code: "ts", + name: "Xitsonga", + }, + { + id: 166, + code: "tt", + name: "татар теле", + }, + { + id: 167, + code: "tw", + name: "Twi", + }, + { + id: 168, + code: "ty", + name: "Reo Tahiti", + }, + { + id: 169, + code: "ug", + name: "ئۇيغۇرچە‎", + }, + { + id: 170, + code: "uk", + name: "Українська", + }, + { + id: 171, + code: "ur", + name: "اردو", + }, + { + id: 172, + code: "uz", + name: "Ўзбек", + }, + { + id: 173, + code: "ve", + name: "Tshivenḓa", + }, + { + id: 174, + code: "vi", + name: "Tiếng Việt", + }, + { + id: 175, + code: "vo", + name: "Volapük", + }, + { + id: 176, + code: "wa", + name: "walon", + }, + { + id: 177, + code: "wo", + name: "Wollof", + }, + { + id: 178, + code: "xh", + name: "isiXhosa", + }, + { + id: 179, + code: "yi", + name: "ייִדיש", + }, + { + id: 180, + code: "yo", + name: "Yorùbá", + }, + { + id: 181, + code: "za", + name: "Saɯ cueŋƅ", + }, + { + id: 182, + code: "zh", + name: "中文", + }, + { + id: 183, + code: "zu", + name: "isiZulu", + }, + ], + discussion_languages: [ + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, + 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, + 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, + 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, + 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, + 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, + 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, + 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, + 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, + 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, + 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, + 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, + 181, 182, 183, + ], + taglines: null, }, federated_counts: { users: { - total: 20358, - activeHalfyear: 1071, - activeMonth: 368, + total: 1787133, + activeHalfyear: 1109165, + activeMonth: 382474, }, - posts: 78525, - comments: 150112, + posts: 78917060, + comments: 54426, }, }, ],